America is headed for another civil war

Paper is not fertilizer, Frank! It's a mulch! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Obviously you have no idea about gardening either!
Now do you want to go down THIS road with your word salad??????!?


Just institutionalize yourself for a little while. It will do you a world of good!
We only need a civil war if one side wants to dominate the entire continent.

If we simply agree to partition along the lines of political ideology, there's no need for war.

Yes, there are trumpanzees in New England and sane people in Texas. That can't be avoided, but people can move if they can find work.

Partition would at least allow the majority in each area to have the kind of government and tax structure that they want.

I don't see the downside except for red state America having to live without blue state America tax money.
If that bothered them so much, they'd support women's rights, reasonable gun legislation, socialized medicine, a secular state, and liberal education.
If they want to live under Christian Taliban conditions, they can learn to support themselves. They shouldn't expect help and cooperation from civilized people.

People who want to keep the present republic are apparently satisfied with perpetual strife.
I personally find it a profound embarrassment that states like Texas and Florida are a part of my nation.
That's the honest truth.
A chicken egg is a zygote, Asshole.
No it is not, Asshole.

A chicken egg is a chicken egg. A zygote is a zygote. They are two completely different things.

EDIT: I forgot to mention your paradox here... Earlier, you told us all that "a zygote is a zygote" (which is correct), and ITN poked fun at you by saying something similar to "pretty soon you'll be telling us that an apple is an apple". Well, now you're trying to tell us all that a chicken egg (rather than a zygote) is a zygote... so which one is it?

[1] A zygote is a zygote.
[2] A chicken egg is a zygote.

I cannot even stand to read
I believe you. You obviously do not read and comprehend what I say.

your diatribes...

let alone actually respond to them.
Yet, here you are responding to them.

It takes some effort on my part to do so.
I have yet to see any effort from you. All I've seen from you are personal insults, complaints about the manner in which I post responses, no understanding of identity, no understanding of species and developmental stages of life (or even what constitutes life), and no desire to educate yourself about what the reversal of Roe v Wade did.

If you have a single item you want to discuss...present that single item and we can discuss it.
I'd like to specifically hone in on your very first position you took and I initially responded to, namely your position that a zygote/embryo/fetus is "not a human being" (thus abortion is not killing a human being).

I asked you two questions in response to this assertion of yours, neither of which you answered, so I would like to ask them again and specifically focus on this "single item" of discussion:

[1] What species is the zygote, if not human?
[2] How does the zygote, from the moment of fertilization/conception, continue through all other developmental stages of human life (until death occurs) if there is no life present?

I may not be able to eat comfortably tonight, but I will do it. Pick out the single most important item you suppose you are making with this word salad of yours...and we will discuss it. Either we resolve it...or we decide we must agree to disagree.
See above.
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We only need a civil war if one side wants to dominate the entire continent.
No one needs a civil war, dumbass! You idiots, however, are intent on bringing anyway.
If we simply agree to partition along the lines of political ideology, there's no need for war.
No lines, dumbass.
Yes, there are trumpanzees in New England and sane people in Texas. That can't be avoided, but people can move if they can find work.
No lines, dumbass.
Partition would at least allow the majority in each area to have the kind of government and tax structure that they want.
No lines, dumbass. No compromise. Your idea of 'compromise' is capitulation. Not gonna happen, dude.
I don't see the downside except for red state America having to live without blue state America tax money.
No lines, dumbass.
If that bothered them so much, they'd support women's rights,
Women already have rights, except for the ones YOU ADVOCATE KILLING as part of that murder called abortion. You don't give a damn about women's rights. Don't hide behind that.
reasonable gun legislation,
There isn't any if it bans or limits guns in any way.
socialized medicine,
Communism doesn't work, dude.
a secular state,
It already is.
and liberal education.
Which is pushing propaganda upon students. That isn't education, dude. That's indoctrination.
If they want to live under Christian Taliban conditions,
The Taliban are Muslim, not Christian. Obviously, you are out to kill Christians.
they can learn to support themselves.
They already do.
They shouldn't expect help and cooperation from civilized people.
People that murder their own offspring are NOT civilized. That is barbarism.
People that fund violent groups like the Democrats do, such as Antifa, BLM, and the KKK, are NOT civilized. That is barbarism.
People who want to keep the present republic are apparently satisfied with perpetual strife.
Ingrate. You sit there in the city that was built through capitalism, typing on your computer that was build through capitalism, eating food grown by farmers and ranchers you despise, imported from States you despise, using power from States you despise, all trucked in by truckers you despise.
I personally find it a profound embarrassment that states like Texas and Florida are a part of my nation.
Not your nation. The United States no longer exist, thanks to Democrats.
That's the honest truth.
You're an ingrate. You hate. It's all you know.
Yes...a chicken egg is a zygote. You, on the other hand, are a fucking moron.
No, it is not. Stop being such a fucking moron.

I asked you two questions as part of the "single item" that you wished to talk about, yet you have not responded to my questions. Was your offer to have a discussion a disingenuous one by any chance?
[to Nifty]

Ingrate. You sit there in the city that was built through capitalism, typing on your computer that was build through capitalism, eating food grown by farmers and ranchers you despise, imported from States you despise, using power from States you despise, all trucked in by truckers you despise.
VERY well said!
No, it is not. Stop being such a fucking moron.

An egg IS A ZYGOTE you fucking moron. I'd ask you to stop being such a fucking moron, but I realize that is beyond what you can do.

I asked you two questions as part of the "single item" that you wished to talk about, yet you have not responded to my questions. Was your offer to have a discussion a disingenuous one by any chance?

You asked me TWO questions as PART of the "SINGLE item!"

Are you fucking insane as well as stupid?

How could you even write that absurd fucking sentence...and publish it where anyone could read it?
An egg IS A ZYGOTE you fucking moron. I'd ask you to stop being such a fucking moron, but I realize that is beyond what you can do.

You asked me TWO questions as PART of the "SINGLE item!"

Are you fucking insane as well as stupid?

How could you even write that absurd fucking sentence...and publish it where anyone could read it?

Frankie Four Putt is in the house!
An egg IS A ZYGOTE you fucking moron. I'd ask you to stop being such a fucking moron, but I realize that is beyond what you can do.
Repetition; insults.

You asked me TWO questions as PART of the "SINGLE item!"
Yes. I chose a single item and have asked you a two part question with regard to it.

Are you fucking insane as well as stupid?

How could you even write that absurd fucking sentence...and publish it where anyone could read it?
There's nothing absurd about it. Answer the questions or cower back into Biden's basement...
We only need a civil war if one side wants to dominate the entire continent.

If we simply agree to partition along the lines of political ideology, there's no need for war.

Yes, there are trumpanzees in New England and sane people in Texas. That can't be avoided, but people can move if they can find work.

Partition would at least allow the majority in each area to have the kind of government and tax structure that they want.

I don't see the downside except for red state America having to live without blue state America tax money.
If that bothered them so much, they'd support women's rights, reasonable gun legislation, socialized medicine, a secular state, and liberal education.
If they want to live under Christian Taliban conditions, they can learn to support themselves. They shouldn't expect help and cooperation from civilized people.

People who want to keep the present republic are apparently satisfied with perpetual strife.
I personally find it a profound embarrassment that states like Texas and Florida are a part of my nation.
That's the honest truth.

this is a great example of how retarded the left is - they discuss war when we take steps to lessen the reach of government power

I wish I could live to see them get their way - divide the country up - and watch their half perpetually fight over the central government laws they can't possibly agree to follow.
I know you four putt often.

You are full of shit, Guille. But your attempts to seem cool are so cute, I cannot help but love your company. Nothing like a good laugh.

Played today. I actually three putted twice, which is not good, but in my defense, the greens were all screwed up...slow as molasses in the start (for the first 5 - 6 holes)...and very fast as the morning dew dried up. No four putts...or five putts...or six putts...or anything higher.

Shot a 93...which is higher than I should be shooting right now, because I am hitting the ball solid.

Do continue to entertain me. :laugh: