Amazon Tavern

Anyone deeply invested in Amazon forums is probably gayer than men invested in "Str8 m4m steamroom" on AOL, k?


Before Amazon, there was AOL and Yahoo, newbs.
Matt came out of the closet.
"Not that there's anything wrong with that"

Look bitch, You're an enigma in your own right. Margot and all that. I can respect that. Don't fuck with me, you might get hit with something you never saw coming.
It's interesting that you know this.


How so, were you chief faggot there? Yeah, ya beat us. It was all faggots the last couple years.
One of the last holdouts was Manson. He knew a lot of stuff. I'm thinking Manson was that Apple dude, the one that knew how to phreak.
He's kind of a Cali nerd. I know I knew my stuff back in the day.
How so, were you chief faggot there? Yeah, ya beat us. It was all faggots the last couple years.
One of the last holdouts was Manson. He knew a lot of stuff. I'm thinking Manson was that Apple dude, the one that knew how to phreak.
He's kind of a Cali nerd. I know I knew my stuff back in the day.

Hmmm ... "It was all faggots the last couple years." OK. I'll take your word for it.