All you Affirmative Action Whiners Can STFU Now

The complaint as I understand it against affirmitive action is that qualified students are not getting accepted to schools while lesser qualified students are based on their race.

I don't see the same here in your article. Yes it says these colleges are out recruiting white students. Most Universities actively recruit minority students. I didn't see the article say that under qualified white students are taking the place of more qualified black students which, imho, would lead to the same outrage and be more on point with the point you are trying to make.

You can make the same inference here that AA whiners b!tch and moan about: and that is less qualified white students are getting picked over black students. Not that AA even does that mind you, but that's what its whiners think it does. You have a system set up to favor diversity. But I have to tell you I'm not surprised, that this simply gets a shrug from the usual suspects.
You can make the same inference here that AA whiners b!tch and moan about: and that is less qualified white students are getting picked over black students. Not that AA even does that mind you, but that's what its whiners think it does. You have a system set up to favor diversity. But I have to tell you I'm not surprised, that this simply gets a shrug from the usual suspects.
It seems that the "whiners" are still whining and your assertion that they wouldn't appears to be wrong.

When you define people by pigmentation to separate them into groups by law you have created a racist policy that perpetuates, not alleviates, the problem.
You can make the same inference here that AA whiners b!tch and moan about: and that is less qualified white students are getting picked over black students. Not that AA even does that mind you, but that's what its whiners think it does. You have a system set up to favor diversity. But I have to tell you I'm not surprised, that this simply gets a shrug from the usual suspects.

"favoring diversity " is a form of eugenics.
It seems that the "whiners" are still whining and your assertion that they wouldn't appears to be wrong.

When you define people by pigmentation to separate them into groups by law you have created a racist policy that perpetuates, not alleviates, the problem.

Well, speaking of aswipe specificially, he's simply stated that he doesn't like "race based preferential treatment". There were no long-winded diatribes on the atrocities of this nor are there going to be countless threads on the inhumantity of picking white kids based solely on their race. However, I'm sure there will be plenty more threads about how minorities & women are unfairly chosen because of this "racist institution"
Well, speaking of aswipe specificially, he's simply stated that he doesn't like "race based preferential treatment". There were no long-winded diatribes on the atrocities of this nor are there going to be countless threads on the inhumantity of picking white kids based solely on their race. However, I'm sure there will be plenty more threads about how minorities & women are unfairly chosen because of this "racist institution"

I'm against race based preferences in any direction. are you?
Your transition from the dark side is not yet complete.
Keep it up you will get there though.

Please explain your nebulous and meaningless comments. take a note: these kind of idiotic statement don't make you look you deep.
Yeah well, consider yourself informed that the down trodden white male benefits from AA too.
Please explain your nebulous and meaningless comments. take a note: these kind of idiotic statement don't make you look you deep.

Right, unlike statements like these:

What is wrong with you two stupid hoes, You two small minded idiots?

which make you look just like Emmanual Kant.
Right, unlike statements like these:

What is wrong with you two stupid hoes, You two small minded idiots?

which make you look just like Emmanual Kant.

Don't change the subject. Are you willing to let go of all raced based preferences? yes or no. If not, why not?

"White students are being actively recruited, and attracting them has become easier for a variety of reasons"

"Lawsuits have forced many of the schools — about half of them are public — to diversify their student bodies, Baskerville said."

"The school has a minority affairs office for white students, similar to those found for non-white students at traditionally white schools."

See, it works both ways.

HaHaHa...this is awesome.

The neocons and theocons have never understood what AA is. Just ask them....they still think "quotas" are legal. They don't have a freaking clue what AA even is....
Whoever told me to STFU.

Let's just stop using race as a factor in college admissions. Is that NOT cool with you? Why do you insist on dividing people along racial lines?


From the kook who constantly post about mexicans and jewish conspiracies.

Methinks I see some crocodile tears, here!
I have alreayd answered your question, in depth and in detail on another AA thread. I am not doing it again.

You can't give a simple yes or no? Can you summarize your opinion? Or do you need to redefine all relevant terms to facilitate your anti-white agenda?
The complaint as I understand it against affirmitive action is that qualified students are not getting accepted to schools while lesser qualified students are based on their race.

I don't see the same here in your article. Yes it says these colleges are out recruiting white students. Most Universities actively recruit minority students. I didn't see the article say that under qualified white students are taking the place of more qualified black students which, imho, would lead to the same outrage and be more on point with the point you are trying to make.

The complaint as I understand it against affirmitive action is that qualified students are not getting accepted to schools while lesser qualified students are based on their race

What do you mean "lesser qualified"?

I don't know what college you went to, but admissions aren't strictly based on SAT scores and GPAs. One's whole life experience is generally considered. GPA and SAT don't fully capture the merit of an individual.
The complaint as I understand it against affirmitive action is that qualified students are not getting accepted to schools while lesser qualified students are based on their race

What do you mean "lesser qualified"?

I don't know what college you went to, but admissions aren't strictly based on SAT scores and GPAs. One's whole life experience is generally considered. GPA and SAT don't fully capture the merit of an individual.

Right a person's race is inexplicably a part of the totality of his existence, hence, "qualifications" are a construct created by white people to kill negroes.
Right a person's race is inexplicably a part of the totality of his existence, hence, "qualifications" are a construct created by white people to kill negroes.

Sorry! I'm not going to be lectured about the virtues of a color blind society, from somebody who harbors paranoid fantasies about a jewish take-over of the world.

Have another beer!
