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Not to be too maudlin, but here is a sweet story for you. After my husband passed away, I'd drag myself home after work, let the birds out for some exercise, and lay on the couch and cry. One night it was the same old thing, only suddenly a warm head popped up next to mine. Phoenix (Catalina macaw) climbed up on the couch, laid her face against mine, and "cried" too. Then she whispered "I love you, birdie." Thought my heart would break, but in a good way. I had considered finding them new homes after he died, it just seemed like too much to deal with between the new job, the kids, and all. But that idea died after that.
:loveu::loveu: I know you're glad you didn't now.
Cute picture. Birds really are unique pets. I've spent time in the past with birds; macaws, African greys, cockatoos from a childhood friend of mine. The good thing is they are around a long time. I know it is difficult to find vets to treat exotics, even here there are only a few now. Way back when, I think there was only one place.

You're right. There is one in town, we've heard, but we haven't been there yet. We had an avian specialist in STL; he was wonderful. The year before we moved, there was some severe flooding in the area. We went to the "bird store" to help them clear the store out and move everything to storage in case the levee there broke. And there was Dr. K., who had recently had knee replacement surgery, helping out too. Sure do miss that community.
They are interactive, emotional, intelligent, hilarious, entertaining and amazing creatures. African greys for example are said to have the intelligence of a two- to three-year-old human child. Certainly they all have the emotional maturity (including tantrums! lol) of a human toddler. Our Grey, Koko, has been my friend for 25 years. He's seen my kids grow up to adulthood, said goodbye to my late husband, and welcomed Mr. Owl by and by. Our Quaker Dash is the only one who flies freely around the house; he fell in love with Mr. Owl at first sight and won't leave his side unless put back in his castle. He lies (literally) for hours on his leg or shoulder while he's reading or watching TV, just like a cat only poopier. They even take naps together on the couch.


Aww, that's a sweet picture!
Still getting over my Birthday meal. The restaurant gave me a free desert. How do you say no to that? My gut is not happy though. The Steak dinner was enough as is, but then they asked about the dessert. I thought Mom's here, she'll eat half. It was a lot more then expected. It was two scoops vanilla ice cream, two beignets, each about 3/4 the size of a hot pocket, and drenched in hot fudge. I have been eating rather lightly today.
Still getting over my Birthday meal. The restaurant gave me a free desert. How do you say no to that? My gut is not happy though. The Steak dinner was enough as is, but then they asked about the dessert. I thought Mom's here, she'll eat half. It was a lot more then expected. It was two scoops vanilla ice cream, two beignets, each about 3/4 the size of a hot pocket, and drenched in hot fudge. I have been eating rather lightly today.

Happy birthday!!!!
Hahahaha -- One of my friends just posted me this story.

"Firefighters are risking their own life to save ours. And there are not only humans they’re helping, but animals as well. And while we are so grateful for their great job, we can’t say the same for some animals they’ve rescued.

"While trapped on a roof, Jessie, a Macaw parrot did’t have the best opinion about the rescue team sent to rescue her. And she expressed her thoughts by using some words just as colorful as its plumage is."
Still getting over my Birthday meal. The restaurant gave me a free desert. How do you say no to that? My gut is not happy though. The Steak dinner was enough as is, but then they asked about the dessert. I thought Mom's here, she'll eat half. It was a lot more then expected. It was two scoops vanilla ice cream, two beignets, each about 3/4 the size of a hot pocket, and drenched in hot fudge. I have been eating rather lightly today.

Happy birthday Jade! And many more!
Still getting over my Birthday meal. The restaurant gave me a free desert. How do you say no to that? My gut is not happy though. The Steak dinner was enough as is, but then they asked about the dessert. I thought Mom's here, she'll eat half. It was a lot more then expected. It was two scoops vanilla ice cream, two beignets, each about 3/4 the size of a hot pocket, and drenched in hot fudge. I have been eating rather lightly today.
Happy birthday! Hope it was fun.
I just got some bad news, but maybe it will help others. I thought my sweety doggie had a skin tag, it turned out it was a tick. Due to the weather changes, and extremes they are coming out early. She hasn't started her meds yet to keep them away. I feel like crap for not investigating more clearly. Talk to vets about starting that stuff sooner. I really am upset, because I even asked Mom, why doggie wasn't taking the stuff already, since I new the bugs, and mosquito's were already out. Fucking parasites, I'd kill every last one if I could.
I just got some bad news, but maybe it will help others. I thought my sweety doggie had a skin tag, it turned out it was a tick. Due to the weather changes, and extremes they are coming out early. She hasn't started her meds yet to keep them away. I feel like crap for not investigating more clearly. Talk to vets about starting that stuff sooner. I really am upset, because I even asked Mom, why doggie wasn't taking the stuff already, since I new the bugs, and mosquito's were already out. Fucking parasites, I'd kill every last one if I could.

Bet she will be fine. Sorry though about the major scare.
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