Amazon Tavern

It is time for you to leave that wilderness & move to Calif wear most civilized folk wear masks.

I see over 95% in stores etc & all employees following the "requirements".......

In Japan they tell ppl to wear a mask, they do it, no threats needed, here old farts are willing to lay their lives down (supposedly) rather than wear a fuckin mask... Not sure if we should cry or laugh....... How could adults, in this country be so stupid & selfish??

Spike that virus baby!!!!! :rolleyes:
I’d been staying in since March 8, except for a car ride and a trip to my daughter’s house. I decided to go to Lowe’s garden center outdoors and look for a new perennial and see the new normal. I wore my masks, but about half the people didn’t and the non mask wearers were also space invaders. I just wanted to get home.
It is time for you to leave that wilderness & move to Calif wear most civilized folk wear masks.

I see over 95% in stores etc & all employees following the "requirements".......

In Japan they tell ppl to wear a mask, they do it, no threats needed, here old farts are willing to lay their lives down (supposedly) rather than wear a fuckin mask... Not sure if we should cry or laugh....... How could adults, in this country be so stupid & selfish??

Spike that virus baby!!!!! :rolleyes:

Can't afford California
Sad times when public health is a political issue for selfish ppl..........:palm:

We have pretty good compliance here..
I’d been staying in since March 8, except for a car ride and a trip to my daughter’s house. I decided to go to Lowe’s garden center outdoors and look for a new perennial and see the new normal. I wore my masks, but about half the people didn’t and the non mask wearers were also space invaders. I just wanted to get home.

That is pathetic. We've been to Lowe's several times already. The only ppl we saw not wearing masks one day was an older couple (I'm guessing in their mid-50s) pushing a large wheelchair/cart combination with an adult man (30s) in it. He appeared to be both physically and mentally disabled. None of them had on masks. WTF. What if they got sick and couldn't care for him? What if HE got sick?
That is pathetic. We've been to Lowe's several times already. The only ppl we saw not wearing masks one day was an older couple (I'm guessing in their mid-50s) pushing a large wheelchair/cart combination with an adult man (30s) in it. He appeared to be both physically and mentally disabled. None of them had on masks. WTF. What if they got sick and couldn't care for him? What if HE got sick?
People just don’t stop to think, it’s crazy
I think this illustrates the power of propaganda in a very clear way.

People who live in areas with rampant disease should either wear masks or a large scarlet letter on their foreheads. Letter A. For Asshole.
They have finally made them mandatory in Harris County. Our hospitals are at 97%. They can expand, but the new problem is medical personnel now.
They have finally made them mandatory in Harris County. Our hospitals are at 97%. They can expand, but the new problem is medical personnel now.

Oh Lord. My brother had a fainting episode a couple of weeks ago while at his doctor's office, which is right next door to the hospital in Richardson. They grabbed a wheelchair and rushed him over to the ER. He still had to wait hours for a bed to be open. Makes me sick to wonder what all he was exposed to while in there. He did say the room where he waited had no others in it, but who knows what was circulating in the air (or on the staff's clothing). Hope you guys stay safe.
Oh Lord. My brother had a fainting episode a couple of weeks ago while at his doctor's office, which is right next door to the hospital in Richardson. They grabbed a wheelchair and rushed him over to the ER. He still had to wait hours for a bed to be open. Makes me sick to wonder what all he was exposed to while in there. He did say the room where he waited had no others in it, but who knows what was circulating in the air (or on the staff's clothing). Hope you guys stay safe.
Oh, I hope he’s okay. We are staying in and my daughter is wearing a mask and staying away from co workers. We are all still well. Hoping the same for you all.
Oh, I hope he’s okay. We are staying in and my daughter is wearing a mask and staying away from co workers. We are all still well. Hoping the same for you all.

So far so good. We feel relatively safe going out right now. Beginning next week though we're not going to town more than absolutely necessary. Tourist season here ramps up around the 4th of July. There are already hundreds here but they're spread out across the entire region so it's not too bad. It will be crazy busy in town then till Labor Day.

Still trying to figure out how to go visit my middle daughter in Sept. (She's due in late August and wants me to come help out for a week.) Can't drive through Canada. Flights are ridiculously cheap ($200 round trip!!!) but is the risk worth it, especially with the mandatory layover in Detroit? Driving through the U.S. would take two whole days and come with its own risks.

These are unhappy times.
So far so good. We feel relatively safe going out right now. Beginning next week though we're not going to town more than absolutely necessary. Tourist season here ramps up around the 4th of July. There are already hundreds here but they're spread out across the entire region so it's not too bad. It will be crazy busy in town then till Labor Day.

Still trying to figure out how to go visit my middle daughter in Sept. (She's due in late August and wants me to come help out for a week.) Can't drive through Canada. Flights are ridiculously cheap ($200 round trip!!!) but is the risk worth it, especially with the mandatory layover in Detroit? Driving through the U.S. would take two whole days and come with its own risks.

These are unhappy times.
I hope there is some way you can make it. These are scary times.
I hope there is some way you can make it. These are scary times.

Yep. And if they aren't bad enough, yesterday I get an email from a fishing charter place in Homer offering an entire day, multi-species fishing trip for a couple hundred bucks! So I stupidly looked at airfares and you can get a round-trip ticket for less than $800!!! <sobs heartbrokenly>
Yep. And if they aren't bad enough, yesterday I get an email from a fishing charter place in Homer offering an entire day, multi-species fishing trip for a couple hundred bucks! So I stupidly looked at airfares and you can get a round-trip ticket for less than $800!!! <sobs heartbrokenly>

I can't believe you guys are talking about C-19.
When the world wants to know ,what's the best can of olives!:palm:
Yep. And if they aren't bad enough, yesterday I get an email from a fishing charter place in Homer offering an entire day, multi-species fishing trip for a couple hundred bucks! So I stupidly looked at airfares and you can get a round-trip ticket for less than $800!!! <sobs heartbrokenly>
I know, thank goodness for Zoom and Facetime. I miss my Alaskans.
<dusts and mops and polishes the bar> Let's open this joint up again!

Some happy news to balance the sad... last night my 10th grand child came into our world! His name is Lachlan and he weighs 7 lbs. 3 oz. Baby and mom and dad are tired but doing well! #11 is due to arrive next April. :loveu: