Into the Night
Verified User
children have been born. terminating a pregnancy is not killing a child.
It is killing a child. It is murder for the sake of convenience.
children have been born. terminating a pregnancy is not killing a child.
Nope. The only children killed have been mass shooting victims - victims of non-existent gun laws. Prove you care about children - deal with that.
Having an abortion is no more "killing a child" than scrambling an egg is "killing a chicken."
You people have got to get over yourselves about that.
No one is going to war over abortion.
Not at all. It human zygote, embryo, or fetus IS a human being. It is not a chicken, dog, cat, or any other creature. It is a human being.The notion that an zygote, embryo, or fetus is a human being...and that a human being is being killed in an abortion, is an absurdity.
The bullshit is YOURS. Inversion fallacy.You people use that bullshit
No one is talking about controlling women, except order to justify that you want to control women...
The child is NOT the women's dictate to them what they can and cannot do concerning their own bodies.
So you belong to the Church of No God. I already knew that. No, you cannot justify murder that way.Yeah, some people use the "religious" excuse as justification, but that, by its very nature, is even more absurd.
Not her own body. It is the child's body that is being killed, dumbass.So learn to deal with it. Pregnancy is a unique situation...and it DOES NOT CALL FOR MEN OR GOVERNMENTS BEING ABLE TO DICTATE TO A PREGNANT WOMAN WHAT SHE CAN AND CANNOT DO WITH HER OWN BODY.
Not at all. It human zygote, embryo, or fetus IS a human being. It is not a chicken, dog, cat, or any other creature. It is a human being.
The bullshit is YOURS. Inversion fallacy.
No one is talking about controlling women, except DEMOCRATS.
The child is NOT the women's body.
So you belong to the Church of No God. I already knew that. No, you cannot justify murder that way.
Not her own body. It is the child's body that is being killed, dumbass.
it is sad that people who have zero knowledge of biological science post stupid things like this........eggs are eggs......a fertilized egg is not sold in grocery stores......they are "candled" to make sure......I can even remember candling eggs when I was a kid on the farm.....if you don't know anything about science don't post things about science.....
Eh...I think you're right and wrong.
He said nothing of the sort. All you have are lies and cheating to achieve your ends. This is why it won't stand, smart guy.
hey zoe, shut your fucking pie hole. also, you idiot fucking libs on here all riled up because the constitution was adhered to and now want a civil war.......remember when I predicted that shit a year and a half ago?
you morons thought it ridiculous...........remember?
stop fucking around and bring it, bitches..........i'm tired of your petty ass bullshit.
any fuckstick making a distinction between zygotes, embryos, unorganized clumps of cells and real children, you're not fucking human beings.............if you have kids, look at them closely and see if you can relate to that child as just a clump of cells that, if destroyed, means nothing.
Hey, I remember that! It was a couple months before Trump's 'loyalists', aka cult loons, tried to subvert the constitutional process because of the lies he'd been feeding them. Did you know that was gonna happen, too?
Well aren't you ever so helpful!
As America collapses and the Chinese take over as the lone global superpower, and as they make it clear that America is to be the worlds premier shithole country as retribution for our various crimes, America will come back together.
The Chinese are not a superpower. Indeed, they are falling back into internal wars. Even now, the Chinese government is creating the army that will destroy them.
The Chinese are not a superpower. Indeed, they are falling back into internal wars. Even now, the Chinese government is creating the army that will destroy them.
Thats TOP! to U buddy!
No, just top. Now go fuck yourself chink.
Actually he said exactly that. You really should pay more attention to the Chief Puppet you worship.