So Legion is arguing for a guaranteed income. good. No reason a rich country should abandon the poor and needy.
Think so?
Have you told Nattering Nancy to open her mansion to the homeless?
So Legion is arguing for a guaranteed income. good. No reason a rich country should abandon the poor and needy.
OMG. something Mott and I agree on.The argument here is based on a false premise. Texas and Florida are hardly fly over States and the North East, Great Lakes and Pacific Coast States have enough electoral votes to win a Presidential election.
The Senate was designed to be undemocratic by our founding fathers and the Southern States have used voting in a solid block to dominate both houses with a minority of the population of less than 25%. That can be fixed in the House by eliminating seniority. The Senate would require a constitutional amendment to be based on population which is unlikely to happen.
So Legion is arguing for a guaranteed income. good. No reason a rich country should abandon the poor and needy.
LOL How terrible Democrats are at governing cities. 9 out of the top 10 US Cities in the US by population and GDP are run by Democrats and 37 of the top 50 are run by Democrats. Not to mention 9 of the poorest 10 States in the nation are run by Republicans.
LOL How terrible Democrats are at governing cities. 9 out of the top 10 US Cities in the US by population and GDP are run by Democrats and 37 of the top 50 are run by Democrats.
Run with that, Nerdberg.
OK. Washington, Hamilton, Jay and many other founders favored a proportional representation in the senate. They ended up caving because the small states insisted on 2 each. The ratification was predicated on 2 senators per state. Most of the writer objected, but caved to get the union formed. It was not higher principles nor is it better. It was a bad compromise that still hurts us. When I first went to college, Poli Sci was a requirement. I don't think it is any more.
OK. Washington, Hamilton, Jay and many other founders favored a proportional representation in the senate. They ended up caving because the small states insisted on 2 each. The ratification was predicated on 2 senators per state. Most of the writer objected, but caved to get the union formed. It was not higher principles nor is it better. It was a bad compromise that still hurts us. When I first went to college, Poli Sci was a requirement. I don't think it is any more.
Think so, grandpa Andrew?
I'm not the one who's almost 70 and at severe risk of geriatric dementia, am I?
Poor katzgutz.
They have a vote. Senators should be predicated on population . Wyoming has 2 senators. population 600,000 California 2 sens . population 40 million. That is not fair.
I figure you are well over 70 Ivan
I hear Woody in the backgroundMAGA
Quote Originally Posted by Bourbon View Post
silly man, I am not hanging on at all.
Of course but there were 13 states and no population extremes back then. The extremes make the Senate less proportional and increasingly less fair. Times change. The logic should keep up.,
I'm thinking 'right to work' has something to do with thatLOL How terrible Democrats are at governing cities. 9 out of the top 10 US Cities in the US by population and GDP are run by Democrats and 37 of the top 50 are run by Democrats. Not to mention 9 of the poorest 10 States in the nation are run by Republicans.
Probably from Democrat run Detroit.
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only because demmycrats run the cities in those ten states......nine of your top ten cities are close to bankruptcy.......the other one is likely run by Republicans......Not to mention 9 of the poorest 10 States in the nation are run by Republicans.
I figure you are well over 70 Ivan
OK. Washington, Hamilton, Jay and many other founders favored a proportional representation in the senate. They ended up caving because the small states insisted on 2 each. The ratification was predicated on 2 senators per state. Most of the writer objected, but caved to get the union formed. It was not higher principles nor is it better. It was a bad compromise that still hurts us. When I first went to college, Poli Sci was a requirement. I don't think it is any more.
Need a tissue, old timer?