America Is on a Path to Turn into Detroit, and Republicans Are Cool with That?!!

No, it isn't. Japanese cars weren't popular until the oil crisis (1970's), but then fell out of favor for SUVs in the 80's/90's/2000's. Detroit has been declining since the early 60's.

Too bad you were not around back then. At least 1 in five cars in 1970 was a VW bug. If you only knew, not that it would matter.

Damo does know, he is just denying reality on principle's stake, as usual.

By the way, when gas was 25 cents a gallon, there were still people who wanted to burn less of it.
Yes retard, the lack of revenue from the ruined economy has nothing to do with it. It is all the union's fault.

You are not even a good parrot.

riddle me this, Rune.......if your population drops from over a million to 700,000 between the 2000 and 2010 census, is it likely that you need 30% fewer teachers, 30% fewer policemen, 30% fewer firemen, 30% fewer janitors, 30% fewer everything in municipal government?.........but the municipal workers unions didn't agree to reducing ranks by 30%......what effect do you think that had on the city budget?......
It was way too late then.

Yeah, because it had nothing to do with it. Even if it did (it didn't) the failure of the city to attract any sort of business (there aren't even grocery stores in the city limits for fucks sake) is obvious in the extreme, and to continue spending excessively is even more stupid.
Too bad you were not around back then. At least 1 in five cars in 1970 was a VW bug. If you only knew, not that it would matter.

Damo does know, he is just denying reality on principle's stake, as usual.

By the way, when gas was 25 cents a gallon, there were still people who wanted to burn less of it.

Yeah, a full decade AFTER Detroit started its decline.
riddle me this, Rune.......if your population drops from over a million to 700,000 between the 2000 and 2010 census, is it likely that you need 30% fewer teachers, 30% fewer policemen, 30% fewer firemen, 30% fewer janitors, 30% fewer everything in municipal government?.........but the municipal workers unions didn't agree to reducing ranks by 30%......what effect do you think that had on the city budget?......

Chicago is finding the same. Nearly 50 schools closed, over 1000 teachers and 3000 staff laid off. Between pensions and new contract they still face a billion dollar deficit. That's just the CPS. Anyone really wonder about police, fire, streets and san, etc?
Dubya encouraged car companies to make wasteful cars, in two ways, by eliminating the CAFE increases, and by allowing SUV's over 6000 lbs to
receive tax benefits meant for commercial trucks.

Again, two companies that hire about 9,000 people in the city of Detroit and the surrounding area are not the factor that killed the city. You are being deliberately obtuse. What made Detroit fail, the city not two companies in the area, was the policy of the government. Even if Bush single-handedly destroyed the two companies, the 9,000 people would hardly dent the incredible number of people that are unemployed in the city.
see what happens when a city cultivates too much a single industry.

the industry fucks them

Yeah, it can't be that the stupid policy of the lawmakers refusing to cultivate new businesses in the area causing that to happen, it's the companies. They're all evil. Those Buggy Whip Makers made our fictional city, mentioned earlier, fail not the city government's failure to take a longer view.
everyone knows this city was fucked and used by the CEOS of the car industry they had cultivated in the city.

The city embraced those corporations and were rewarded for it like the temporary CEOs at the time felt was proper.

this is what you get when you trust SOME GUY the corporation promoted to the top last year to be your true partner in governing a city
Chicago is finding the same. Nearly 50 schools closed, over 1000 teachers and 3000 staff laid off. Between pensions and new contract they still face a billion dollar deficit. That's just the CPS. Anyone really wonder about police, fire, streets and san, etc?

According to Rune, and Desh, it's Ford's fault. Chicago shouldn't have depended on those extra special 9,000 jobs in Detroit to build a tax base...
Thanks for proving what you advocate has never worked. It is not as if it hasn't been tried. It never fails to devolve into the worst kind of tyranny.

Start a thread about it, if you feel so inclined. I won't - any longer - lower myself to debating one-liners.
everyone knows this city was fucked and used by the CEOS of the car industry they had cultivated in the city.

The city embraced those corporations and were rewarded for it like the temporary CEOs at the time felt was proper.

this is what you get when you trust SOME GUY the corporation promoted to the top last year to be your true partner in governing a city

And who did this Desh? Can you be honest and tell me which party was running that city and doing this? Will you be honest and do a bit of introspection on your own?

Now for a bit of reality: The laws passed that were agreeable to the unions of those companies (supposedly protecting their jobs by keeping out competition), as well as the public unions, were instrumental in the fiscal downfall of that city.

The reality is, Detroit didn't fall from losing 40K jobs (the car companies in their heyday), or the 9,000 that they currently employ in that city. Detroit fell because the policy of their local government was detrimental to the future fiscal well being of the city.
its the corporations who were running the corps that fucked the people in this area.

They refused to retool and build the cars that the market wanted.

Instead they just buried their heads and built great big hulking pieces of shit that no one wanted anymore.

I lived it Damo.

I saw it first hand.

You were a baby
And who did this Desh? Can you be honest and tell me which party was running that city and doing this? Will you be honest and do a bit of introspection on your own?

Now for a bit of reality: The laws passed that were agreeable to the unions of those companies (supposedly protecting their jobs by keeping out competition), as well as the public unions, were instrumental in the fiscal downfall of that city.

The reality is, Detroit didn't fall from losing 40K jobs (the car companies in their heyday), or the 9,000 that they currently employ in that city. Detroit fell because the policy of their local government was detrimental to the future fiscal well being of the city.

Especially since most of those jobs just moved down the road to cities Pontiac or wixom or sterling heights, etc.
damo how many service jobs existed because of those car industry jobs were there?

The current 9,000? In the city of Detroit alone? Not as many as you believe. They have about the same amount of service jobs as any other city of the same size, they couldn't have any more than that because the economy wouldn't support it.

More reality, as big as they were, those two companies, hiring in their heyday (before 1962 when Ds took over and ran the city without competition) 40,000 jobs, simply could not be the foundation of the tax base for a city that size. Small businesses are the drive of our economy, 75% of all people who work are hired by small business. It is those businesses that need to have incentive to come and to stay in a city. If your policy drives them out of business, it is the government's fault, not any company.

A company can try to push for laws to pass, but they cannot pass laws. The people who actually set the policy are at fault.
Yeah, it can't be that the stupid policy of the lawmakers refusing to cultivate new businesses in the area causing that to happen, it's the companies. They're all evil. Those Buggy Whip Makers made our fictional city, mentioned earlier, fail not the city government's failure to take a longer view.

Look at how Pittsburgh came back after the Steel industry collapsed.

Pittsburgh 1968

Pittsburgh 2013