Amazon Tavern

Owl: "Nah, it was because Mason started it as a pleasant chat thread, to which you brought your icky sexual perversions and obsessions with me and others, and couldn't stop talking about clit pumps and strap-ons and bringing non-JPP family members into your sick imaginings. It would have been fine if you'd just stuck to your lurid and detailed accounts of your many sexy escapades with the men of the shrimping fleet, but no....."

Mason! Your Wench seems to be back on Drugs again. DO SOMETHING!!!

That's what I'm saying!How come Jack hasn't bought Top a boilermaker?

We've both been hounded and terrorized by your wench.
We've Reported multiple threats.
(sigh) We may NEVER come back!

(One Star for both Yelp and TripAdvisor)