About where you live.

I don't know what stupid shit the troll ILA posted, but that is an incorrect statement.

Although HIV can lead to AIDS, with today's treatments it increasingly does not. A person can live a full life being HIV+ with no symptoms of AIDS.

It's a dig at Taicheeze, like posting 1/3 is to Dixie. He read some bunk claiming that AIDS is not a product of HIV, and that the medical field has not sufficiently proven the link, and now he swears by it.
It's a dig at Taicheeze, like posting 1/3 is to Dixie. He read some bunk claiming that AIDS is not a product of HIV, and that the medical field has not sufficiently proven the link, and now he swears by it.

I don't expect ignorance from liberals on here, but it's becoming more and more apparent with a few of them.
Yeah you and your queer buddies should be in blended knee thanking the pharmaceutical industry. Any other country an your ass would be dead. Talk about irony.

Wellllll....that's a half truth....who provided the funding for all of that research? Oh yeah....American taxpayers and private donations. The scientists? Yes...they do a great job....but pharmaceutical companies are fucking snakes.
Wellllll....that's a half truth....who provided the funding for all of that research? Oh yeah....American taxpayers and private donations. The scientists? Yes...they do a great job....but pharmaceutical companies are fucking snakes.
Until you need the live saving medicine,
College much?
Until you need the live saving medicine,
College much?

Fuck you...brain much? What do other countries pay for the same fucking life saving medicine? We finance their research. Then they gouge the fuck out of us and sell their formula on the cheap to everywhere else.

Guess all that college didn't make you any smarter.... just more pompous.
Wellllll....that's a half truth....who provided the funding for all of that research? Oh yeah....American taxpayers and private donations. The scientists? Yes...they do a great job....but pharmaceutical companies are fucking snakes.

complete bullshit. you don't know what you are talking about. government does fund basic science research at public universities. they do not fund pharmaceutical research when it comes to commercialization of a product. that is a myth that has been perpetuated for years. but you are free to believe it.

bottom line is that without Pharma there would be a lot fewer queers.
Fuck you...brain much? What do other countries pay for the same fucking life saving medicine? We finance their research. Then they gouge the fuck out of us and sell their formula on the cheap to everywhere else.

Guess all that college didn't make you any smarter.... just more pompous.

You are partly correct. Yes, it is true that other countries pay for the production costs and the United States subsidizes the development costs of a product. That has more to do with socialism in those countries than anything else. Do I agree with it? No. But, it is what it is. If you are a drug company do you sell ZERO to Germany or get what you can get? Pharma has chosen to get what they can get.

Now bear in mind that the citizens of those countries pay a cost from the standpoint of not having access to cutting edge medications. But, apparently they are OK with it.

You and your uneducated ilk want to replicate that here with your price controls. The only net effect of that will be a reduction of research and needless suffering.
And why wouldn't they call todays China their homeland, thats where they came from.....pinhead.

Really? Do your homework regarding the Kenniwick Man and then get back to me, you willfully ignorant lout. And READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, so you'll understand what I'm talking about.
Actually....it's theorized that the indigenous American people came from Asia across the Bering Strait. So....if you want to get technical....America wouldn't be their homeland either.

I have no problem calling America my homeland. I was born here...so it is the land of my home.

I truly wish that the Europeans that came here would have learned to live in harmony with the people that were here first. But those guys were conquerors...they lived for wealth and power... they didn't give a shit who they steamrolled to get it. The indigenous people...other than tribal battles, were pretty harmonious people....and we fucked them six ways to Sunday.

That "logic" is flawed.....do some research regarding the Kenniwick Man and you'll see my point. Also, it's truly absurd to say that people who inhabited an area for over a thousand years are on par with some immigrants who've been here less than half that time.

See, we are the United States...but we are still divided....hell, some people are still bitching about the Civil War. So "homeland", which refers to homogenous countries like in Europe and Asia, does not apply to a nation of immigrants like us.
Fuck you...brain much? What do other countries pay for the same fucking life saving medicine? We finance their research. Then they gouge the fuck out of us and sell their formula on the cheap to everywhere else.

Guess all that college didn't make you any smarter.... just more pompous.
Your as ignorant a fuck as their is on the board.
Don't take the medicine asshole
Your as ignorant a fuck as their is on the board.
Don't take the medicine asshole

Aaahhh....so you're happy that they fuck us over twice? And you call me ignorant? Fuck you....I bet you're not even educated....you're a dumb fucking hick poser.
Really? Then who (or whom) are you claiming "migrated" to what is now North America? Where and when did they come? And even if we went by your criteria, the Native Americans would STILL have claim that supercedes the European.

Well, the Indians as we know them today most likely originated from the Altai mountains in Asia. When is around....oh 15,000 years ago, maybe earlier.
You are partly correct. Yes, it is true that other countries pay for the production costs and the United States subsidizes the development costs of a product. That has more to do with socialism in those countries than anything else. Do I agree with it? No. But, it is what it is. If you are a drug company do you sell ZERO to Germany or get what you can get? Pharma has chosen to get what they can get.

Now bear in mind that the citizens of those countries pay a cost from the standpoint of not having access to cutting edge medications. But, apparently they are OK with it.

You and your uneducated ilk want to replicate that here with your price controls. The only net effect of that will be a reduction of research and needless suffering.

Right...that's why the German Healthcare system kicks our asses.
***channels one's inner hippy***

I suppose, technically, each current land mass was originally one huge land mass so, like, we're all one or something, yeah.

technically we all immigrated at one point from Africa... so none of us has a 'homeland' by Taichi's standards.