America Is on a Path to Turn into Detroit, and Republicans Are Cool with That?!!

because they lost their income base due to the CEOs of corporations

lmao... so when you lose income, do you keep spending as if you had not?

Show us your data... how many jobs have they lost in Detroit in the last decade? How much income did they lose from taxation of those jobs?
for fucking capitalist you sure don't think capitalism is very powerful

It's all about slave labor, it's the core of right wing ideology. They could care less about this country or upward social mobility, community or American society. Their plan is to bring the U.S. down to 3rd world status and become feudal lords.

When capitalists take away the ability of people to make a living then capitalism has failed. Not because capitalism is bad but because it is run by greedy, internationalists who don't give a shit about a country, they only care about getting more profit for less pay. They would take us back to the old south if they could.

Why do people like SF believe people should starve and the left is responsible? Hate. They are full of hate, instilled by 30 yrs of right wing propaganda. If they knew a little history they'd realize that the best this country ever was, was because of things like the G.I. bill, child labor laws, unions that give workers fair wages and power in the work place, and these policies were forced down these same industrialists throats after WWII.

Bottom line... what's good for Americans is bad for Republicons and they realize it. That's why they 'play stupid'.
It's all about slave labor, it's the core of right wing ideology. They could care less about this country or upward social mobility, community or American society. Their plan is to bring the U.S. down to 3rd world status and become feudal lords.

When capitalists take away the ability of people to make a living then capitalism has failed. Not because capitalism is bad but because it is run by greedy, internationalists who don't give a shit about a country, they only care about getting more profit for less pay. They would take us back to the old south if they could.

Why do people like SF believe people should starve and the left is responsible? Hate. They are full of hate, instilled by 30 yrs of right wing propaganda. If they knew a little history they'd realize that the best this country ever was, was because of things like the G.I. bill, child labor laws, unions that give workers fair wages and power in the work place, and these policies were forced down these same industrialists throats after WWII.

Bottom line... what's good for Americans is bad for Republicons and they realize it. That's why they 'play stupid'.

How about you show us where it is I stated people should starve or that the left was responsible for starving people?

Or is that just some of your hate filled propaganda? Meant to demonize me because you cannot refute what I have actually stated?
How about you show us where it is I stated people should starve or that the left was responsible for starving people?

Or is that just some of your hate filled propaganda? Meant to demonize me because you cannot refute what I have actually stated?

You take away someone's job, that person has no money, that person can't feed his kids. That equals hunger and that equals a failure of your beloved international capitalism. Do I really have to explain this to a smart guy like you?
You take away someone's job, that person has no money, that person can't feed his kids. That equals hunger and that equals a failure of your beloved international capitalism. Do I really have to explain this to a smart guy like you?

What would you argue for in capitalisms place? From what I've seen capitalism has brought millions and millions of people out of poverty around the globe and I've seen no other economic system come close to that.
You take away someone's job, that person has no money, that person can't feed his kids. That equals hunger and that equals a failure of your beloved international capitalism. Do I really have to explain this to a smart guy like you?

We have unemployment and welfare set up as safety nets. That said, where is it that I said people should starve or that the left was responsible for starving people?
What would you argue for in capitalisms place? From what I've seen capitalism has brought millions and millions of people out of poverty around the globe and I've seen no other economic system come close to that.

Capitalism must be controlled by Govt. Not the other way around like we have today. When govt is controlled by capitalists, workers become slaves, the middle class disappears, poverty increases and wealth becomes more intrenched in govt and more powerful than 'the people.' Sound familiar? It should because it's the path we're on.
The CEOs killed it by so very badly refusing to change with the market.

that is what happens when you a one industry town and expect the CEOs to give a rats ass about real peoples lives over money
How did the market change and the CEOs didn't?(and don't get all snarky, I understand market dynamics and it's one of the many tea leaves management has to read in order to stay in business. And the auto industry has stayed in business for about a century in Detroit) And as far as them not giving a "rat's ass about real peoples lives over money", you may be right, but for a long time when those UAW bosses said "jump", the company men replied "how high?". Sooner or later, the gravy train runs out of track.
The prevalence of imported cars on the road has nothing to do with the decline of Detroit?

Only the Mayor could have altered the course of industrial development and consumer preference?

You make me laugh. Too bad because I respect you deeply and yet then you say these remarkably stupid things.

The auto companies are not Detroit. Detroit is a city, not two companies... It is the city that is going down in fiscal conflagration caused by poor policy, not the car companies. The CEOs of two companies didn't give away the fiscal future of the city to massive debt to buy some votes, that was the people running the city, which weren't republicans. The reality is, republicans didn't run that city into the poor house, the people who ran that city weren't republicans.
hey fucking idiot

why you playing stupid?

WHO controlled the INCOME of the vast majority of workers in the city/

assholes who cared NOTHING about the city or its people.

They cashed in instead fo building the corp into the future and then retired elsewhere saying fuck you mo town

Who set tax policy that made it unlikely for new companies to enter Detroit? It wasn't the car companies, nor was it republicans. Who set unattainable "earnings" as a benchmark on retirement for Detroit public workers? It wasn't the car companies, nor was it republicans.

The reality is that the city's fiscal policy was set by the people running that city, who weren't republicans. Your fantasy of all Democratic government came to fruition in Detroit and Michigan, only to come crashing down leaving the people of the city with their pants down.

In Detroit reality is encroaching onto your secondary fantasy of how the nation would look if Democrats ran the show, instead of paying attention and learning and realizing that such poor fiscal policy will take down cities, states and nations.., you are blissfully trying to shift the blame. We can't afford to bail out all the cities that will fail if they continue down the same path as Detroit.
Capitalism must be controlled by Govt. Not the other way around like we have today. When govt is controlled by capitalists, workers become slaves, the middle class disappears, poverty increases and wealth becomes more intrenched in govt and more powerful than 'the people.' Sound familiar? It should because it's the path we're on.

Right here we see the limits of modern liberalism. If you really care about those harmed by a system of private property, why tolerate it? You cannot - cannot - have a government in the interests of workers, so long as there are capitalists. Gramsci, the Italian communist, outlined the cultural aspects of capitalism, from its behavioral superstructure, to the enforcement of ideology by the dominant classes.

Really, its naive to think that our government only serves capitalists out of financial wants.
Detroit. Chicago. Unions and pensions. No give. So, bankruptcy. Good thing for Michigan, generally healthy state. Bad thing for IL, worse shape than Chicago.
lmao... so when you lose income, do you keep spending as if you had not?

Show us your data... how many jobs have they lost in Detroit in the last decade? How much income did they lose from taxation of those jobs?

Are you serious at all right now? With hundreds of thousands of acres of empty factory buildings and an equal amount of houses paying no property taxes, how could the city do anything but go bankrupt regardless of who is in charge. Stop being a lying idiot conservative.
Detroit. Chicago. Unions and pensions. No give. So, bankruptcy. Good thing for Michigan, generally healthy state. Bad thing for IL, worse shape than Chicago.

Yes retard, the lack of revenue from the ruined economy has nothing to do with it. It is all the union's fault.

You are not even a good parrot.