Airplane Watching - anything out of the ordinary with these photos?

Cirrus clouds are 20,000 feet. These planes are around 2 minutes after takeoff, well below 20,000 feet. Could be 1 minute after take off because they are all flying at different speeds. The clouds arent hiding the wings so perhaps my camera is to blame.
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plane 3 (photos 1-5 of 8)
Notice in photos 2,3,4&5 that the wings disappear off the picture, but although the wings are gone in photo 4 the tip of one of the wings is very solid in contrast to the disappeared part. Photo 5 only one wing is disappeared. Then, with photos 6,7&8 the plane appears to be glowing bright, could be a sunlight/camera eye foolery.
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plane 5 (photos 1-5 of 20)
Right quick you can see in that first photo a sort of pinkish spot on the tail of this plane and it continuously grows with each photo. When I was photographing this particular plane it actually shrank into a tiny black bubble that almost disappeared for a split second. Although thats what I saw through the camera the actual photo is almost the whole plane in an envelope of this pink fire. What I saw and what was recorded dont match so thats a brain stumper for you. Photo 13 is where the plane disappeared into a tiny black hole but the camera recorded something different.
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plane 5 (photos 11-15 of 20)
I didnt actually see the pink fire, it showed up in the pictures while I went to the roll to check them out. And when the plane sucked into a tiny black ball on my screen I pressed the shutter button exactly at the same time. It only did that for less than half a second so I wouldve probably missed that chance if my timing wasnt perfect. Unfortunately that wasnt what the picture kept, giving this super pink light instead.