Affirmative Action Physicist Neil Tyson says whites are MONKEYS! - Media cheers!!

I agree. TDaK is a pathetic racist. So why isn't he reprimanded for those racist statements? What's the matter with the forum moderators?
TDak flagrant statements should not be allowed. Who agrees with me?

The board notes your demand for censorship. And don't forget YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action and want whites persecuted just for being white. You can't get more racist than that.
I agree. TDaK is a pathetic racist. So why isn't he reprimanded for those racist statements? What's the matter with the forum moderators?
TDak flagrant statements should not be allowed. Who agrees with me?

No, I cannot agree with censoring anyone, especially an idiot like TDAK.

1) It would reinforce his and other rwnjs' bullshit claims of victimhood and give them a rallying cry.

2) It's better to let everyone see his ugliness and stupidity. It does more good to let him expose what he is.

3) He's fun to laugh at.

4) Censorship is unAmerican.

Fuck TDAK.
HAHAHA. Yes folks, that's what the left calls an "argument''. Even they can see what tyson did is indefensible.

Sonny boy, you and your idiotic premise aren't worth anymore than that.

You've totally twisted his facetious comments he made to make a point, by taking them out of context.

Maybe you think everyone else is too stupid to see that, but we aren't.

It's obvious what you're attempting to do here and as such, just another reason for nobody to take you or your bullshit seriously.

You're a fucking pathetic idiot.
No, I cannot agree with censoring anyone, especially an idiot like TDAK.

1) It would reinforce his and other rwnjs' bullshit claims of victimhood and give them a rallying cry.

2) It's better to let everyone see his ugliness and stupidity. It does more good to let him expose what he is.

3) He's fun to laugh at.

4) Censorship is unAmerican.

Fuck TDAK.

Then why are posters censored for pedophilia statements? Do you have problems with that ban as well?

TDaK has to go. He's a complete MAGA nut job. His racism is extremely offensive.
Then why are posters censored for pedophilia statements? Do you have problems with that ban as well?

TDaK has to go. He's a complete MAGA nut job. His racism is extremely offensive.

That is a completely different issue.

If you can't see that, you're almost as bad as he is.
Then why are posters censored for pedophilia statements? Do you have problems with that ban as well?

TDaK has to go. He's a complete MAGA nut job. His racism is extremely offensive.

How are good people supposed to learn who are the fucking wackos and violent nutjobs if they are all silenced?

Example, how would I (and the FBI) know AssHatZombie is a patsy for a White Supremacist Extremist (WSE) militia if he were not allowed to post his white supremacist desires to murder Jews and African-Americans?

so niggers can take the day off from pretending they can read.
niggers on bottom.
Oh yeah, they're a bunch of jew lawyers who go around intimidating and threatening white people. It's pretty ironic considering their "chosen people of god" attitude regarding themselves. Knowledge is power.

the racial holy war is jews trying to murder white people by weaponizing minorities against them.

I believe they will stop their insane plan on their own.

violence is not necesary.
No, I cannot agree with censoring anyone, especially an idiot like TDAK.

1) It would reinforce his and other rwnjs' bullshit claims of victimhood and give them a rallying cry.

2) It's better to let everyone see his ugliness and stupidity. It does more good to let him expose what he is.

3) He's fun to laugh at.

4) Censorship is unAmerican.

Fuck TDAK.

Now that's stupid. You HAVE to have some censorship or the loons will come here and destroy the board by posting the same thing a thousand times every day. You are such a moron.
How are good people supposed to learn who are the fucking wackos and violent nutjobs if they are all silenced?

Example, how would I (and the FBI) know AssHatZombie is a patsy for a White Supremacist Extremist (WSE) militia if he were not allowed to post his white supremacist desires to murder Jews and African-Americans?


AssHatZombie is another Right Wing Racist infesting this forum. Disgusting.
AssHatZombie is another Right Wing Racist infesting this forum. Disgusting.

I believe STY's "unit" is grooming AHZ to become a patsy or a Lone Wolf terrorist.

Notice that after 9/11, the US targeted the leadership and training camps of Jihadist terrorist groups. The Jihadists turned to social media in hopes of radicalizing lone wolves to commit terrorist attacks. The Tsarnaev brothers bombing the Boston Marathon are one example of such radicalization.

All the WSEs need to do is find people who are already hateful and angry, then push them into action. AHZ would make a good one.