After The Election


Is there anybody here who has been considering calling it a day after the election? I just had this long conversation with Tiana about this.

I've been doing this since January of 02. My life, just as I'm sure all of our lives during that period, has really changed since then.

My business is starting to take off. And I'm tired of Republicans, who I thought much higher of those years ago, but had grown to despise long before I came here. In fact, I actually was able to tolerate a couple of them from here...but generally speaking, I truly can't stand them or what they stand for.

I'm tired of getting angry. I feel like I'd like a break, and enjoy having a sane (& coherent) President for a while, before the right on the national level gains some momentum and tries to impeach him for....well, for getting elected.

Has anyone given any thought to any of this?
Is there anybody here who has been considering calling it a day after the election? I just had this long conversation with Tiana about this.

I've been doing this since January of 02. My life, just as I'm sure all of our lives during that period, has really changed since then.

My business is starting to take off. And I'm tired of Republicans, who I thought much higher of those years ago, but had grown to despise long before I came here. In fact, I actually was able to tolerate a couple of them from here...but generally speaking, I truly can't stand them or what they stand for.

I'm tired of getting angry. I feel like I'd like a break, and enjoy having a sane (& coherent) President for a while, before the right on the national level gains some momentum and tries to impeach him for....well, for getting elected.

Has anyone given any thought to any of this?

I am actually looking forward to the board having more diverse topics after the election.

I may, if anything, take your advice and just post off topic stuff.

It would be a nice change to see actual issues discussed instead of insults thrown back and forth between the two sides of the election.

Or just posting off topic stuff could be enertaining. Find random topics and rant about them.

"Leash laws for Dolphins"!

"How much for that cabbage in the window?"

"Should comfortable shoes cost more?"

"What is your favorite condiment?"

"A good bottle of wine or a new stapler, which would you choose?"
You mean bailing on JPP?

I know what you mean. I could probably do twice as well in used software door-to-door business if I didn't stop to post all the time. And the anger part...yeah, it would be good to give that a break. Some of the things that I experience in the context of this board aren't really healthy. Plus, I'm hoping to feel more positive about things with a President I actually like in the oval office, so should have much less reason to vent.

Regardless, if you & LadyT split, I'm outta here. This place would be too boring. Well, except for watching Dixie's continuing descent into dementia. That will actually be kind of fun.
You mean bailing on JPP?

I know what you mean. I could probably do twice as well in used software door-to-door business if I didn't stop to post all the time. And the anger part...yeah, it would be good to give that a break. Some of the things that I experience in the context of this board aren't really healthy. Plus, I'm hoping to feel more positive about things with a President I actually like in the oval office, so should have much less reason to vent.

Regardless, if you & LadyT split, I'm outta here. This place would be too boring. Well, except for watching Dixie's continuing descent into dementia. That will actually be kind of fun.

Tiana won't, and she is talking me out of it. She did that when I made my big dramatic exit about a month or two back. She just won't leave me alone you know?

But yes, you totally get what I mean. It would be such a relief not to feel like that anymore. You know, a lot of local peace groups are organizing a big anti-obama rally (actually, that's the local greens who are doing it, but they work with us a lot in the movement) at Eisenhower park where Biden is having a pre-debate rally on Wednesday. And my close friend got really kind of, pulled into, being an organizer of the anti-war demonstration that the ivaw and other groups are holding at Hofstra itself both before and during the debate. I'm not going, and she doesn't want to either (but she has to). She was the one who said to me, after the election fine, we can pivot to Afghanistan, but right now I just want to make sure Obama wins because I don't want to feel this anger any more.

that's how I feel. I know that Afghanistan has to be dealt with, but i just want a damned break. I want to celebrate. I want to be happy that the R's are out. I don't want to be angry. Just for a little while, at least. And this board brings a lot of bad feelings out. I don't enjoy having them.
Tiana won't, and she is talking me out of it. She did that when I made my big dramatic exit about a month or two back. She just won't leave me alone you know?

But yes, you totally get what I mean. It would be such a relief not to feel like that anymore. You know, a lot of local peace groups are organizing a big anti-obama rally (actually, that's the local greens who are doing it, but they work with us a lot in the movement) at Eisenhower park where Biden is having a pre-debate rally on Wednesday. And my close friend got really kind of, pulled into, being an organizer of the anti-war demonstration that the ivaw and other groups are holding at Hofstra itself both before and during the debate. I'm not going, and she doesn't want to either (but she has to). She was the one who said to me, after the election fine, we can pivot to Afghanistan, but right now I just want to make sure Obama wins because I don't want to feel this anger any more.

that's how I feel. I know that Afghanistan has to be dealt with, but i just want a damned break. I want to celebrate. I want to be happy that the R's are out. I don't want to be angry. Just for a little while, at least. And this board brings a lot of bad feelings out. I don't enjoy having them.

Granted I have not been on this forum for nearly as long as you three, but I do understand the stresses of being passionate about issues and arguing with fools.

Stick around. Maybe censor yourself a bit and shy away from the topics that inflame you.

Hell, at least drop in out of a morbid sense of curiousity.
I have to admit one of the good things here that can really bring down one's stress level, is skewering, mocking, and laughing at Superfreak. Also, (LOL) Cawacko.
I have to admit one of the good things here that can really bring down one's stress level, is skewering, mocking, and laughing at Superfreak. Also, (LOL) Cawacko.

And where are you going to find willing victims like that? Most people quit fighting after a while.
Is there anybody here who has been considering calling it a day after the election? I just had this long conversation with Tiana about this.

I've been doing this since January of 02. My life, just as I'm sure all of our lives during that period, has really changed since then.

My business is starting to take off. And I'm tired of Republicans, who I thought much higher of those years ago, but had grown to despise long before I came here. In fact, I actually was able to tolerate a couple of them from here...but generally speaking, I truly can't stand them or what they stand for.

I'm tired of getting angry. I feel like I'd like a break, and enjoy having a sane (& coherent) President for a while, before the right on the national level gains some momentum and tries to impeach him for....well, for getting elected.

Has anyone given any thought to any of this?

What election ?
I have to admit one of the good things here that can really bring down one's stress level, is skewering, mocking, and laughing at Superfreak. Also, (LOL) Cawacko.


Seriously, you owe me an apology and a thank you.
I am curious whether my hiatus and announcement that I am done after the election sparked any of this.

I have to say I'm surprised the lefties on here get angry, they usually outnumber rightwingers posts by at least 3 to 1, it's a lot easier to stay calm in debate when you have people backing you up more.
I am curious whether my hiatus and announcement that I am done after the election sparked any of this.

I have to say I'm surprised the lefties on here get angry, they usually outnumber rightwingers posts by at least 3 to 1, it's a lot easier to stay calm in debate when you have people backing you up more.

ROTFLMAO. :lmao:

Just when I think you've hit your peak of narcissism you manage to amaze me.

Wow. You should get some help Dano. The world does not revolve around you and contrary to your delusions of grandeur you are somewhat of a running joke on this board. Get over yourself.
Problems with leadership and politics don't end at after an election. I plan to keep the site going to allow people a place to vent and work to expand knowledge and the basis for their opinions.
Problems with leadership and politics don't end at after an election. I plan to keep the site going to allow people a place to vent and work to expand knowledge and the basis for their opinions.

I ain't going nowhere! :)