Guns Guns Guns
It's funny how today's rightwing conservatives are still eager to tar anyone who dares question their love affair with the rich with the Marxist/Socialist brush.
It's funny how today's rightwing conservatives are still eager to tar anyone who dares question their love affair with the rich with the Marxist/Socialist brush.
Please like anyone up in this bitch is even remotely rich....wishful thinking, is all that it is. Posing and posturing.
Quoting proverbs from a currently-Communist nation?
Perhaps you aren't a loyal American. Conservatives might question your patriotism.
Postiing quotes that fit. It beats hiding, refusing to answer questions and trolling.
Topspin/Dude wants to bet that he can prove he's rich and has an MBA.
Dixie claims to be a multimillionaire.
Don't you believe 'em?
Baby boom. Folks with good jobs and making big money, don't have time to waste up in this bitch, talking to retards and the mentally disturbed.
Are you saying they are liars?
Everyday, but then, why are you trying to stir up shit?
Who does that?
Who says I am?
I think it fiits you quite well. If the minor typo renders the message unreadable, I can repost it for you.
Please. It's what you do best. Duh.
Fortunately, I don't much care what you think. Want to try again with facts?
You are hiding behind a computer and not revealing anything of yourself. You have offered no info about yourself.
You refuse to answer questions.
Your trolling has become a joke on this forum.
What part of any of that is not factual?
You are hiding behind a computer and not revealing anything of yourself. You have offered no info about yourself. You refuse to answer questions. Your trolling has become a joke on this forum. What part of any of that is not factual?
You don't need to add 'duh' to your comments to convince anyone you're stupid, Poet.
What part(s) are you prepared to substantiate?
He is like the Wizard of Oz, if you pull the curtain back then there is only a little man behind it.