Dano has never said anything funny on here that I have ever seen. Even Damo is funnier than he is, and Damo's not that funny, the poor thing.
Dano has never said anything funny on here that I have ever seen. Even Damo is funnier than he is, and Damo's not that funny, the poor thing.
True, and looks aren't everything so even the little I am funny seems to be superficial at best.

True, and looks aren't everything so even the little I am funny seems to be superficial at best.

Damo I have seen your pic...ya are a ten compared to darlas -1...:p

side note:waiting for darla et als closet jokes about now....heaven forbid a straight guy cannot by liberal standards compliment another 'Straight Guy'
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"Originally Posted by TheDanold
I don't think cypriss needs any actual females to get in girls pants..."

Come on now Lorax, I understand that you and Dano may not play well together, but the above was funny. Give the kid his props and move on to your next fight with him. :)
"Originally Posted by TheDanold
I don't think cypriss needs any actual females to get in girls pants..."

Come on now Lorax, I understand that you and Dano may not play well together, but the above was funny. Give the kid his props and move on to your next fight with him. :)

Honestly, I tried to imagine my favorite leftie - say, Jon Stewart, whose facial expressions alone make me laugh - delivering this line, about a rightie who I don't like.

Still nothing. It's devoid of humor - at least the kind of humor that post-adolescent humans enjoy...
Honestly, I tried to imagine my favorite leftie - say, Jon Stewart, whose facial expressions alone make me laugh - delivering this line, about a rightie who I don't like.

Still nothing. It's devoid of humor - at least the kind of humor that post-adolescent humans enjoy...

Well, given that I can at times slip to the mentality of a ten year old, perhaps that would explain our difference of opinion. :cool:
Watching a sunset = Gay

Wow. How old are you? Have you dated before?

One of the best ways to a woman's heart, or to get her in the "mood", is a glass of wine, a warm beach blanket, and watching the sun set on the pacific ocean.

Just let me know if you need anymore tips about the fairer gender. :clink:

LOL, yes, I have dated and currently with someone.
LOL, yes, I have dated and currently with someone.

I'm just teasing you man.

There's nothing more romantic than enjoying a beautiful sunset on the ocean, with your girlfriend, wife, or life partner. I don't know if you're in a landlocked state or not, but try it :clink:
I'm just teasing you man.

There's nothing more romantic than enjoying a beautiful sunset on the ocean, with your girlfriend, wife, or life partner. I don't know if you're in a landlocked state or not, but try it :clink:

I'm in Ohio, so we got Lake Erie but that's North. We got a bunch of smaller lakes too, and I did it once. I had more fun fishing while she watched it.. lol
I'm in Ohio, so we got Lake Erie but that's North. We got a bunch of smaller lakes too, and I did it once. I had more fun fishing while she watched it.. lol

You make your girlfriend watch you fish??!!

Young man, let me take you aside sometime, and explain how to treat women. Its very important to understand them, and their needs. ;)

just teasing.
You make your girlfriend watch you fish??!!

Young man, let me take you aside sometime, and explain how to treat women. Its very important to understand them, and their needs. ;)

just teasing.

Oh yeah, she loves to fish and drink beer too. Old man, let me take you aside and tell you how to PICK a women.. lol j/k
Stirfry had written a "QFT" after one of Dano's posts the other day - something I found equally inexplicable.

Posters should "QFT" or "LOL" after a Dano post at their own peril...

That sounds like a warning to any who might agree with me that they open themselves up to lefty attacks.

Face it, you'll never find any of my jokes funny because they all make fun of Liberals, do you know any lefties that find Rush funny or righties that find Franken funny?
So fuck off already with your pointless follow-ups, people aren't going to all of a sudden not find it funny or disagree with me because of Liberal peer pressure.
"That sounds like a warning to any who might agree with me that they open themselves up to lefty attacks."

Not at all. The only peril that they would undertake is revealing aspects of their personality which might not be desirable to reveal.

It probably "sounds" that way to you because that is how you view the world, and how you view anyone who veers from your line of thinking...
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I think I'm pretty objective when it comes to humor and that definitely was not funny Dano. I've 'known' Dano for a couple of years. he's had one or two posts have been funny. That wasn't one of them.