America Is on a Path to Turn into Detroit, and Republicans Are Cool with That?!!

The CEOs killed it by so very badly refusing to change with the market.

that is what happens when you a one industry town and expect the CEOs to give a rats ass about real peoples lives over money

So the CEO's controlled the Cities pension plans? The CEO's controlled the cities spending levels? The cities schools? etc...???

It can't be the car companies, because Obama saved them... just ask him, he will tell you all about it.
Well Jingophat, the entire country's consumer habits ruined Detroit, not whoever was in charge of paying the streetsweepers.

Why are you such a dirty dishonest liar?

the Detroit auto industry does not run Detroit.....the elected officials of Detroit ran Detroit (up until a receiver was appointed, anyway)......
do you know what MO town stands for?

Yes, do you know who hires the cities workers? Do you know who promises the benefits those workers get? Do you know who is responsible for their pension investments? Oh yeah... the Democrats who have been running the city for decades.
and they are trying to save a city your CEO masters gave the fuck up for some good retirement packages for themselves.
and they are trying to save a city your CEO masters gave the fuck up for some good retirement packages for themselves.

I do not disagree that a big chunk of the blame in the 80's/90's goes to the fact that Detroit kept pumping out gas guzzlers vs. what the foreign competition was producing. But it also lies in the fact that the unions were demanding wages/benes that were also not in line with the competition, which made the vehicles more expensive than their foreign counterparts.

That is why Obama stepped in and bailed out the unions of the auto companies. He used tax payers dollars to fund their greed.
So the CEO's controlled the Cities pension plans? The CEO's controlled the cities spending levels? The cities schools? etc...???

It can't be the car companies, because Obama saved them... just ask him, he will tell you all about it.

Pretty interesting that the City went bankrupt and the city government played (essentially) no role in it happening.

Desh has also moved her argument from the car CEO's were asleep at the wheel while foreign competitors were building better cars to the CEO's were selfish and only cared about their retirement package. Of course there was no reference to the fat worker contracts the CEO's and unions negotiate as if that played no role.
So the CEO's controlled the Cities pension plans? The CEO's controlled the cities spending levels? The cities schools? etc...???

It can't be the car companies, because Obama saved them... just ask him, he will tell you all about it.

hey fucking idiot

why you playing stupid?

WHO controlled the INCOME of the vast majority of workers in the city/

assholes who cared NOTHING about the city or its people.

They cashed in instead fo building the corp into the future and then retired elsewhere saying fuck you mo town
hey fucking idiot

why you playing stupid?

WHO controlled the INCOME of the vast majority of workers in the city/

assholes who cared NOTHING about the city or its people.

They cashed in instead fo building the corp into the future and then retired elsewhere saying fuck you mo town

Playing stupid is something they do very well, but lately I don't think they are 'playing' I think it's real.
hey fucking idiot

why you playing stupid?

I am not the idiot who is pretending the corporations controlled what the CITY did with their workers.

I am not the idiot who is pretending the auto companies actually went out of business. Obama saved them... just ask him, he will tell you about it.

If the auto companies are still in business... how is it their fault that the city went bankrupt?

Can you answer any of the above desh or are you going to just continue spouting nonsense?

WHO controlled the INCOME of the vast majority of workers in the city/

The CITY controlled ALL of the workers of the city.

assholes who cared NOTHING about the city or its people.

That would be the Democrats who ran the city and the corporations bailed out by Obama and the Dems?

They cashed in instead fo building the corp into the future and then retired elsewhere saying fuck you mo town

LMAO... and the unions didn't cash in and say fuck you to the taxpayers?
when the CEOs fucked up their companies by NOT being competitive in a global market it was their fault not the citys huh
dear idiot it was MO TOWN

why did they call it that?

Dear idiot... what does the nickname of the town have to do with what I stated? Why do you refuse to actually debate this desh? Why do you keep trying to divert by bringing up meaningless nicknames? Detroit is also known as Motor City in reference to the big automakers that are there. Did anyone state anything to the contrary?

Are the Big Autos still there? Yes. Did they get bailed out by Obama? GM and Chrysler did, Ford did not.

Did the taxpayers pay for this bailout? Yes, we did.

Now, what does that have to do with the insane amount of debt the CITY of Detroit ran up and the Dems inept management of the CITY? You do realize it is the CITY that is going bankrupt? Who runs the city? Who works for the city? Do the CEOs work for the city?