APP - America is fat

40k is roughly 25.6 miles... so if ya did it in an hour... :)
Yea I was a USC Cat 3 back then (though I was old enough to be in Masters) but I was purely pack fodder at CAT 3. I did pretty good at Cat 4 and 5 and even won a couple of races at that level.

The one race I did win at Cat 4 was the Flat Land Flyer in Bytheville, Arkansas. Flatest route you ever saw. Only hill was an overpass on I-55. I was there on business and had been hill training in the central Ohio river valleys for months so I was about the only one in the field that hadn't been training in flat land. I smoked the field and rode the 50 mile course in 2:15. I played oppssum the first half until it was my turn to pull at the front, I did a pull for 10 minutes then attacked the field and did my one and only break away. The pack never caught me. I finished 10 minutes ahead of the 2nd place guy but, and I have to stress this, it was the weakest CAT 4 field I rode against. The asshole organizers pissed me off cause they only gave me an age group trophy even though I was the over all winner. Dumb asses forgot to buy a trophy for the over all winner and only had age group prizes. I was like "WTF, I thought this was a USCF race?"

I consider my best acheivement on a bike was time trialing 100 miles in under 5 hours. Granted it was flat to rolling roads with little to no wind but I was out there by myself, no stops, no one to draft with on a 90+ deg summer day. I was in the zone that day, it was one of the most awesome days of my life.