Amazon Tavern

Hovels in the suburbs of Columbus are reasonable.

Considerably less than what Bill quoted for California -- like a third of the cost. Of course it's going to cost you extra though to get the smell of
out of the walls and shabby carpet. :laugh:
I just checked & it is a bit higher than my guestimate..
W/ the high unemployment I am assuming we will be having a down turn

Possibly. I like looking at local properties for sale and saving them just to see if things are moving, and how quickly, and what they're going for. It's been surprising that houses are still selling here. In fact, we just got two new sets of neighbors down our road, and best of all -- they have little kids! (Most everyone else here is retired or their kids are grown.)

The sales prices do seem lower than last year's though, so you're probably right. Makes you wonder too if there won't be a glut of real estate for sale soon, if ppl can't afford to keep their homes.
June is so bipolar here. Had to build a fire this morning to warm up the house. It's currently 47F. But we're forecast to have record highs close to or above 90F Monday! Then the remnants of Cristobal come and hang out for a few days.
Possibly. I like looking at local properties for sale and saving them just to see if things are moving, and how quickly, and what they're going for. It's been surprising that houses are still selling here. In fact, we just got two new sets of neighbors down our road, and best of all -- they have little kids! (Most everyone else here is retired or their kids are grown.)

The sales prices do seem lower than last year's though, so you're probably right. Makes you wonder too if there won't be a glut of real estate for sale soon, if ppl can't afford to keep their homes.
It has happened here several times, the boom & bust cycle for various reasons.

As the "bay area" creeps ever closer I think the outrageous swings will lessen in severity, assuming trump doesn't crash or burn the economy...

I just texted my daughter to find out how her offer is going.. She was anticipating a big drop-virus related but that has not happened, @ least not yet....

Fall is a slower time & if there is a second wave who knows what might happen........
It has happened here several times, the boom & bust cycle for various reasons.

As the "bay area" creeps ever closer I think the outrageous swings will lessen in severity, assuming trump doesn't crash or burn the economy...

I just texted my daughter to find out how her offer is going.. She was anticipating a big drop-virus related but that has not happened, @ least not yet....

Fall is a slower time & if there is a second wave who knows what might happen........

She has her house up for sale, or is looking to buy?
June is so bipolar here. Had to build a fire this morning to warm up the house. It's currently 47F. But we're forecast to have record highs close to or above 90F Monday! Then the remnants of Cristobal come and hang out for a few days.

We have the same... :) a few days ago we were over 100, today in the lower 70's & lows only 20 degrees above freezing.:) Nice sleeping weather, get to break out the blankets..
Indoor plumbing,but it's backed up

lol, so they leave a shovel & garden hose....

What should be done about it??

I recall Jimmy Carter want 4billion to fix up the south bronx....... He never got a dime, still looks like Dresden after the fire bombing during ww2..
Today we did a brave and a bit scary thing. We went to town and went out to eat. Dine-in! First time in three months. It was wonderful!
Today we did a brave and a bit scary thing. We went to town and went out to eat. Dine-in! First time in three months. It was wonderful!

How can you even enjoy it? I'm not in a public building without the mask on and you can't eat with it on. It just seems pointless to do something if most of the experience is gone. I'd rather get carry out and share with neighbors. We had steaks and beer at my neighbor friend's house on my birthday. They've been distancing as well.
COOL..:) What was on the menu??? What did you have??

Red Lobster! There aren't very many places to go to yet that are open for dining in. They don't have their usual menu with way too many choices, but that's okay. Had crab and shrimp and Mr. Owl had some horri... er, spicy shrimp dish that he liked.
How can you even enjoy it? I'm not in a public building without the mask on and you can't eat with it on. It just seems pointless to do something if most of the experience is gone. I'd rather get carry out and share with neighbors. We had steaks and beer at my neighbor friend's house on my birthday. They've been distancing as well.

That sounds really nice!

We were a bit leery but it was okay. Everyone was far away from each other. Any ppl walking around -- and the staff -- were wearing masks. You take them off at the table. We both washed our hands well when it was time to leave. The tables are bare of everything; you have to ask for salt/pepper shakers which are the plastic disposable kind. We don't get the huge influx of out-of-area ppl till around the 4th of July so we figured it was best to go now before they flood in, and their little cooties too. lol
Red Lobster! There aren't very many places to go to yet that are open for dining in. They don't have their usual menu with way too many choices, but that's okay. Had crab and shrimp and Mr. Owl had some horri... er, spicy shrimp dish that he liked.

We had some dramatic weather changes yesterday, and the day ended with a spectacular rainbow. We could just see its left end terminating at the Lake, and bifurcated by a layer of cloud. There's a secondary to its left.

We had some dramatic weather changes yesterday, and the day ended with a spectacular rainbow. We could just see its left end terminating at the Lake, and bifurcated by a layer of cloud. There's a secondary to its left.


Beautiful, not often I have seen one behind clouds like that...

Have you ever seen a double rainbow??