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Yeah, but if that one guy had not had any guns....
After viewing road rage so often in Tampa FL I am glad everyone did not have guns. A mixed bag for sure.
I was being sardonic mate. I think the gun culture in the US is sheer lunacy and the arguments used to support it (as I put above) are so weak it amazes me.

RKBA is there so little men can feel big with their huge guns...
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Oh I have seen the exact same argument on several boards over here. If all those students had guns...Yep with hormone raging teens packing guns the annual total in VA Tech would be far higher than 32 deaths by gunfire.
I am pro responsible gun ownership, but the gun nuts are another matter.
After all we must all have guns to protect ourselves from the evil faeries....
Imagine Brent packing iron....
Yep with hormone raging teens packing guns the annual total in VA Tech would be far higher than 32 deaths by gunfire.

Exactly. And all it takes is one student to lose the plot and start shooting and then every teenager will open up.. It's lunacy. You'd end up with the whole school dead.

I have no problems with those who live in the countryside owning shotguns / rifles for hunting (provided they are licenced and held securely) but handguns aren't for hunting. They are for killing people.

The notion that a population armed with handguns could deter a government seriously underestimates the firepower of even the weakest military.

There is no reason for people to own handguns (outside the military and armed police units) except ego pampering.
I don't know. Everyone wants to talk about guns. And I don't think we should have the kind of guns that can do what that guy did yesterday. And I think the assault gun ban should not have been allowed to expire. But frankly, I don't know shit from shinola about guns, and if you make one mistake a gun lover will jump in and say "hmmmmmmm. yet, that ban would not have stopped yesterday's masacre because he used a 1346.156 and the ban only banned the 1346.157! Dummy! you should find out the facts before you go on one of your knee-jerk gun-grabbing rampages" And they will think they have proved some point.

What I really wonder about is the culture that produces such people as this young man, and produces them quite regularly. And it is that same culture that produces gun-worshippers, and violence, and mass murderers. And installs leaders who worship violence and the killing of innocents, and who start wars.

Everyone wants someone to blame, and we'd all like to blame the guy who did it. But he's dead, and we can't kill him twice, though many of us would like to. So everyone will blame whoever we can, without ever once looking into the mirror, and wondering if there is any blame there.
I don't know. Everyone wants to talk about guns. And I don't think we should have the kind of guns that can do what that guy did yesterday. And I think the assault gun ban should not have been allowed to expire. But frankly, I don't know shit from shinola about guns, and if you make one mistake a gun lover will jump in and say "hmmmmmmm. yet, that ban would not have stopped yesterday's masacre because he used a 1346.156 and the ban only banned the 1346.157! Dummy! you should find out the facts before you go on one of your knee-jerk gun-grabbing rampages" And they will think they have proved some point.

What I really wonder about is the culture that produces such people as this young man, and produces them quite regularly. And it is that same culture that produces gun-worshippers, and violence, and mass murderers. And installs leaders who worship violence and the killing of innocents, and who start wars.

Everyone wants someone to blame, and we'd all like to blame the guy who did it. But he's dead, and we can't kill him twice, though many of us would like to. So everyone will blame whoever we can, without ever once looking into the mirror, and wondering if there is any blame there.
It wasn't our culture that produced this guy. It was the PRC.

This guy wasn't in the US even one year. Even the most sponge-like human cannot absorb all of our culture in that amount of time.
When Israel first started having terrorist attacks at school they created a program where some of the teachers were trained and armed to protect the kids, some of the parents (former military) also were trained and volunteered. It quickly ended such attacks.
It wasn't our culture that produced this guy. It was the PRC.

This guy wasn't in the US even one year. Even the most sponge-like human cannot absorb all of our culture in that amount of time.

That is true. Why did he wait until he was here to commit an act like this Damo? Why didn't he do it there? That's what I'd like to know. Was it simply, the availibility of guns then?
That is true. Why did he wait until he was here to commit an act like this Damo? Why didn't he do it there? That's what I'd like to know. Was it simply, the availibility of guns then?
It might also have been the time the "last straw" came. First we need to know why he did it before we can find that out. Was he trained and brought here? We don't know.

The idea that banning the guns would make it so he can't get them is a bit ridiculous too. At this point you can get them at the street corner much easier than you can get them at a gun shop. Let's find out if he legally purchased these. Let's find out, if we can, his motivation. Let's examine what happened before jumping to solutions. Reactive legislation is often the worst legislation to live with.
You can't blame the PRC the guy was from South Korea.
Hmmm... I heard he was PRC. But either way, you can't say "How does our society produce these people?!!" Throw up your hands and go on a reactive legislative binge the repercussions of which would be felt for generations.
Yeah everything I have learned about this case goes against my assumptions.

I admit I assumed it was a white male I should know better after the beltway sniper incident.
That is true. Why did he wait until he was here to commit an act like this Damo? Why didn't he do it there? That's what I'd like to know. Was it simply, the availibility of guns then?

I was wondering that too. Could this guy have pulled this off in Korea? Have they ever had incidents similar to this in Korea?
I was wondering that too. Could this guy have pulled this off in Korea? Have they ever had incidents similar to this in Korea?
Probably not yet. However a young man was able to pull of something similar in Germany after the Columbine incident. Determination can make almost anything possible.
Probably not yet. However a young man was able to pull of something similar in Germany after the Columbine incident. Determination can make almost anything possible.

I bet handguns are harder to get in south korea.

You know what I'm tired of Damo? That some people always say it's because we're not a homogenous society, that we have more gun violence. This is code for saying that our ethnic diversity (read: minorities) causes gun violence.

I seriously doubt that ethnic background, or skin color, has any inherent causal relationship to gun violence.