Amazon Tavern

<dusts and mops and polishes the bar> Let's open this joint up again!

Some happy news to balance the sad... last night my 10th grand child came into our world! His name is Lachlan and he weighs 7 lbs. 3 oz. Baby and mom and dad are tired but doing well! #11 is due to arrive next April. :loveu:

Congratulations! When will you be able to see him in person?
In the midst of this pandemic year, with spirits falling all around, hope to cheer you all with a personal announcement. My youngest is having a baby boy next spring! My middle daughter brought forth a little boy as well, last month!

"Life finds a way." -- Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park
In the midst of this pandemic year, with spirits falling all around, hope to cheer you all with a personal announcement. My youngest is having a baby boy next spring! My middle daughter brought forth a little boy as well, last month!

"Life finds a way." -- Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park

I thought you just had a grandchild. Is this another?

In the pandemic, I've fallen on old interests hard. The first hobby I ever had was rock and mineral collecting. Mom still has a jar of Petosky stones I picked up as an adolescent. I'm on to bigger fish though. You already saw the ocean jasper obelisk tower I bought online. I lost a bid on an Afghanistan jade one though, so I went harder for the ocean jasper.
In the midst of this pandemic year, with spirits falling all around, hope to cheer you all with a personal announcement. My youngest is having a baby boy next spring! My middle daughter brought forth a little boy as well, last month!

"Life finds a way." -- Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park
:hand: :hand: Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
I thought you just had a grandchild. Is this another?

In the pandemic, I've fallen on old interests hard. The first hobby I ever had was rock and mineral collecting. Mom still has a jar of Petosky stones I picked up as an adolescent. I'm on to bigger fish though. You already saw the ocean jasper obelisk tower I bought online. I lost a bid on an Afghanistan jade one though, so I went harder for the ocean jasper.

Yes, middle daughter had a little boy in early September.

Have you ever found any Yooperlites? They glow in the dark!
Their chicken is good and so are the biscuits.

Chick-Fil-A doesn't advertise their religion. Just because the owner supports traditional marriage and isn't a fan of gay marriage is his right. It is fascism to try and shut him down like Rahm the thug tried in Shitcago. You should have seen the support given to CFA here when that went on. Cars were wrapped around the buildings for days.

Much the same happened at Chick Fil A near me. There are only two in Oregon. (Far as I know.) I've eaten there a couple times. Not bad, but I prefer Subway.
In the midst of this pandemic year, with spirits falling all around, hope to cheer you all with a personal announcement. My youngest is having a baby boy next spring! My middle daughter brought forth a little boy as well, last month!

"Life finds a way." -- Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park
Thank you! It's a little boy! His name will be Devin. We're hoping really hard that they'll have vaccines by April so we can go see him, and our other new little man, Locklan, in Vermont.
Awesome. What a blessing. Great names for both! Hopefully so. We hit one year of this mess on March 13.
Groundhog Day over and over. Keeping myself out of crowds and being careful. Getting through one day at a time.

I can't imagine how hard that must be since you live in a much more urban/crowded area than we used to. We're doing the same thing here... only going into town to stores when necessary. We do get take-out though because 1) I get pretty tired of cooking now n then, and 2) we want to keep our local places alive. What's your thoughts on that?
I can't imagine how hard that must be since you live in a much more urban/crowded area than we used to. We're doing the same thing here... only going into town to stores when necessary. We do get take-out though because 1) I get pretty tired of cooking now n then, and 2) we want to keep our local places alive. What's your thoughts on that?

I'm completely obnoxious in stores,I walk around everyone like they are poison