I think I'm pretty objective when it comes to humor and that definitely was not funny Dano. I've 'known' Dano for a couple of years. he's had one or two posts have been funny. That wasn't one of them.

I hate to say it and be accused of partisanship, but conservatives just generally aren't funny.
that's funny shit
I thought he was calling Cypress a girl though

Yeah to the Psudo itillectual going to the opera once a year. LOFL

Football 20x a year a least, I you profess to love it so much tell me you go weekly or at least monthly mr. librarian.:clink:
It's four hours to Santa Fe from here. A 3 day weekend in Sante Fe is two grand +. So no I don't do that every week or even every month. Plus they only show four or five different operas in Santa Fe per season. So going every week would get old pretty quick. But I also go to as many 4 Arizona Cardinal games per season which is 5 hours away and all the home games for the Pathetic NMSU Aggies. And as Darla points out, I hunt, Dear, Elk, Javelina etc. So I have a VARIED lifestyle rather than JUST football 20 x a year.
I hate to say it and be accused of partisanship, but conservatives just generally aren't funny.

yeah. i know what you mean. Aside from half of the blue collar team, even their comedians aren't that funny. Seriously. i was watching that special on HBO about evangelicals and they had a 'comic' on there - he basically ended up preaching and whining about the poor repressed christian wh ite male.
Well ya..............

Still masturbating huh?

Did you know that it's not generally considered a public activity?

Just bend over and we will get over all the foreplay already...isn't that the liberal way and all...cut thru the chase and get to the nitty gritty!!!!!!!!!never mind I am old fashioned...we must at least 'do dinner' before the a problemo with this...ask cippie out to dinner..lmao!
LOL. BB you realize you're just proving the point of the the entire post. Notice no other cons are in here backing you up to whatever in God's name you're trying to say?

LOL. BB you realize you're just proving the point of the the entire post. Notice no other cons are in here backing you up to whatever in God's name you're trying to say?

I am a registered American Independent..I can only speak for myself....gotta problemo...sorry thats just me...I stand on my own!
LOL. BB you realize you're just proving the point of the the entire post. Notice no other cons are in here backing you up to whatever in God's name you're trying to say?

It could have been funny had the delivery and choice of words been better. Pretty much meaning he wrote a whole new joke that had nothing to do with what he just said.

It could have been funny had the delivery and choice of words been better. Pretty much meaning he wrote a whole new joke that had nothing to do with what he just said.

I am just a normal guy defending my position amongst pros...a sorry state of affairs ..or not...I have a good time regardless...orgasms are a dime a dozen...or not..who gives a shit...well maybe cippie and darla do...who knows for sure?:rolleyes: