Here is why there are so many people who believe in such BS:
"Charles and David Koch have been involved in, and have provided funding to, a number of other think tanks and public policy organizations: They provided the initial funding for
the Cato Institute, they are
key donors to the Federalist Society,[77] and they also support, or are members of,
the Mercatus Center,[78] the Institute for Humane Studies,[78] the Institute for Justice,[79] the Institute for Energy Research,[80] the Heritage Foundation,[81] the Manhattan Institute,[81] the Reason Foundation,[78] the George C. Marshall Institute,[82] the American Enterprise Institute,[82] and the Fraser Institute,[83][84] and the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust.[85][86] As of 2015, David Koch sat on the board of directors of the Cato Institute,[87] the Reason Foundation and the Aspen Institute.[88] A 2013 study by OpenSecrets said that nonprofit groups backed by a donor network organized by Charles and David Koch raised more than $400 million in the 2011–2012 election cycle.[80]
Citizens for a Sound Economy
Main article: Citizens for a Sound Economy
Citizens for a Sound Economy was co-founded by David Koch in the 1980s.[77] According to the Center for Public Integrity, the Koch Brothers donated a total of $7.9 million between 1986 and 1993.[10] In 1990, the brothers created the spinoff group Citizens for the Environment.[10] In 2004, Citizens for a Sound Economy was renamed FreedomWorks, while its affiliated Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation became Americans for Prosperity (AFP). Since then the Koch brothers have given more than one million dollars to AFP.[10][77][89]
Americans for Prosperity
Main article: Americans for Prosperity
The Americans for Prosperity Foundation is the Koch brothers' primary political advocacy group.[90][91][92][93] David Koch was the top initial funder of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation.[94][95] At AFP's 2009 annual summit meeting, David Koch said "Five years ago, my brother Charles and I provided the funds to start the Americans for Prosperity, and it's beyond my wildest dreams how AFP has grown into this enormous organization."[89][96][97] AFP is the political arm of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, for which David Koch serves as chairman of the Board of Trustees.[77][88][98][99]
Americans for Prosperity created Patients United Now, which advocated against a single-payer health care system during the 2009-2010 healthcare reform debate. Both FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity have provided support for the Tea Party movement.[100][101] AFP spent $45 million in the 2010 election.[102]
Cato Institute
Main article: Cato Institute
The Cato Institute is an American libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C. It was founded as the Charles Koch Foundation in 1974 by Ed Crane, Murray Rothbard, and Charles Koch. Following the 2011 death of William Niskanen, the chairman of the Cato Institute, Charles and David Koch reportedly made an effort to procure the shares of that institute held by Niskanen's widow, "arguing that they were not hers to hold".[103] Their efforts were criticized by some at the institute, including the institute's president Ed Crane, who in an email to staff stated that the Kochs were "in the process of trying to take over the Cato Institute. The brothers issued a statement denying any wrongdoing and stated they "never asserted that Cato should be directly by, or at the whim of, any other organization, or that they should aspire to advocate the way AFP does.[104][105] In June 2012, Cato and the brothers reached an agreement. Crane stepped down and was replaced by John A. Allison IV; the Kochs withdrew two lawsuits.[106]
Freedom Partners
Main article: Freedom Partners
Freedom Partners gave grants worth a total of $236 million to conservative organizations, groups like the Tea Party Patriots and organizations which opposed the Affordable Care Act prior to the 2012 election. Freedom Partners financed the socially conservative group Concerned Women for America, a leading opponent of same-sex marriage in the United States [107] A majority of Freedom Partners board of directors is made up of long-time employees of the Koch brothers."
Koch Brothers Political Activity