Airplane Watching - anything out of the ordinary with these photos?

Airplane watching Day 4
Not much for seeing on a late sunday evening but I got a few private flyers. Airliners were launching south, away from my viewpoint so there wasnt much to capture. A lot of cloud seeding.

Example of cloud trails.
20190331_170506.jpg 20190331_170916.jpg 20190331_171327.jpg 20190331_171630.jpg
#1 -505pm #2 -509pm #3 -513pm #4 -516pm
See how quick these cloud seeds roll out. In 10 short minutes they resemble real cirrus clouds. Within 20 minutes all the straight lines are gone and you wouldnt even know they were seeded if you werent watching. I imagine they arent filled with harmful ingredients, probably ozone or simple condensed water vapors. Probably used for tuned radar, satellite tech or whatnot. Someone knows.
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20190331_185215.jpg 20190331_185342.jpg SavedImage_20190331_185520_17.jpg
Heres 3 jets. #3 looks like a funny bug eyed fish because the lights flashed on at the exact millisecond I pressed the shutter button.
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What does anything that you are replying with have anything to do with this thread? Youre distracting this thread off subject into something I want nothing to do with. And thats something I realized about you fucktards. Always trying to tarnish other peoples reputation with alluding to things they arent connected to.

@gmoer is blocked
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This next sequence is an example of flying animals crossing between my camera and the aircraft I am photographing. This was actually taken from a digital film and all 4 of these photos happen within a half second of time, so about .125 seconds between each frame.
e1.jpg e2.jpg e3.jpg e4.jpg
And surprise, under a second later another one flies the other direction! This one I think is a bird. Dont know what the other one was, some sort of bug I think.
b1.jpg b2.jpg
Airplane Watching day 5
Very cloudy day, saw quite a lot of cloud seeders so this cloud cover could be primarily caused by them. First thing I saw before any aircraft was a rainbow.

After that it was boring to picture these planes because all of them were sillouhetted and although I could see the colors of the paint on the planes this camera couldn't.
All of these planes are different. None of these planes are the same one.
Capture+_2019-04-01-16-18-10.jpg a2.jpg a3.jpg
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These are geese, always flying in pairs.
Funny thing that it was solid cloud cover but when it started to clear the hole opened up directly above me with a ring like cloud around the hole. Paranormal? Coincidence?

The only anomalous thing was a bright zigzag on the underside of the clouds for a brief quarter second, didnt get a picture. Could be what they call ball lightning. Moved like a fly but obviously wasnt as it was bright with white electric lumination.

Sighting planes hurt my eyes with all the clouds bouncing sunlight around. Like walking out of a dark house into a snow bank.

Last 5 planes
Pictured 32 of them, saw plenty more.
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I bought a new Canon and wanted to try it out, just saw that photo opportunity and went for it.

I was thinking about purchasing a decent camera and trying this. I seem to have a knack at catching sight of aircraft and other phenomena when no one else notices.

It seems rather strange that only on my first day of watching airplanes were their wings disappearing. I wonder.
just out of curiosity, are you by chance a bed ridden quadriplegic living in a room with a glass ceiling........or did you simply choose to do nothing except look for airplanes?.....
just out of curiosity, are you by chance a bed ridden quadriplegic living in a room with a glass ceiling........or did you simply choose to do nothing except look for airplanes?.....

Well, actually, today being my 6th day of intense plane watching and I started doing this 8.5 days ago (thats 204 hours ago) and I went for a total of around 15 hours which is roughly 7 percent of my time since starting, I would say that 93% of my time I do other things but those other things might not be so exciting as watching airplanes with a phone-camm.
Today, day 6 of plane watching had some nice stuff but I got a ton of pictures to sort through and thats the part that sucks.

First passenger plane I thought was uneventful, then when I went through the picture sequence I found a spot near the airplane. These photos were made a half second apart.

Plane 1 (photos 19-21 of 46)
As you can see it just sorta shows up in the picture and I didn't even notice when I took it. It was there and then it wasnt within a fraction of a second. But, since quality is low theres no telling what it could be.

And heres a full original untrimmed photo and a zoomed photo of the anomaly.
Seeing as how blurriness and strength of boldness in the unknown object matches the same qualities of the airplane I would guess that its distance is around the same, in other words, this thing isnt right up next to my camera.
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And once again I find another spot near the tail of plane 3 while it flies directly over me around a minute to two minutes after launch.

plane 3 (photos 4-6 of 48)
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Just like plane 1 I only noticed this dot while sorting through my pictures hours after taking them. Thing is, these dots hadn't showed up like this before, so its a new phenomenon. If this dot isnt a camera malfunction and it really is a physical object near the airplane it cant be all that big.

Heres the close up version.
plane 4 (photos 25-29 of 139)
20190404_133855.jpg 20190404_133855(1).jpg 20190404_133856.jpg 20190404_133856(1).jpg 20190404_133856(2).jpg
Another one of those spots but this time you can see it in 3 photos. These 5 photos are consecutive and taken within 2 seconds about evenly timed about .4 seconds between eachother. As you can see, this dot appears then disappears and has a curved flight path.

This might be a bird but if it is then how did it jump into the picture without going from edge to edge? If this was a bird I should have 7 or 8 photos of it, not 3. With this plane I took a lot photos really fast, thats why I got 139 photos in under 100 seconds.

Thats 3 out of 4 planes and I havent even got to the real good stuff yet.
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