Airplane Watching - anything out of the ordinary with these photos?

All of the planes since plane 7 have wings in the pictures. There could be some sort of interference with my camera or disappearance is location based, say the plane flies through airspace that is distorted for whatever unknown reason. Etcetera. No way to know without professional opinions.
Day 2 of plane watching
My phone-camm wasn't ready and now I'm regretting that I wasn't photographing these take-offs. Plane 1 launched normally. Clear blue sky, few very high cirrus clouds, sunny day. I could see with my naked eyes another plane beyond this first one at cruising altitude, probably around the height of the clouds. Seeing that higher plane fine with my eyes, wings and all without a zoom, everything seemed normal.

Plane 2 launched, appearing normal too, but then the loud jet engine quit making noise when I turned my eyes away and it wasn't nearly half as far as they are when the sound usually gets too weak to hear. So, I looked back after 1 second to an empty sky. I might be tripping I thought. I damned myself for not picturing that one.

Plane 3 launched normally like plane 1 and the sound of the jet engine ceased at the normal distance and I was able to watch this plane fly off into the deep distance like with plane 1, for a good 45 seconds before the plane was too far to see. Plane 2 was gone and silent in under 20 seconds, a passenger jet like all the others. What happened? Cloaking tech? Beyond supersonic speed? Disguised as a passenger jet but was something else? Is there an unusual quality to the space between the airplane and me? (And do those exhaust trails got anything to do with this?) Did I unknowingly black out for 25 seconds?

And what do you know... this last one disappeared from sight like plane 2 right before my eyes. Could not see this plane flying low in a clear sky 10 seconds after flying directly over me.

I'm not making this up.

And now the sky is 100% clear with no clouds.

6 plane launches since I started watching, 2 of them disappeared from sight too quickly to be normal.

I attribute all of yesterdays photo anomalies to this digital camera. The auto zoom adjustment mechanism can blur the planes so that the sky blue soaks into the colors of the plane. As for the pink colors I don't know the technical reasons for them but they must be a digital camera quality defect. Put your trust in your eyes and film. Digital isn't reliable.
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Plane 14 100% definitely without a doubt disappeared from sight both on camera and in my eyes. It simply disappeared while I continuously tracked the thing visually and within 20 seconds of first sight. I could still hear the jet engines though. I didnt turn my eyes away for a millisecond and the plane simple disappeared. That's 3 out of 14.

I can watch them for over a minute normally and practiced turning my eyes away and trying for a second visual without losing them, even if they are 10 miles away and smaller than a baby cricket in my eyes, so I'm pretty sure now that if I determine that one of these passenger jets disappears that I am not tripping or blacking out.

In addition to these anomalies birds are flying through my line of sight frequently during my photos and only when aiming at the aircraft.
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The wings didn't disappear. It seems to be the way the light was shining on the plane. What kind of camera did you use to take those pictures?

Yes, I figured this out, it is the digital auto zoom on this phone camm that screwed up those photos. Oddly enough today not once did that same discrepancy with wing disappearance happen and the conditions were exactly the same plus I took about 1000 photos today whereas yesterday I took about 100 photos. Funny that it quit happening. Anyways, I blame that on the digitized software.
Today I observed 57 airplanes, most of them were passenger jet airliners, some were high flying air force jets and there were a few odd appearances such as one that looked like a 1950s fighter plane and a couple civilian planes. Heres some of my best captures with passenger jets. These are the ones that were normal and nothing of note out of the ordinary. Just nice pictures. None of these 12 are the same plane, 12 different planes. Those reddish-pink blue ones reflect a ton of light.
I reported here on this board that I saw 3 planes disappear. After that, no more disappeared. Then I accidentally deleted all the pictures of plane 6 except 1, the 2nd plane that I saw disappear. Here is that one remaining photo of this disappearing plane.
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Heres some more of those best photos that I took when the planes were relatively close enough to get something more than pixelation. These are somewhat fainter than that first round. All 9 planes are different planes.

And then here is a great example of how reflective those particular reddish-pink and blue planes are. You can see that in this photo when this plane model reflects enough light my camera cant capture the correct form. Although the reflection of light came up as a blob cluster in this photo, with my eyes I was seeing this plane just fine. In fact, my eyes are better than my camera.

This photo was my favorite. Plane 16. The lighting and angle was just perfect.

Then we've got this plane that came flying fast and low and to my left. I had to spin around quickly to get some pictures. Looks like a 1950s fighter plane to me. I could be wrong, but this plane certainly looks like none of the other ones I saw today.
Plane 28 (photos 3-7)
Now, if anything was an anomaly I would say this high flying jet (probably an Air Force jet) was our best candidate. This plane emitted so much light that it grew to about 25 times its size. I cant say for sure whether it was emitting the light or reflecting it but for example when those reddish-pink and blue airliners reflect tons of light they dont grow in size no matter how far away they are. I thought maybe this plane was shooting some sort of charging laser or something science-fictiony. This plane did this growing light ball thing twice actually but I was quick enough to only capture it doing it once. And to verify that this wasnt my camera playing tricks again I could see this light growing with my naked eyes. And also to note that this light ball on the plane grew larger than what I photographed I just didnt have enough speed or good timing to get the larger phase of the light burst.

20190327_170711.jpg 20190327_170712.jpg 20190327_170713.jpg 20190327_170714.jpg 20190327_170716.jpg

Note: for some reason these photos are upside down. I was probably holding the camera backwards without noticing.

Note: you can rule out that it was a meteor because it didnt burn out and disappear, this was a plane that flew from horizon to horizon (towards the direction of one of the local air force bases) at an even speed and altitude, leaving a double trail of exhaust a quarter mile long. (Estimate)
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These are all different jets leaving exhaust trails behind them at different altitudes. As you can see there isnt a correlation between the size of the jet and the thickness of the exhaust trail. Some jets are a 10th of the width of their exhaust, some are twice as large in width and thickness as their exhaust trail.
Same photos with singular format and enlargement.
20190327_182751.jpg 20190327_182253.jpg 20190327_181812.jpg 20190327_180231.jpg 20190327_180132.jpg
#1 and #3 do appear to be the same jet. If so then this jet did a lap around me and I just assumed that it was a new jet.
Now for my grand finale... plane 14, 3rd plane of the day that I saw disappear. 10 photos. Note that photo 8 and photo 9 were taken at a 1-2 second interval (as all of these photos are taken at 1-2 second intervals, somewhat even) and I was aiming at the same area, with plenty of space for the plane to stay in sight for a good 5 seconds or more before going off the edge of my screen, not moving my position out of sight of the plane, watching with one eye on the camera and one eye on the sky trained on the plane. This plane was there and then it wasnt. I could hear the jet engine continue for another 20 seconds but this plane was nowhere to be found. I actually thought for a split second that I turned my attention away or looked away but my neck was locked in place. Funny how your mind tries to lie to you to make up for something that doesnt make sense. I didnt look away, I didnt move the camera, I didnt mysteriously black out, I was looking directly at this plane the moment it vanished. I took two more pictures although I knew it wasnt there because I was already in a groove of taking pictures and it hadnt fully registered that the plane was nowhere in sight. Thats quite a mouthful but true.

plane 14 (photos 1-5 of 10)
20190327_154429.jpg 20190327_154430.jpg 20190327_154433.jpg 20190327_154434.jpg 20190327_154437.jpg
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plane watching, day 3
So today I went plane watching for under 2 hours with my camera and then went plane watching without it at a separate location. I didn't get anomalous photos but, as these things always happen, I saw a UFO in broad daylight with 2 airplanes near the same coordinate, while the camera was put away. All 3 aircraft were less than half a mile from each other (horizontally) at the nearest. (If I close my pointer finger and thumb in a circle and squint with one eye to see through it all three craft would have fit inside the circle.) One was a passenger jet at less than 2 minutes after launch, the 2nd was a high flying jet with an exhaust trail and the third one looked like a small white spherical square that appeared to be flying nearer the passenger jet than the high flyer. I thought it was an Air Force jet at first because of the small size and steady speed but then it slowed and accelerated erratically as the passenger jet was approaching probably 5000-10000 feet, then the object flew in an un-aerodynamic arc towards the passenger jet, sort of behind it. I got to my feet in excitement and damned myself for not having my camera ready. Then, although this object appeared to be flying above the passenger jet, the thing was acting like it was interested and was flying toward it. Then, while in this arching erratic maneuver it disappeared. I could see the other two aircraft plain as day but the third one was gone. This would be the 2nd UFO I saw since joining this message board. Who was flying it? I imagine some U.S. secret service test pilots. This happened around 5:00-5:30pm in LV NV.

Oh yeah, something anomalous did happen. I watched a passenger jet after takeoff fly the normal path for airliners going east, as I saw hundreds of them do, so following these passenger jets with a camera gets pretty easy because there isn't much variation with their flight paths. The catch was that my camera couldnt see it. I kept zooming in and out and double checking that I was correctly aiming at this plane but all my camera would see is the clear blue sky. And this plane, like all the other passenger jets, was flying really low. The plane was there. That was the 12th plane I (didn't) photograph today. That happened at 3:27pm today.

Best photos of today
Saw 47 planes, photographed 20 of them.
All 12 of these photos are different planes.
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