Airplane Watching - anything out of the ordinary with these photos?

plane 5 (photo 4 of 76)
This photo is awesome.

plane 5 (photo 64 of 76)
I think the mystery is solved... the spots are bugs. This looks like a gnat to me.

planes 10 & 11 (photo 10 of 43)
Two planes within one picture.

plane 16 (photo 33 of 39)
Heres another bird that flew right past me about 20 meters in front of my camera.

plane 17 (photo 1 of 41)
Heres that pink light again that I saw a lot of on day 1. This time much more pronounced.
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plane 19 (photo 51 of 56)
So, I already got worked up about this plane because to my eyes it was glowing neon pink and sometimes the camera picks up that glow. I was watching it carefully with my eyes and at the moment I took this particular picture I actually saw a long straight tube looking thing, like a flying pipe segment with no nose or tail, longer than the plane fly past it in the opposite direction to the left of the plane. But, when I looked at the picture there was no long pipe thing, there was this pill looking thing on the right side of the plane. Another example of me seeing one thing and the camera seeing something different.

plane 31
No plane I saw today flew slower than this one. It was flying so slow I thought it wasnt even a real plane and then it got very bright green with a lot of exhaust trailing behind it. My stomach turned when it was glowing brightest. The camera didnt get all that green light but did record the light although it was a lot brighter to my eyes than the camera.
plane 31 (photos 39-42 of 152)
20190404_172225~2.jpg 20190404_172227~2.jpg 20190404_172228~2.jpg 20190404_172230.jpg
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plane 31 (photos 43-45 of 152)
20190404_172231.jpg 20190404_172233.jpg 20190404_172234.jpg 20190404_172235.jpg
The most impressive to see, the camera doesnt really get the whole effect of the brilliant green light.

I imagine this could be some sort of rocket booster but I didnt notice that this aircraft had accelerated at all. It flew very slow.

plane 31 (photo 42) zoomed
Day 7 of airplane watching. (there were more days but I didn't make pictures)
Highlight of plane watching today was the yellow passenger jet. First time I ever saw a yellow passenger jet.
day 7.jpg
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plane 3 (photos 1-5 of 8)
Notice in photos 2,3,4&5 that the wings disappear off the picture, but although the wings are gone in photo 4 the tip of one of the wings is very solid in contrast to the disappeared part. Photo 5 only one wing is disappeared. Then, with photos 6,7&8 the plane appears to be glowing bright, could be a sunlight/camera eye foolery.

A United Airlines flight. I recognize that livery too. Nope, the wings are in all five photos. They have not disappeared.