A'ight! Who has Bumperstickers?

Speed limits are set based on terrain, visibility and traffic. I live on a County Rd, and the speed limit varies between 45 & 55 mph. There is a highway at one end that carries the same speed limits. There are plenty of places that a highway can drop the speed limit to 35. It depends on the locations.
It isn't always based on that. The CR nearby my house changes randomly and the cops hang at the change areas and catch people speeding.
Got my ticket thrown out. lol the cop didnt show up. They bring me into room with magistrate and a stand in cop. After introductions and small chat about Celtics the cop reads the notes. Magistrate looks at it and says 62 in a 50 on 146? Isnt thta a 2 lane highway? I interject that he pulled over 2 cars at once and the guy in front of me came from the right lane into the left in front of me moments before we went around the corner where the cop was lasering. Said i didnt know how a laser can get 2 readings that quickly and im quite sure i wasn't going that fast. Magistrate says to cop any note about if he lowered speed on the ticket and cop said no notes and hes usually puts actual speed. I interject that cop is not here to say otherwise. Magistrate says to me how was weather and traffic. I said was clear moderate. then he says well then im throwing this out.
Got my ticket thrown out. lol the cop didnt show up. They bring me into room with magistrate and a stand in cop. After introductions and small chat about Celtics the cop reads the notes. Magistrate looks at it and says 62 in a 50 on 146? Isnt thta a 2 lane highway? I interject that he pulled over 2 cars at once and the guy in front of me came from the right lane into the left in front of me moments before we went around the corner where the cop was lasering. Said i didnt know how a laser can get 2 readings that quickly and im quite sure i wasn't going that fast. Magistrate says to cop any note about if he lowered speed on the ticket and cop said no notes and hes usually puts actual speed. I interject that cop is not here to say otherwise. Magistrate says to me how was weather and traffic. I said was clear moderate. then he says well then im throwing this out.

Good for you Chap! That is the way to do it alright.
yah im pumped didnt care about paying for the ticket. I did care about losing my 20% good driver insurance rate for 6 years.