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Hopefully we'll find a lot of these things out. What are the gun laws in S Korea, why did he wait till he got here, and even, is there something in his background over there, that we don't know about yet? Because I don't think we would know yet. Though, he did get a student visa, I'd imagine they'd check for that.
Ethnic diversity is not a cause of violence. Ethnic diversity is a cause for institutional racism in a society that creates marginalized and disenfranchised groups. With lack of opportunity and societal access violent crime becomes more acceptable.

Countries like Japan and Korea don't have people who are castaways of society like we do in this country or in latin america.
I bet handguns are harder to get in south korea.

You know what I'm tired of Damo? That some people always say it's because we're not a homogenous society, that we have more gun violence. This is code for saying that our ethnic diversity (read: minorities) causes gun violence.

I seriously doubt that ethnic background, or skin color, has any inherent causal relationship to gun violence.
I have yet to hear this argument from any source that is accepted as an authority on any subjecct.

I, in fact, rarely hear it at all mentioned except as a mention from those on the opposing side of the argument.
Ethnic diversity is not a cause of violence. Ethnic diversity is a cause for institutional racism in a society that creates marginalized and disenfranchised groups. With lack of opportunity and societal access violent crime becomes more acceptable.

Countries like Japan and Korea don't have people who are castaways of society like we do in this country or in latin america.
What? Half-breed children are treated like trash in both of those societies.
I have yet to hear this argument from any source that is accepted as an authority on any subjecct.

I, in fact, rarely hear it at all mentioned except as a mention from those on the opposing side of the argument.

I have yet to hear this argument from any source that is accepted as an authority on any subjecct.

Did you see the movie "Bowling for Columbine".

This was the exact argument, the President of the NRA (Charlton Heston) made in the film.
Ethnic diversity is not a cause of violence. Ethnic diversity is a cause for institutional racism in a society that creates marginalized and disenfranchised groups. With lack of opportunity and societal access violent crime becomes more acceptable.

Countries like Japan and Korea don't have people who are castaways of society like we do in this country or in latin america.

Canada has a significant amount of minorities. They're an immigrant nation just like us. Also, with a significant Native American population.
I have yet to hear this argument from any source that is accepted as an authority on any subjecct.

Did you see the movie "Bowling for Columbine".

This was the exact argument, the President of the NRA (Charlton Heston) made in the film.
He was also an alzheimers patient at that time and was the "former" President of the NRA. It is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Michael Moore trumpeting his "victory" in argument over an alzheimer's patient.

It is disingenuous to assert such a person is an active authority on anything, or that it was the argument he would have asserted when healthy.
What? Half-breed children are treated like trash in both of those societies.

I know that but they make up a very small portion of the population. It is when a large segment of the population is treated this way that we begin to see problems. Look at the UK and their treatment of Muslims and the violent counter-culture it has bred.
Canada has a significant amount of minorities. They're an immigrant nation just like us. Also, with a significant Native American population.

Canada doesn't have a history of segregation in the aftermath of slavery and the creation of ghettoes like we do either.

Are you familiar with how Canada treats its Native Americans? The reservations are not the best places to visit there.

Did you see the movie "Bowling for Columbine".

This was the exact argument, the President of the NRA (Charlton Heston) made in the film.

Heston is cursed with not being a good speaker. His comments are made out to be worse than they really are. What Heston meant was the legacy of racial strife in this nation. Which although can't be claimed as the sole factor is definitely an aggravating one.
It is interesting to note that the African nations that experienced apartheid Zimbabwe and South Africa have the most violent crime.

Did you see the movie "Bowling for Columbine".

This was the exact argument, the President of the NRA (Charlton Heston) made in the film.

Heston is cursed with not being a good speaker. His comments are made out to be worse than they really are. What Heston meant was the legacy of racial strife in this nation. Which although can't be claimed as the sole factor is definitely an aggravating one.

His argument was made even worse by the fact of the disease he was suffering from at that time. It was known and announced, he was leaving the position. Yet Moore chose that moment to come and "debate" him unannounced at his door. Fantastic movie-making, but not such a great "victory" in debate.
He was also an alzheimers patient at that time and was the "former" President of the NRA. It is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Michael Moore trumpeting his "victory" in argument over an alzheimer's patient.

It is disingenuous to assert such a person is an active authority on anything, or that it was the argument he would have asserted when healthy.

Heston didn't resign as president of the NRA until 2003., according to wiki.

Bowling for Columbine was made in 2001-2002. While he was still NRA prez Since Heston used his NRA platform to make some controversial statements, he was fair game. No one put a gun to his head to do the interview.
He was also an alzheimers patient at that time and was the "former" President of the NRA. It is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Michael Moore trumpeting his "victory" in argument over an alzheimer's patient.

It is disingenuous to assert such a person is an active authority on anything, or that it was the argument he would have asserted when healthy.

Well, he also had tape of him when he was healthy, making speeches as the head of the NRA.

As for filming him while he was in an apparent state of alzheimers, I don't think it's disgusting at all. This was a man who yelled out "out of my cold, dead hands" right after columbine so you know, too bad. I thought it was great. I hope that all Presidents of the NRA get alzheimers and we can do the same thing to them.

You want to cry over that being one of the most disgusting things you have ever seen, while I say there can be nothing more disgusting that Heston banging out the red meat for the cheap seats after massacres like this one by yelling out to them "out of my cold, dead hands".

He got some of what was coming to him. We all do you know.
Heston didn't resign as president of the NRA until 2003., according to wiki.

Bowling for Columbine was made in 2001-2002. While he was still NRA prez Since Heston used his NRA platform to make some controversial statements, he was fair game. No one put a gun to his head to do the interview.
He announced his disease and hoped to continue for a while. It was known at the time the movie was made that he was an alzheimer's patient.
Well, he also had tape of him when he was healthy, making speeches as the head of the NRA.

As for filming him while he was in an apparent state of alzheimers, I don't think it's disgusting at all. This was a man who yelled out "out of my cold, dead hands" right after columbine so you know, too bad. I thought it was great. I hope that all Presidents of the NRA get alzheimers and we can do the same thing to them.

You want to cry over that being one of the most disgusting things you have ever seen, while I say there can be nothing more disgusting that Heston banging out the red meat for the cheap seats after massacres like this one by yelling out to them "out of my cold, dead hands".

He got some of what was coming to him. We all do you know.
I'm not "crying". Why must you assert inane statements such as that. Arguing known alzheimer's patients then trumpeting a victory is disgusting no matter who does it.
You want to cry over that being one of the most disgusting things you have ever seen, while I say there can be nothing more disgusting that Heston banging out the red meat for the cheap seats after massacres like this one by yelling out to them "out of my cold, dead hands".

Kind of like the whole "Bowling for Columbine" thing, huh?
He announced his disease and hoped to continue for a while. It was known at the time the movie was made that he was an alzheimer's patient.

Like I said, he was still formally the President of the NRA when Moore filmed the interview.

And Heston went out of his way to use his NRA platform to say and do some controversial things.

He was fair game. Moore didn't force him to do the interview.
What a champion. Heston had pretty much retired to his home. Almost all of his public appearances were canceled. Moore shows up at the door... Yeah. I saw that movie. And I knew that he was sick at the time of the whole debate and Moore's "awesome" victory.