If I answered that honesty you would think I was lying first of all.

what is indoor skydiving?
It's cool. Big fan in the floor, you jump out while it is on and you are held in the air by the fan, you can twist and turn, flip stretch out and go higher, pull limbs in and go lower....

Basically you get to act like you are in free fall for a period of time. It ROCKS.
:clink: ps if you were hitting on Duhla in a bar or at a social event. I'd give you and 11 out of 10. Quality come on.
"What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?" - Lincoln

Lincoln of course was referring to what worked under how our founders constructed government and to stick to their ideals.
I am a Conservative when it comes to what government should be in being limited but I am very open to change in private matters.

And I think you will find this reflected in today's life too.

Who is against and for more regulation and curtailing of such new inventions and entities as:
- machine automation
- cell phones
- SUVs
- Walmart
- biogenetic engineering (like in farm produce)
- free trade

It's not Conservatives. Liberals have an inherent Ludditical reaction to what is new under the threat of change to themselves.
Take a Conservative from the suburbs (where most live) and a Liberal in an inner city (where most Liberals live) and tell me who is dumber? Who is more ignorant and who resists change more?

This study is centered around personal (individual) acceptance in brainwaves, rather than what occurs when practiced in reality and variables are thrown in, including the biggest of which is how they come together to adopt the groups beliefs. You see that on this board how Liberals stick together, they are the least open to original thought.

Liberals certainly preach a big tent and tolerance and you get that they "feel" that, but in reality if you deviate from anything they believe (witness yourself Watermark with how they go after you for free trade beliefs and such) or Lieberman and the war, even a little, they will castigate you out and they will likely not listen to any piece of new evidence that contradicts their way of thinking (ie: pieces of scientific evidence that appear even slightly cynical of human caused global warming).

Of course, Trog. There are many liberals who are idiots and many conservatives who are brilliant. It's too simplistic to think otherwise. But I really thing that "good" conservatives, such as yourself, really think differently from those who just vote conservative based on peer pressure and pretenses.

The title was sort of a joke, BTW. I have historically been aligned with liberalism, so I thought it wouldn't have made a big difference anyway, however, I really never meant directly insult anyone.
Dude got to a footbaLL GAME quick, or you'll be IMing Robdawg before you know it. Saw a nice little hill next to the stadium in Berkley where the fans were actually burning while watching the Bears stomp on the Vols.

I'm sick of watching other dudes play sports. I used to watch football all the time, but my watching days are over. I'd rather actually participate in athletic activities now. Its not just the Michael Vick crap, but other crap too. Why should I waste my valuable time watching crybaby millionaires run around on a field.

Believe me, I used to think you'd have to put a gun to my head to get me to go to opera. I thought I would hate it. Until I had this LIBERAL and HOT girlfriend who drug me to my first opera. It was like dragging a wild horse, but she got me there. And it was pretty cool. :clink: Better than watching a bunch of fat ass overpaid professional millionaire crybaby football players run around on a field. ;)

Uh Dude most opera singers are how should I say this...oh yeah...A little overweight...naw they are fat!...Che sara,sara!
It's cool. Big fan in the floor, you jump out while it is on and you are held in the air by the fan, you can twist and turn, flip stretch out and go higher, pull limbs in and go lower....

Basically you get to act like you are in free fall for a period of time. It ROCKS.

I guess that doesn't sound too bad.

I had this friend that was way into rock climbing, and he took me to one of those rock walls they have in gyms (I mean, this was Houston, not too many mountains around). My God - how boring was that? Climbing a rock wall at a gym? I thought I would die of boredom :rolleyes:
what sports do you play?
sorry that way the gayest statement I've ever read.
NO, I know gay guys that love football, that's an insult to gay guy's.
That was the most feminine statement ever utter by a male. congrats
It's cool. Big fan in the floor, you jump out while it is on and you are held in the air by the fan, you can twist and turn, flip stretch out and go higher, pull limbs in and go lower....

Basically you get to act like you are in free fall for a period of time. It ROCKS.

They've actually had magnets so strong that they can hold a spider in the air.

But to do it to you, it would take a lot more.
I think you're full of shit, for one thing cow-tipping is what a bunch of drunk teenagers do if they are bored as fuck, it's not a different event you go to try out.

Good try though cypriss.

I was kidding dummy. I don't go cow tipping.
"in reality if you deviate from anything they believe (witness yourself Watermark with how they go after you for free trade beliefs and such) or Lieberman and the war, even a little, they will castigate you out and they will likely not listen to any piece of new evidence"

Funny - I had a rare opportunity to listen to Rush yesterday, and he spoke with pride at how he & his listeners had marginalized "mavericks" who broke with the GOP, like McCain & Hagel.

Stereotypes are pretty stupid, anyway; I like sipping chardonnay at art openings (seriously - I do), and cracking a few Buds w/ my friends on MNF night (friends who are generally a pretty wide spectrum of political beliefs)...
what sports do you play?
sorry that way the gayest statement I've ever read.
NO, I know gay guys that love football, that's an insult to gay guy's.
That was the most feminine statement ever utter by a male. congrats

You like a sport, where dudes in skin tight pants bend over, and have the quaterback snuggle up behind them, and stick their hands "down there"?

Football is for closeted gays! :D lol

Reality is really more complex than "liberal" and "Conservative". I've known many liberals whom I've thought were just absolutely ignorant, and many conservatives are brilliant. However, it is interesting that conservatives tend to attract more igorant people.

Maybe ignorant people are just more likely to choose whatever they grew up around, and smarter people make their own choices based on their own rational decision making? I know I, for instance, grew up in a church that preached against gays and all kinds of other things. I always disagreed with their philsophy. I'm not making myself out to be a Ghandi, since I was never strong enough to actually challenge it, but I at least knew, from an early age, that hating gays made no sense.

I rememer, whenever I was like five, asking my parents if two guys could get married, and them stumbling around, kind of amazed at the question.
It's cool. Big fan in the floor, you jump out while it is on and you are held in the air by the fan, you can twist and turn, flip stretch out and go higher, pull limbs in and go lower....

Basically you get to act like you are in free fall for a period of time. It ROCKS.

That does sound fun.
Ignorant people tend to respond to fear more than any other emotion or factor.

Both parties use fear very well; it just so happens that over the past few years, the overblown terror fear has trumped everything, and has attracted some truly ignorant people to the conservative side, and brought out the worst in conservatives who were already there....
Well out where I live, there are:
- plow races
- hunting shows
- fishing shows
- farm picking operations
- ATV racing
- beauty contests
- horse and cattle shows

I would honestly say I can't remember meeting a single Liberal type at any of them, Liberals like trying snooty different things but try and get them to try something new that even slightly resembles anything blue-collar, country or basically anything involving masculinity and they would no interest.
Makes you wonder what kind of questions the researchers asked?

You know Dano, you always have that finger pointing out, ever point it at yourself? "Around here" we dont' have any of those things and no I haven't tried them, but when was the last time you tried going to an opera or an art gallery?

You always seem to miss the fact that the table is so easily turned on you, but it doesn't seem to phase you. No doubt, "it's different" and there is some long BS reason why.
Well out where I live, there are:
- plow races
- hunting shows
- fishing shows
- farm picking operations
- ATV racing
- beauty contests
- horse and cattle shows

I would honestly say I can't remember meeting a single Liberal type at any of them, Liberals like trying snooty different things but try and get them to try something new that even slightly resembles anything blue-collar, country or basically anything involving masculinity and they would no interest.
Makes you wonder what kind of questions the researchers asked?

LOL, well I am taking my liberal friend to a DR appt and then going to cut some hay. Outa here for now.
All the cons out here in the sticks don't say much about politics lately for some reason :rolleyes:

But then I don't run with the hold my beer and watch this crowd either :)
"in reality if you deviate from anything they believe (witness yourself Watermark with how they go after you for free trade beliefs and such) or Lieberman and the war, even a little, they will castigate you out and they will likely not listen to any piece of new evidence"

Funny - I had a rare opportunity to listen to Rush yesterday, and he spoke with pride at how he & his listeners had marginalized "mavericks" who broke with the GOP, like McCain & Hagel.

Stereotypes are pretty stupid, anyway; I like sipping chardonnay at art openings (seriously - I do), and cracking a few Buds w/ my friends on MNF night (friends who are generally a pretty wide spectrum of political beliefs)...

Excellent point.