No, it is not. This is the moment where I ask any condoner of abortion two specific questions that they cannot answer in a rational manner without ultimately admitting that a human life is present:The notion that an zygote, embryo, or fetus is a human being...and that a human being is being killed in an abortion, is an absurdity.
[1] What species is the zygote, if not human?
[2] How does the zygote, from the moment of fertilization/conception, continue through all other developmental stages of human life (until death occurs) if there is no life present?
Science is not bullshit.You people use that bullshit
A child's body is not the mother's order to justify that you want to control dictate to them what they can and cannot do concerning their own bodies.
And not at all... The only controlling of women that is going on stems from liberals. It is liberals who wish to force women (men too!) to undergo COVID injections in order to retain their jobs. You do realize that reversing Roe v Wade does not ban abortion, right??
I realize that Democrats seem to think that everything must either be mandated or banned, but that's not the way that things have to be. Reversing Roe v Wade is simply returning power back to the individual States, where it SHOULD be. Each State (and the people therein) can make law as they see fit.
No one is telling the dictatorship of California that they MUST ban abortion. They are still free to condone it, even after the reversal of Roe v Wade. Nothing has changed for them. However, there are other States (such as Wisconsin) which do not wish to condone abortion. Democrats want to force the people of Wisconsin to condone abortion rather than allow them the freedom to choose for themselves. Ergo, it is LIBERALS who wish to shove their moral/religious beliefs down the throats of others, not conservatives.
Again, conservatives are NOT shoving their beliefs down the throats of liberals. California is free to condone abortion if they so choose (nobody is forcing them to ban abortion). Rather, it is liberals who wish to shove THEIR beliefs down the throats of everyone else (they wish to force Wisconsin, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Wyoming, Idaho, etc etc etc) to condone abortion rather than allowing them the freedom to ban it.
Even with those States banning abortion, anyone within those States who doesn't like certain laws within those States has the freedom to move to other States that more closely align with their own political/moral views. If you live in Wisconsin and hate the fact that they consider abortion to be a felony offense, then you are always free to move into Illinois or some other State (or even the oligarchy of New York or the dictatorship of California) that condones abortion.
Still attempting to justify murder, eh?Yeah, some people use the "religious" excuse as justification, but that, by its very nature, is even more absurd.
It is not her own body, dude... It is the child's body that is being killed for the sake of another living human's convenience.So learn to deal with it. Pregnancy is a unique situation...and it DOES NOT CALL FOR MEN OR GOVERNMENTS BEING ABLE TO DICTATE TO A PREGNANT WOMAN WHAT SHE CAN AND CANNOT DO WITH HER OWN BODY.
You are failing at identity, acting as if a child's body is somehow the mother's body and acting as if the species of the child (at least in the early developmental stages of human life) is something other than human (but then somehow transforms into being a human during later developmental stages??).
You are failing at reason, acting as if a child in the early developmental stages of human life is somehow able to advance through all the developmental stages of human life (until that human eventually dies) yet that child is somehow doing so while being dead.
You are failing to educate yourself, acting as if the SCOTUS reversal of Roe v Wade is "banning abortion everywhere" when it is really just returning control of it back to the individual States where such control belongs. I realize that liberals like yourself wish to universally mandate across the nation everything that you like and universally ban across the nation everything that you do not like, but there IS a third option called FREEDOM. There IS a third option of individual States being able to do as they each see fit. You live in Wisconsin and love abortion?? Well, you are free to move your ass down to Illinois where they (well, Chicago, anyway) condone such behavior.
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