A'ight! Who has Bumperstickers?

nahh its only a 100 ticket but wtf in this state they stay 6 years on your insurance. In the past it was ok because they regulated it so the premium spike was small like $40 a year more. But now that they unregulated it it may go up like $150 a year for 6 years. A $1000 penalty for going 12mph over the speed limit on a highway? what do we live in the USSR?
nahh its only a 100 ticket but wtf in this state they stay 6 years on your insurance. In the past it was ok because they regulated it so the premium spike was small like $40 a year more. But now that they unregulated it it may go up like $150 a year for 6 years. A $1000 penalty for going 12mph over the speed limit on a highway? what do we live in the USSR?

You should always plead not guilty to a speeding ticket, or any moving violation. Half the times the cop won’t show, and you get it dismissed, no points. Often, you can plead it down if the cop does show. Don’t listen to them, you’re totally right.
You should always plead not guilty to a speeding ticket, or any moving violation. Half the times the cop won’t show, and you get it dismissed, no points. Often, you can plead it down if the cop does show. Don’t listen to them, you’re totally right.

Well the kick of it is that he pulled over some dude in front of me 2. Not sure how radar units work but seems funny he can pull over 2 people and tag them both with speeding via radar.

That's insane. If you're not at least doing 80 you should not be in the left lane!

Let people pass. That is my hugest pet peeve(sp?) with people on the road. Move over. Its not that hard.

:clink: You are SO right. I don't suffer from road rage, but if I did THIS would be the cause of it.

Yelling out obscenities isn't classified as road rage right?
Well, when I drove in Texas, I thought they were the best drivers in the entire world. The whole pulling over the shoulder and letting people pass is a great idea. I loved it! And even started doing it myself. Good times.

We call that the courtesy law :). When i drive in other states it pisses me off they DON'T have it lol
Tomorrow i go to court for doing 62 in a 50mph stretch of a 2lane highway that is mostly 65mph. the prick pulled over 3 cars at once and said i was on radar. Usually i get a warning but i was coming home in the am (since i wanted to not be driving drunk) from a concert and prob looked more punkish then my normal brooks brothers look.

My tacoma has a pats sticker on one side of the sliding rear window and a sox sticker on the other side but i dont drive it much.

Don't lie chap. You know he probably gave you the ticket for peeing on the side of the road ;)
I never really use the word freeway anyway

Its a cultural preference on the West Coast (or at least in the Pacific NW). We will refer to "I-5" or "I-90," but we almost never use the word "interstate." We say highway or freeway, and generally there is a mental image behind it: one is 35-45mph (usually 45 though), traffic lights and two directions, the other is 60-70mph (usually 60 though), contains little relevant symbology affecting the flow of traffic, and is one direction only.

I refer you to Who Framed Roger Rabbit, when Judge Doom describes this strange new roadway - "they're calling it a 'freeway!" Well, they were in LA, so it makes sense to people like me... Judge Doom eventually got his commupance for his collaboration in the first freeway project, though :cool:

Who's prone to road rage? Check for bumper stickers

Shankar Vedantam
Washington Post
Jun. 17, 2008 12:00 AM

Three horrors await Americans who get behind the wheel of a car for a family road trip this summer: the spiraling price of gas, the usual choruses of "Are we there yet?" and the road rage of fellow drivers.

Divine intervention might be needed for the first two problems, but science has discovered a solution for the third.

Watch out for cars with bumper stickers.

That's the conclusion of a recent study by Colorado State University social psychologist William Szlemko. Drivers of cars with bumper stickers, window decals, personalized license plates and other "territorial markers" not only get mad when someone cuts in their lane or is slow to respond to a changed traffic light, but they are far more likely than those who do not personalize their cars to use their vehicles to express rage by honking, tailgating and other aggressive behavior.

More at link...

One of the reasons everyone seems to be acting like an asshole behind the wheel is that there aren't any facial expressions or communications between us to convey how sorry we were or how we feel about a certain situation. Without that, it just seems like everyone's being rude.


The internet also has a problem with it. It's lessened by the presence of smilies and the fact that we can communicate a little with each other, but still, you see people getting a hell of a lot angrier on the internet than in real life. And it's because of the lack of facial expressions.
Its a cultural preference on the West Coast (or at least in the Pacific NW). We will refer to "I-5" or "I-90," but we almost never use the word "interstate." We say highway or freeway, and generally there is a mental image behind it: one is 35-45mph (usually 45 though), traffic lights and two directions, the other is 60-70mph (usually 60 though), contains little relevant symbology affecting the flow of traffic, and is one direction only.

I refer you to Who Framed Roger Rabbit, when Judge Doom describes this strange new roadway - "they're calling it a 'freeway!" Well, they were in LA, so it makes sense to people like me... Judge Doom eventually got his commupance for his collaboration in the first freeway project, though :cool:

You call a road with a 35 mile an hour speed limit a highway? That's goddamn ridiculous.

We call the state run roads that run at 65 MPH highways, and the federal interstates that run at 70 MPH interstates. We don't use the word freeway that much but whenever it's used it's always in reference to an interstate.

BTW, state governments can set whatever speed limit on interstates they want. In Texas there's one interstate that has an 85 MPH speed limit, and the rest of the state is 80 MPH.
You'd think. One of my little brothers got pulled over for doing 38 or 39 in a 35.

A lot of the township cops around us are pricks.

I think you're right about the 10mph rule though. State troopers don't usually pull you over for doing 10 over.

I'm not sure the cops exist in Mississippi. It's extremely rare to get pulled over for speeding. Maybe if you were doing like 90 MPH, but that's a big if.
In the Seattle area, highways are only 45. Freeways are 60-65 and at some spots along I-5 (WA and OR) it is 70 (60 for truckers).

That's ridiculous. You must be calling something a highway that isn't a highway! There's no way someone would put a 45 MPH highway system all around a system. Fucking crazy.
Oh, I forgot that it’s 65 on the Jersey Turnpike. I think we always have a tendency to do a good ten miles above the limit, and still feel as if we are doing the limit. (and cops don’t pull you over for 10 miles above, at least not here) That was one argument against raising the NY speed limit to 65. Everyone would think that meant you can do 75.


In Europe, 80 MPH (130 KMH) is considered a low speed limit. Americans are so prudish.
Well, I guess it’s true that you can always run into a real psychopath Damo, but face it, you can run into one of those in the mall too. Or in the grocery store. That’s just some really bad luck there.

FTR ,when I have my niece and nephew in the car, I do drive slightly differently. But I dislike having to do so. People are truly crazy, and don’t seem to understand they are driving a lethal weapon. And I am not one of those slow drivers. I do routinely exceed the speed limit. It’s just that I am not a nut. If the kids are in the car, I swallow it. But boy the day is going to come when I am going to kick somebody’s ass for assuming the have the right, to put MY life at risk. I remember when Jack Nicholson got out of his car and smashed the windshield in with a golf club, of the guy who was tailgating him. And he had to pay him money of course. And I always thought, yeah I will bet that just before he got out of his car, Nicholson knew it was going to cost him, and he thought to himself “this is going to be worth every goddamned penny” and you know, I bet it was.

But of course, the guy could have had a gun.

Well, about that, I really just don't know who to take more pleasure out of the suffering of.
That's ridiculous. You must be calling something a highway that isn't a highway! There's no way someone would put a 45 MPH highway system all around a system. Fucking crazy.

Yeah, well, in the Puget Sound area, traffic congestion usually means that 45mph highways are meaningless, and our roads suck. Plus, Seattleites don't know how to drive anyway. But, yeah, between BC and Northern CA, there is no speed limit greater than 70mph (and truckers are limited to 60 or 65 in those areas). Now, if you go east accross the Idaho panhandle to Montana, you get the nice 80mph roads. Having never driven east of the Cascades, I don't know what driving in Eastern WA or the Idaho panhandle is like...
Speed limits are set based on terrain, visibility and traffic. I live on a County Rd, and the speed limit varies between 45 & 55 mph. There is a highway at one end that carries the same speed limits. There are plenty of places that a highway can drop the speed limit to 35. It depends on the locations.