LOL, well I am taking my liberal friend to a DR appt and then going to cut some hay. Outa here for now.
All the cons out here in the sticks don't say much about politics lately for some reason :rolleyes:

But then I don't run with the hold my beer and watch this crowd either :)
Man, they do here. I made some of them angry when I suggested that it was not 'conservative' to enter an undeclared war and begin nation-building. They objected, then I reminded them that Bush himself promised not to enter nation-building 'wars' during the 2000 campaign.

They got pretty mad at me.
Why are either of you even asking topper what he's talking about?

I'm sure he has some sort of arbitrary set of rules for what makes someone "gay" or not. For example, he has called me variations of "girly man" and "gayboy" for caring about the environment, or caring that more soldiers are dying in the Iraq War.

The guy has been screaming "horribly insecure about my manhood" since he started posting...
Hardly. How many different states About 20/countries have you been to? Only three National parks? Several How many mountains have you climbed? None, and that answer will always remain the same. On the bright side, no tax payer dollars will ever be used to mount any recuse operations on my behalf, and I will never be featured in a magazine under the headline "survived by eating her own foot"(real mountains, not the bumpish foothills you all have out east) Have you been rafting? Of course. Skydiving? No, I'm afraid of heights sea kayaking? Of course Run a marathon? Yes, but I never did that well in one.
Do you read books by the same types of authors or do you go for a variety? Tons of different authors, and genres, and I own more books than I have room for. For the non-fiction you read.... are they all by authors that share a similar view on the world as you? Or do you challenge yourself by reading those with opposing views? or that are recommended by people with opposing views? I read a lot of historical non-fiction, without regard to ideology.How many different museums have you been to? Art galleries? Opera's? Umm, I live in NYC SF, you don't really want me to answer this do you?
When you go out with friends, do you tend to go to the same bars/restaurants/clubs or do you try new ones? I enjoy restaurants the most out of these three, and I always go to new ones.

Oh a quiz!

lol... I knew the answer to the museums/opera/etc... I probably should have asked outside of NYC for the museums. But you made my point. You are very closed minded and stuck in your ways with regards to climbing a mountain or skydiving... but very open minded and willing to explore with regards to many other topics/ideas/events. Which is why this study trying to label people by conservative/liberal is so funny. Being open-minded is more determined by the topic than by an ideology on the whole.

You'll have to come to CO. I'll drive you to the top of a 14'er just so you can enjoy the total beauty that type of view gives. THEN I'll talk you into hiking up one with me. :)
I've usually believed that most idiots voted in all random directions (which is one of the main strengths of democracy, the idiots tend not to be unified enough to cause any destruction), however, there are periods of time in which they can vote all the same way, and in these periods of times (like nazi Germany), the government can just be completely corrupted.

But it's, at least, less likely to happnen than in any other form of government, and will only last, at most, eight years.
I guess that doesn't sound too bad.

I had this friend that was way into rock climbing, and he took me to one of those rock walls they have in gyms (I mean, this was Houston, not too many mountains around). My God - how boring was that? Climbing a rock wall at a gym? I thought I would die of boredom :rolleyes:
Yeah, that does suck. It's like running on a treadmill.

Real rock-climbing though is quite exhilirating...

Especially rappelling back down.
- plow races = Retarded
- hunting shows = Boring
- fishing shows = Boring
- farm picking operations = Boring
- ATV racing = Awesome
- NASCAR = Boring
- beauty contests = Gay
- horse and cattle shows = Gay
Yeah, that does suck. It's like running on a treadmill.

Real rock-climbing though is quite exhilirating...

Especially rappelling back down.

Mountains are good for hiking and backpacking. And fishing. No one is ever going to get me to spend the night, suspended a thousand feet in the air, half way up the face of Half Dome.

I'm into ocean and water sports. :cof1:
Not gay cypress, boring as shit though!!!
That might be one of the few things I wouldn't do on a date back in da day.

USC brush your tooth.
Perhaps someone can get Michael Bay to direct a movie version of Le Nozze di Figaro with lots of tits and ass and explosions so it can keep your limited attention on the story line. Or maybe a production of Aida where the Sphinx comes to life and starts attacking the Pharoes troops. Opera is one of the most incredible of all performing arts that anyone can ever see live. During the Summer the Santa Fe opera performs in an incredible outdoor setting in the foothills of Santa Fe NM. I usually go to one performance a year (although not this year unfortunately).
Why are either of you even asking topper what he's talking about?

I'm sure he has some sort of arbitrary set of rules for what makes someone "gay" or not. For example, he has called me variations of "girly man" and "gayboy" for caring about the environment, or caring that more soldiers are dying in the Iraq War.

The guy has been screaming "horribly insecure about my manhood" since he started posting...

I know that this must mean there is something wrong with me, but I can't help laughing at Top...gayboy...when was the last time you heard anyone use that? Has to go back to High school, but I'm thinking Jr. High really.
Why are either of you even asking topper what he's talking about?

I'm sure he has some sort of arbitrary set of rules for what makes someone "gay" or not. For example, he has called me variations of "girly man" and "gayboy" for caring about the environment, or caring that more soldiers are dying in the Iraq War.

The guy has been screaming "horribly insecure about my manhood" since he started posting...

I'd probably give Old Topper a heart attack with some of the stuff I've done. The dude is always asking about my personal life. I used to work as a white water rafting guide, and I bet Topper would poop his pants if I took him down the class 5 rapids off the Salmon River
lol... I knew the answer to the museums/opera/etc... I probably should have asked outside of NYC for the museums. But you made my point. You are very closed minded and stuck in your ways with regards to climbing a mountain or skydiving... but very open minded and willing to explore with regards to many other topics/ideas/events. Which is why this study trying to label people by conservative/liberal is so funny. Being open-minded is more determined by the topic than by an ideology on the whole.

You'll have to come to CO. I'll drive you to the top of a 14'er just so you can enjoy the total beauty that type of view gives. THEN I'll talk you into hiking up one with me. :)

SF, seriously, I am afraid of heights, I don't enjoy being afraid of them, but I think you first might want to be in an elevator with me, before you attempt a mountain. Though, some do find it an amusing sight.

But the drive up I might be able to do...the view I would love.
I love going to the opera. There is nothing gay about it, I would love to find a man who would go to the Met with me.

Been to the opera before, twice... not my thing. LOVE going to hear an orchestra rip out bach etc... Totally enjoy museums, art galleries etc...

But nothing beats getting outside and up into the mountains.

As for skydiving, the indoor Damo is talking about is definitely fun and I would recommend it if you are never planning to try the real deal.

Side note: My mom is terrified of heights and I almost have her convinced to go with my sister and I. Though it has been about a ten year process trying to convince her. :)
Perhaps someone can get Michael Bay to direct a movie version of Le Nozze di Figaro with lots of tits and ass and explosions so it can keep your limited attention on the story line. Or maybe a production of Aida where the Sphinx comes to life and starts attacking the Pharoes troops. Opera is one of the most incredible of all performing arts that anyone can ever see live. During the Summer the Santa Fe opera performs in an incredible outdoor setting in the foothills of Santa Fe NM. I usually go to one performance a year (although not this year unfortunately).

Wow see, and Socrtease is a <shudder> hunter. He is a perfect example of what Onceler was saying.
On the lib stereotype side, I have never been able to get into Opera, though I've given it a fair shot.

On the other end of the spectrum, I'd have to go w/ NASCAR. I know it's hugely popular, but man, I just do not get it. It's cars, going around a track, again, and again, and again...
SF, seriously, I am afraid of heights, I don't enjoy being afraid of them, but I think you first might want to be in an elevator with me, before you attempt a mountain. Though, some do find it an amusing sight.

But the drive up I might be able to do...the view I would love.

The thing with hiking is that you always have your feet on the ground. I would not take someone who is afraid of height on a technical hike/climb. We would do an easy one... nice wide trail underfoot the whole way.

Funny thing is, I also have a problem with heights. Not to the degree it seems you do though. I can jump out of a perfectly good plane... no problem. Zip lines, bungee jumping, mountains... no problem. But I seriously get freaked looking over the edge of high building straight down at concrete. Don't quite know what that is about. :)
On the lib stereotype side, I have never been able to get into Opera, though I've given it a fair shot.

On the other end of the spectrum, I'd have to go w/ NASCAR. I know it's hugely popular, but man, I just do not get it. It's cars, going around a track, again, and again, and again...

The thing about Nascar or any kind of race track is, the noise. I couldn't even give it a try like you did with opera, because of the noise.