This is kind of a goofy study. How can they come to the conclusion they did..

Liberals are more open to new experiences, while conservatives are more structured because liberals recognize a W after a series of M's better than a conservative.

The Cleveland Borwns would be considered liberal, and the Colts would be considered Conservative, since after all, Cleveland is always trying new things and the Colts built their team with first round draft picks.

It is simply an attempt by the authors of the study to make themselves feel superior. Nothing more. It is like trying to say conservatives are smarter or liberals are smarter in general. Because as we all know quite well, a persons intelligence is largely determined by the topic being discussed. Likewise, a persons being "open to new ideas" will be largely determined by the strength of their current beliefs on the particular subject of change.
it to be pissed on or shown on snl for laughs,
it's sad to see how many simpletons gravitate to some morons at CAL (DUH THEY WERE SMOKING DOPE DURING THE STUDY) with an air america quality sophmoric smeer. IT is funny though.
it to be pissed on or shown on snl for laughs,
it's sad to see how many simpletons gravitate to some morons at CAL (DUH THEY WERE SMOKING DOPE DURING THE STUDY) with an air america quality sophmoric smeer. IT is funny though.

"it to be pissed on"

Thank you Top. You are too gracious as always.
Duhla your were the simpleton I was pointing out incase you struggled with that.
Please give us a laugh and tell us what shit community college you went to.
Face it you are a fogey!


Hardly. How many different states/countries have you been to? National parks? How many mountains have you climbed? (real mountains, not the bumpish foothills you all have out east) Have you been rafting? Skydiving? sea kayaking? Run a marathon?

Do you read books by the same types of authors or do you go for a variety? For the non-fiction you read.... are they all by authors that share a similar view on the world as you? Or do you challenge yourself by reading those with opposing views? or that are recommended by people with opposing views?

How many different museums have you been to? Art galleries? Opera's?

When you go out with friends, do you tend to go to the same bars/restaurants/clubs or do you try new ones?
Fine... play semantics with words... I will rephrase... the ignorance of the study water posted....

There, does that change everything and make you feel all better. The ignorance of the study is to be laughed at.

You looked for three minutes, at an article about a study (you didn't even look at the study itself) that researchers spent months on devising methodologies, and putting through peer review, and in those three minutes you decided the study was ignorant?

Wow. I'm impressed ;)

I think you just didn't like the results.
Darla, the stupidity in the study is in the fact that they try to label people as having conservative or liberal minds. People do not have liberal or conservative minds. Genetics do lend to people being more analytical vs. big picture or preferring verbal to visualization.

People will be open to more "new" experiences on things they WANT to explore and more closed minded on things they do not wish to explore. It has little to do with whether their political beliefs are conservative or liberal.

Conservatives may be more open to change and new ideas when it comes to fixing social security, medicare, medicaid, education etc... whereas many liberals are closed minded to these changes and new ideas. Does this mean liberals "tend to be" less open to new ideas or just less open to THESE new ideas.

Also take a look at this "study". How was it conducted? The answer... by visualization. So is it that the "conservative" students are more closed minded or perhaps that their minds simply prefer verbalization over visualization when learning?

As I said, this "study" is to be laughed at. It is either a joke or yet another example of an elitist trying to make himself feel better by attempting to put down those who think differently than him.

SF: since you are of the "I'm not a republican"-republican variety, I just don't think you like the results.

I have no idea about the methodology of the study. It would take me hours, and weeks to really understand it. And I'm not even an expert in their field, so I won't pretend I can either debunk, or support their study, in 30 seconds like you can.

But, it confirms what ALL of us see in our daily lives. People with liberal values and outlooks, tend to see more nuance and complexity in the human condition. And conservatives see things in black and white, right and wrong. Few or no grey areas.
Yes darla the evidence of the disfunctaionality of cons grows with each study.

I am sure some cons are scrambling now to cut of funding to the origionators of this study.
Duhla your were the simpleton I was pointing out incase you struggled with that.
Please give us a laugh and tell us what shit community college you went to.

No, I wasn't struggling with it, and that's exactly why I thanked you for being so gracious as to piss on me Top.

My degree is from Arkansas Go-Getters CyberUniversity. I don't see you beating that, sorry.
Topper, from you examples on here I would be ashamed to have even claimed to having taken economics 101 let alone claim to work in the field and have a degree....
It is simply an attempt by the authors of the study to make themselves feel superior. Nothing more. It is like trying to say conservatives are smarter or liberals are smarter in general. Because as we all know quite well, a persons intelligence is largely determined by the topic being discussed. Likewise, a persons being "open to new ideas" will be largely determined by the strength of their current beliefs on the particular subject of change.

It is simply an attempt by the authors of the study to make themselves feel superior. Nothing more

This is one of the stupidest statements you've ever made. Its completely emotional, devoid of any factual evidence, and I can almost see your feet stomping on the ground in protest.

You have no idea or clue what these researchers do or feel. You spent 30 seconds looking at something WM posted, and proclaimed yourself an expert not only on the study, but on the author's personal feelings and motivations.

This is the perfect example I cited, where some men simply can't admit they don't know something about a topic. THey feel compelled to present themselves as an expert, after reading an anonoymous post for 30 seconds.

I am not pretending to know anything about the study. I do know - and we ALL know - that liberals tend to think of nuance and complexity, in different ways than cons. And liberals are more spontaneous, tolerant, and fun too! ;)
Hardly. How many different states About 20/countries have you been to? Only three National parks? Several How many mountains have you climbed? None, and that answer will always remain the same. On the bright side, no tax payer dollars will ever be used to mount any recuse operations on my behalf, and I will never be featured in a magazine under the headline "survived by eating her own foot"(real mountains, not the bumpish foothills you all have out east) Have you been rafting? Of course. Skydiving? No, I'm afraid of heights sea kayaking? Of course Run a marathon? Yes, but I never did that well in one.
Do you read books by the same types of authors or do you go for a variety? Tons of different authors, and genres, and I own more books than I have room for. For the non-fiction you read.... are they all by authors that share a similar view on the world as you? Or do you challenge yourself by reading those with opposing views? or that are recommended by people with opposing views? I read a lot of historical non-fiction, without regard to ideology.How many different museums have you been to? Art galleries? Opera's? Umm, I live in NYC SF, you don't really want me to answer this do you?
When you go out with friends, do you tend to go to the same bars/restaurants/clubs or do you try new ones? I enjoy restaurants the most out of these three, and I always go to new ones.[/QUOTE]

Oh a quiz!