Amazon Tavern

Beautiful, not often I have seen one behind clouds like that...

Have you ever seen a double rainbow??

Oh yes... this is one. If you look to the bright leg's left, you'll see a fainter leg. People in town got a spectacular view! Their pics were all over social media and the news today!
Tired and stiff and sore, but we got 'er done! New greenhouse to replace the one Wintermaker ate last season, expanded the fenced in area, got half the beds planted, and the greenhouse filled with future food and happy herbs as well. I am beyond blessed to live in this place and to have a beloved soul to share it with.

Hope you are also having a wonderful weekend!

Just left Kroger,7 employees breaking health safety measures by not following companies policys on wearing mask.
In every dept.I couldn't get home fast enough to call corporate,fill out complaint using receipt,and several other places on line.
Just left Kroger,7 employees breaking health safety measures by not following companies policys on wearing mask.
In every dept.I couldn't get home fast enough to call corporate,fill out complaint using receipt,and several other places on line.

Yikes. Are masks still mandatory there? They are here.

I think it's hilarious that every time our local TV station posts a story about the virus, social distancing, masks, etc. on their FB page, dozens of covidiots rush to comment about how the governor is a "Nazi" for "forcing us to follow her rules" and that essentially being told to wear a mask to enter a business is the same as being shipped to Buchenwald on the train. Yet when we go to town, there are very few ppl w/o masks. I guess they save all their misplaced "patriotism" for TV news stories. :laugh:
Yikes. Are masks still mandatory there? They are here.

I think it's hilarious that every time our local TV station posts a story about the virus, social distancing, masks, etc. on their FB page, dozens of covidiots rush to comment about how the governor is a "Nazi" for "forcing us to follow her rules" and that essentially being told to wear a mask to enter a business is the same as being shipped to Buchenwald on the train. Yet when we go to town, there are very few ppl w/o masks. I guess they save all their misplaced "patriotism" for TV news stories. :laugh:

Mask are mandatory for Kroger employees by company policy.
Ohio mask are strongly encouraged!
Yep. It's interesting that most ppl here wear them even though we are considered just about 100% open now. There are still restrictions on super large gatherings but even churches can be open now.

It really pisses me off,when these moron mothers drag 4-5 little kids in the store,without mask,coughing ,touching everything
We see few young people with mask

It is time for you to leave that wilderness & move to Calif wear most civilized folk wear masks.

I see over 95% in stores etc & all employees following the "requirements".......

In Japan they tell ppl to wear a mask, they do it, no threats needed, here old farts are willing to lay their lives down (supposedly) rather than wear a fuckin mask... Not sure if we should cry or laugh....... How could adults, in this country be so stupid & selfish??

Spike that virus baby!!!!! :rolleyes: