ACB hearings - Watching now

This is Turd Dumbo watching the hearing.

Poor triggered Tard Boy. Doing what you do best eh Tard Boy? Bitching, crying and thread trolling. Be less dishonest and stupid.

DEMOCRATS on the Senate Judiciary Committee repeatedly violated the “Biden rule” on Monday, which is that potential Supreme Court justices should not be required to comment on cases that might come before them once they are confirmed.

The “rule” was established by then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), who chaired the committee during the conformation hearings of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during 1993.

As former Attorney General Edwin Meese wrote in 2005: "When Sen. Joseph Biden chaired confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1993, he established certain rules for questioning nominees — rules that some of his fellow DEMOCRATS seem to have conveniently forgotten. Ginsburg, while a smart lawyer, had been a radical activist. Her record as an ACLU litigator placed her far outside the mainstream of American law. She had argued for legalizing prostitution, against separate prisons for men and women, and had speculated that there could be a constitutional right to polygamy".

Some Republican senators wanted to know whether she still held such "extreme views".

On question after question, though, she refused to answer: The Biden rule stipulated that she had no obligation to answer questions about her personal views or on issues that might come before the Court.

Despite her silence, the Senate confirmed Ginsburg, 93-3.

On Monday, during opening statements at the confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill Ginsburg s seat, DEMOCRATS repeatedly referred to Obamacare — a.k.a. the Affordable Care Act — and suggested that she would vote to overturn the statute.

the current case facing the Court, California v. Texas, deals with the constitutionality of Obamacare.

Nevertheless, DEMOCRATS repeatedly raised the case as a reason not to confirm Barrett, saying it would mean that vulnerable people would lose their health care.

Barrett wrote in a law review article in 2017 that the Court erred in its 2012 decision to confirm Obamacare: "Chief Justice Roberts pushed the Affordable Care Act beyond its plausible meaning to save the statute. He construed the penalty imposed on those without health insurance as a tax, which permitted him to sustain the statute as a valid exercise of the taxing power; had he treated the payment as the statute did—as a penalty—he would have had to invalidate the statute as lying beyond Congress’s commerce power".

DEMOCRATS are now throwing aside the “Biden rule” — apparently, in an attempt to help Biden’s presidential campaign — while disregarding the example of Justice Ginsburg, whose memory many have cited in their statements.
The clear majorirty of Americans want the ACA and Roe v Wade kept in place. Trump put her in to destroy those . It leaves the Dems with little choice. If they want to preserve what the people want, they will have to expand the court. The Reds just stole 2 seats , The Dems have to do something. Take your cheating like a good boy.

At one time, the majority of Americans did not want integration.

America is not a majority rule nation. We are a Constitutional Republic and majority rule bows to the rule of law...the Constitution,

No seats were stolen, win the Senate and the presidency and the Democrats can pick the S.C. justices, Nordy.
Of course ACB is going to be confirmed.

And Kaverynaughty will have his way with her. ;)
At one time, the majority of Americans did not want integration.

America is not a majority rule nation. We are a Constitutional Republic and majority rule bows to the rule of law...the Constitution,

No seats were stolen, win the Senate and the presidency and the Democrats can pick the S.C. justices, Nordy.

Poor Nerdberg.
It's hard to watch Patrick Leahy right now. He is coming across as an enfeebled, OLD, demented man who should have retired from political office at least a decade or two ago.

Much like Feinstein who has been in the Senate for far too long and couldn't remember that she was questioning Barret on the second amendment and not Roe.

If anything SCREAMS for term limits these two confused septuagenarians are the prime example and reason to demand we press our representatives to legislate term limits.
Apparently, Amy's nomination isn't about her qualifications OR abortion. Today it is about the ACA. Yes folks, Amy's nomination is about an act that was passed along straight party lines, has never met the lie filled expectations the Party of the Jackass sold us, and whose passage have led to significantly increased costs to Americans.

The other thing I am hearing is this ASSumption that Biden is going to win this election. It seems they are consumed by their own echo chamber and instead of focusing on ACB's qualifications, we are getting political theatrics and political ads.

Someone asked a question about how the confirmation become so politicized; it is because the Democratic Party of the Jackass thinks ALL things are political, even a jurist.
So no link? Why not?
It's hard to watch Patrick Leahy right now. He is coming across as an enfeebled, OLD, demented man who should have retired from political office at least a decade or two ago.

Much like Feinstein who has been in the Senate for far too long and couldn't remember that she was questioning Barret on the second amendment and not Roe.

If anything SCREAMS for term limits these two confused septuagenarians are the prime example and reason to demand we press our representatives to legislate term limits.

There needs to be term limits..if one party that realizes we need that could take the House, Senate, and presidency..that needs to be the 1st thing done.
Term limits NAOW!