Actor bitch-slaps the Right

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Your quarrel is with Poet, not I.

This thread is about Charlie Chaplins eloquent rebuttal of conservatism.

Charlie Chaplin wrote an eloquent rebuttal of fascism. That is what he is speaking out against. While you may be able to find similarities in the context of the speech, they are not the same thing.

And as long as we have such extreme hatred between the left and the right we will spend far more time spinning our wheels and supporting politicians than we will actually accomplishing anything.
Charlie Chaplin wrote an eloquent rebuttal of fascism. That is what he is speaking out against. While you may be able to find similarities in the context of the speech, they are not the same thing. And as long as we have such extreme hatred between the left and the right we will spend far more time spinning our wheels and supporting politicians than we will actually accomplishing anything.

Are you proposing to bring the rival factions together while you sit in your truck?
Are you proposing to bring the rival factions together while you sit in your truck?

I'm proposing we stop tolerating our politicians worrying more thwarting the other side than serving their constituents.
Our current political systems gives a disproportionate voice to the political extremes much to the exasperation of the moderate majority in this nation.

And this, I think, addds to the problem I mentioned. The more extreme factions get the media exposure. So the more moderate views tend to go unnoticed.
I'm proposing we stop tolerating our politicians worrying more thwarting the other side than serving their constituents.
Well, of course, you're talking about "the right". As I recall, in 2010, the right was "gloating" and reveling in the success of The Tea Party, and talking about all that they were going to do, to get their country back. Really? How did that work out?
Well, of course, you're talking about "the right". As I recall, in 2010, the right was "gloating" and reveling in the success of The Tea Party, and talking about all that they were going to do, to get their country back. Really? How did that work out?

Really? So none of the democrats are more focused on arguing with the neocons than they are with serving their constituents?

My point is to look for answers and progress rather than looking for someone on the other side to blame.
Chaplin and the Red Scare

The Red Scare

During the Second World War, Chaplin was to unwittingly start a chain of events that would be the start of his downfall in the US. In 1943, Chaplin was invited by the Russian War Relief to give a speech at an “Arts for Russia” dinner. Naively he accepted and gave an address by the title of “Salute to our Russian ally.” In his speech he praised the Russian soldiers for their bravery and claimed that they “the Communists” were just as human as anyone else. He later recorded the speech at the Soviet consul for subsequent broadcast in Russia.

Following the Second World War, paranoia was whipped up in the American public over the possibility of subversive communists in their midst by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). In 1947, Chaplin was called to account by the media for his communist sympathies during the Second World War. Chaplin refused to change his former position and stated that he still owed his thanks to Russia for its help during the war and did not consider communists to be his enemy. To add further insult to injury, when quizzed about why he had never taken US citizenship and hadn’t declared himself a “patriot,” he explained that he considered himself to be merely a “paying guest” and a “man without a country.” The media were outraged and the Los Angeles Herald Express demanded that Chaplin be taken at his word and denied residency in the US.

Later that same year, the Representative for Mississippi, who was also a member of the HUAC, told the House:

I am here today demanding that Attorney-General Tom Clark institute proceedings to deport Charlie Chaplin. He has refused to become an American citizen. His very life in Hollywood is detrimental to the moral fabric of America. In that way he can be kept off the American screen, and his loathsome pictures can be kept from before the eyes of the American youth. He should be deported and gotten rid of at once.

One month later, the newspapers learned from Representative Thomas that HUAC now intended to issue a subpoena requiring Chaplin to testify before them. Chaplin did not wait for the subpoena but sent a reply by telegram to Thomas:

From your publicity I note that I am to be quizzed by the House Un-American Activities Committee in Washington in September. I understand I am to be your single ‘guest’ at the expense of the taxpayers. Forgive me for this premature acceptance of your headline’s newspaper invitation. You have been quoted as saying you wish to ask me if I am a Communist. You sojourned for ten days in Hollywood not long ago…and could have asked me the question at that time, effecting something of an economy, or you could telephone me now—collect…While you are preparing your engraved subpoena I will give you a hint on where I stand. I am not a Communist. I am a peacemonger.

In an atmosphere of growing fear, some of Chaplin’s best friends in Hollywood felt that he should shut up and not make unnecessary enemies. However, Chaplin always maintained that, “A democracy is a place where you can express your ideas freely—or it isn’t a democracy.” In the opinion of his son Charles, “He always felt he belonged here in America, with its promise of freedom in thought and belief and its emphasis on the importance of the individual.” Chaplin later described how he imagined he would behave if he were called before the Committee:

I’d have turned up in my tramp outfit— baggy pants, bowler hat and cane—and when I was questioned I’d have used all sorts of comic business to make a laughing stock of the inquisitors. I almost wish I could have testified—if I had, the whole Un-American Activities thing would have been laughed out of existence in front of the millions of viewers who watched the interrogations on TV.

It is tempting to speculate that this could have well turned out to have been one of the greatest and most memorable performances of his life.

However, in reality he was subpoenaed three times and each time the date was postponed until eventually he received a surprisingly courteous reply to his telegram, saying (without any given reason) that his appearance would not be necessary and that he could consider the matter closed.
Oddly, there were quite a few democrats involved in the anti-communism work by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
Oddly, there were quite a few democrats involved in the anti-communism work by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

Oddly? Why is being anti communism in a pro capitalistic society odd? I would think it would have been something that was jointly abhorred politically. In current times however, with communistic leanings being found in far left political circles, I can see why it would be odd now- But that was back when both sides embraced capitalism and class warfare was waged by Marxist sympathizers.
Oddly? Why is being anti communism in a pro capitalistic society odd? I would think it would have been something that was jointly abhorred politically. In current times however, with communistic leanings being found in far left political circles, I can see why it would be odd now- But that was back when both sides embraced capitalism and class warfare was waged by Marxist sympathizers.

I meant odd because of the comparison to current democrats and the way liberals seem to be trying to distance themselves from that portion of their political history.
I meant odd because of the comparison to current democrats and the way liberals seem to be trying to distance themselves from that portion of their political history.

You mean all the segregationists that were democrats? Though few openly embrace communistic ideology- many now do. Then it was not embraced at all by democrats. The OWS may not all articulate a pure Marxist position- but they do Marx justice with their demands.
Really? So none of the democrats are more focused on arguing with the neocons than they are with serving their constituents?

My point is to look for answers and progress rather than looking for someone on the other side to blame.

In my estimation, the only ones serving their constituents are the Democrats. Blame? Why would anyone be blaming the Democrats, when it's the Repubs that have passed on the jobs bill, blocked cabinet posts being filled, threatening to fail to raise the debt ceiling if slashed aren't made in programs benefiting the middle and lower class, while preserving tax cuts for the rich. Blame? It's clear who is to blame.
I meant odd because of the comparison to current democrats and the way liberals seem to be trying to distance themselves from that portion of their political history.

Really? Why don't you elaborate, specifically on "that portion of their political history"? Whatever do you mean?
You mean all the segregationists that were democrats? Though few openly embrace communistic ideology- many now do. Then it was not embraced at all by democrats. The OWS may not all articulate a pure Marxist position- but they do Marx justice with their demands.

Really? And where did they all go, but right into the open arms of the Republican Party (in the late 60's and early 70's) , where they carved out a niche, that eventually surfaced in the form of The Tea Party,. the extremist right wing of the already right Republican Party. Don't play.
Not that I am aware of. He made enemies with the fascist but to equate all those on the political right as fascist would be a strawman.

He was exiled to Europe during the McCarthy era for being a suspected communist.

But Chaplin's success did not please everyone. Despite his immense popularity with the general public, he was under close watch by the justice for his leftist political activities. The witch hunt climate of postwar America, aggravated by the political putsch organized by Stalin's agents in several Central European countries, rendered any liberal political beliefs suspect and anti-American in the eyes of the Republican government.
In 1952, Chaplin and his family went to London to promote his new film, Limelight. The anti-Communist commission headed by Senator Joseph McCarthy jumped at the opportunity to cancel Chaplin's visa and forbade him from returning to American soil. Protest as he might, the actor's visa was not reissued and the Chaplin family began their search for a land of asylum.
"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" (old chinese saying)

Quoting proverbs from a currently-Communist nation?

Perhaps you aren't a loyal American. Conservatives might question your patriotism.