America Is on a Path to Turn into Detroit, and Republicans Are Cool with That?!!

Why did they refuse to build the cars that were being bought instead of refusing to retool and build something other than the hulking

Dude I lived it.

You should have heard what people were saying about them at the time

The BIG 3 are not bound to perform for anyone but their SHAREHOLDERS. That is who they are responsible to. Not the City.
The Big 3 are PRIVATE CORPORATIONS that are under NO OBLIGATION to stay in Detroit. They must make a profit for those Shareholders and if that means moving 200,000 jobs to other states where labor, utilities and resources are cheaper so be it.

The Big 3 sent hundreds of thousands of jobs out of state so they could remain profitable.

They owe NOTHING to the City of Detroit.. All Detroit did for them was make taxes and operating expenses prohibitive to doing business.

GM/FORD/CHRYSLER can do what they like... They are PRIVATE Corporations and Detroit Screwed them over.
well,'s some uncomfortable truth for you.....Detroit is run by, explained it I have done.....

So you believe that Democratic politicians are the reason Industry is failing in Detroit? You're sure it isn't the party that voted against the "Anti-Outsourcing Bill of 2010"?

This bill would have stopped tax deductions for outsourcing jobs and give tax deductions to insource them. The Right voted this down. And the Right cries "why are there so many out of work!" and "we don't get paid enough" when IT'S THEIR OWN PARTY DOING THE DAMAGE! You bone heads justify outsourcing stating that "the jobs are just low skill jobs anyway, we don't need them" but then complain when the people out of work collect welfare because they are too lazy to find work. Grow a brain!
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So you believe that Democratic politicians are the reason Industry is failing in Detroit? You're sure it isn't the party that voted against the "Anti-Outsourcing Bill of 2010"?

This bill would have stopped tax deductions for outsourcing jobs and give tax deductions to insource them. The Right voted this down. And the Right cries "why are there so many out of work!" and "we don't get paid enough" when IT'S THEIR OWN PARTY DOING THE DAMAGE! You bone heads justify outsourcing stating that "the jobs are just low skill jobs anyway, we don't need them" but then complain when the people out of work collect welfare because they are too lazy to find work. Grow a brain!

Yes, that is the bill that killed Detroit.
one DEVILS NIGHT in the early 1980's there were 800 house fires in Detroit in a 3 day period around Halloween.

30 years before 2010 there were 10's of thousands of abandoned houses in the city already.

The writing was on the wall and the City Council refused to read it!
these were not abandoned after 2010......
if there were a picture available of this spot in the 50s there would have been rows of houses on every street......
on the left is what remained in the 80s......on the right after civic clean up around fifteen years ago.....

where there used to be blocks of houses, now there are four......
The BIG 3 are not bound to perform for anyone but their SHAREHOLDERS. That is who they are responsible to. Not the City.
The Big 3 are PRIVATE CORPORATIONS that are under NO OBLIGATION to stay in Detroit. They must make a profit for those Shareholders and if that means moving 200,000 jobs to other states where labor, utilities and resources are cheaper so be it.

The Big 3 sent hundreds of thousands of jobs out of state so they could remain profitable.

They owe NOTHING to the City of Detroit.. All Detroit did for them was make taxes and operating expenses prohibitive to doing business.

GM/FORD/CHRYSLER can do what they like... They are PRIVATE Corporations and Detroit Screwed them over.

hahahahahahah the city screwed them huh?

did the city tell them not to retool and build the cars people would actually buy when Toyota came along and ATE THEIR LUNCH?


The big three kept building big hulking gas guzzlers when No one was buying them.

How did that work out for their shareholders.

You have made a pretty damn good case for cities to NOT TRUST any industry or what their CEOs promise to a city in return for special treatment by the local government.

CEOs don't care about people huh.

they care about profit for themselves.

why is it you then think they should be running the world?