Yes, corporatism fails too;' it's just another form of socialism.
Redefinition fallacy (capitalism<->socialism, corporation<->socialism).
They like socializing the costs while privatizing the profits,
A corporation is just a way of organizing a business. It is a business. Your redefinition fallacies won't work.
Redefinition fallacies (costs<->socialism, private company<->socialism).
hence why the U.S. has a long history of crime, poverty,
Redefinition fallacies (corporation<->crime, corporation<->poverty).
Now, let's look at crime and poverty, since you brought it up.
The slaves were in poverty. They had nothing. They weren't allowed to even own the cloths on their backs. All of this was supported by DEMOCRATS, who STILL want slavery today.
Crime in the cities today is rampant and out of control because of DEMOCRATS. They have demoralized and defunded the police and they largely quit to work in better places. It is also DEMOCRATS the encouraged the importation of illegal aliens, including many violent criminals, and the drugs, and allow the homeless problem to continue.
Today's cities are like yesterday's plantations.
The Red Chinese get along great with the owners of the big multi-nationals and retailers like Walmart;
Go look again. Most stuff at Walmart is made in America.
they all see eye to eye when it comes to labor racketeering and monopolies, being technocrats.
Right wingers will continue to lose to left wingers
They didn't, you know.
and corporatists as long they insist on screwing over workers and small businesses. They really hate real competition and proles.
Oh THIS again....
Any employee of any company can decide to quit and work for someplace anytime they want to.
Monopolies are naturally unstable. It isn't long before some startup comes along and shoots their kneecaps off with a better or cheaper (or BOTH!) product. Monopolies can ONLY continue to exist with government help (fascism or communism).
EVERY company must compete. EVERY company MUST serve it's customers or go out of business. Running a company is in and of itself service to others. NO company lasts long without customers!