Amazon Tavern

Yep, better safe than sorry...........

Had to go back to the previous page to see WTF we were talking about. lol

Three weeks ago our cases up here were out of control... hundreds of new ones per day. The state health dept. issued new restrictions, closing bars and restaurants to indoor dining. In three weeks the cases have dropped drastically. They're expecting a jump again due to Thanksgiving. How are things where you're at, Bill?
Had to go back to the previous page to see WTF we were talking about. lol

Three weeks ago our cases up here were out of control... hundreds of new ones per day. The state health dept. issued new restrictions, closing bars and restaurants to indoor dining. In three weeks the cases have dropped drastically. They're expecting a jump again due to Thanksgiving. How are things where you're at, Bill?

We are close to peaking now..

Actually my daughter-in-law was exposed a few days prior to thanksgiving & got a call an hour before they were coming over. So they stayed home & she got tested=POSITIVE, so they are quarantining now.

Hopefully this is the last ugly wave of this~but then Christmas is around the corner.:thinking:

Stay safe up there
We are close to peaking now..

Actually my daughter-in-law was exposed a few days prior to thanksgiving & got a call an hour before they were coming over. So they stayed home & she got tested=POSITIVE, so they are quarantining now.

Hopefully this is the last ugly wave of this~but then Christmas is around the corner.:thinking:

Stay safe up there

Oh lord. How is she doing?
Oh lord. How is she doing?

She is doing ok, she said like a mild flu, aches etc..

Most seem to be like this that I have heard of..

I just saw my niece that had it about 2 months ago & she was the same~21years old prob helped a lot.

For the first 6-7 months I only knew one personal personally that had it, now reality is setting in.......
She is doing ok, she said like a mild flu, aches etc..

Most seem to be like this that I have heard of..

I just saw my niece that had it about 2 months ago & she was the same~21years old prob helped a lot.

For the first 6-7 months I only knew one personal personally that had it, now reality is setting in.......

Sure is. I know at least a dozen ppl now who currently have it or who have had it; two who have passed from it; two with lingering fatigue/headaches/chest pain months later. The oldest was my age; she passed. The 2nd death was a guy in his early 50s.

Hope your daughter continues to get better.
I believe/hope she does but you never know..

I know a few that may never be the same as they have several issues now, including lung damage etc.....
At the old Amazon,besides all the fighting ,back stabbing,mass reporting,sock wars.
We had one thread that everyone agreed,was an oasis.No fighting was allowed and everyone followed the keep civil rules.
That is what this thread is for.
I suspect it will fail miserably,but here goes!

Praise be to Jesus we have an Establishment where Masks aren't required!

All members must wear a mask!

Ha! Suck on that mask Jack! Even harder than the shot!!

At the old Amazon,besides all the fighting ,back stabbing,mass reporting,sock wars.
We had one thread that everyone agreed,was an oasis.No fighting was allowed and everyone followed the keep civil rules.
That is what this thread is for.
I suspect it will fail miserably,but here goes!

Peaceful co-existence is what we enjoyed in America before Hillary went prime time in the 1990's and what we all must realize, is the ideal to which we all should aspire.