
What a crock of shit. Standardized testing has been proven a failure in this nation. Maybe you got false information from your comrades? There is nothing to fix, and your fictional contract makes absolutely no sense.

Standardized testing may be a failure but it's not the cause of low test scores since other schools can meet the requirements of it just fine.

Once I get up there I will figure out what the problem is and fix it.

I can't change standardized testing as curriculum.
I am having a hard time picturing the people of Alaska taking kindly to a know it all from the lower 48 with no credential telling them why they suck at their jobs.

Don't worry. This is another of StinkerTroll's made-up bullshit stories. When he first started here, he informed us that he is 42 and retired. Now he's allegedly a "highly-paid employee" of some company without a name. Public schools do not hire outsiders to come in and fire everyone and replace them with new employees. For one thing, their union won't allow it.
I've never not completed a contract, that's why I get paid so much for what I do.
Trolling from your bedroom in Russia cannot pay that much.
Unless you are bringing a truckload of money on your fantasy job, you won't fix anything.

You don't even speak the language.
Don't worry, it will be just like your hometown of Minsk. :laugh:

We believe this like we believe that you retired at age 42 because you took all your husbands' money. :rolleyes:

I am retired but not because of my ex's money, I've made my own money and I also still take the occasional contract.
Don't worry. This is another of StinkerTroll's made-up bullshit stories. When he first started here, he informed us that he is 42 and retired. Now he's allegedly a "highly-paid employee" of some company without a name. Public schools do not hire outsiders to come in and fire everyone and replace them with new employees. For one thing, their union won't allow it.
For the record I have always thought it was goofy that we call these folks NATIVE Americans. As we all know,...many years ago they migrated here just as Hispanics and other euro's did. By definition they are NOT native to North America. I dont really care that they are called native,...just always thought the label was nonsensical to hear a teacher tell a class all in the same sentence about how the NATIVE Americans migrated here from Asia. :thinking: :laugh:

Canada calls them First Nations. That's a little more accurate.