America Must Be A Diverse Home For All


Diversity Makes Greatness
There is no possibility that a realistic vision for America only includes white conservatives.

We have lots of diversity in America, lots of different cultures and viewpoints.

Logically, any vision for how the country should be must include all these different people and belief systems.

Our challenge is to figure out how to live in harmony with respect for all.

The Pledge of Allegiance goes like this:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Liberty for All.

What does that mean?

That means let people believe what they want, and nobody has the right to force their views on others.

It means we have to accept that others will have different views.

Our national challenge then, logically, is that we have to figure out how to all live together in one nation.

I don't see that in Trump supporters.

They want to force their way on others.
Your freedom ends precisely at the point when you try to control others.

Your freedom only allows you to do things that affect you, not others.
America Must Be A Diverse Home For All

There is no possibility that a realistic vision for America only includes white conservatives.

We have lots of diversity in America, lots of different cultures and viewpoints.

Logically, any vision for how the country should be must include all these different people and belief systems.

Our challenge is to figure out how to live in harmony with respect for all.

The Pledge of Allegiance goes like this:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Liberty for All.

What does that mean?

That means let people believe what they want, and nobody has the right to force their views on others.

It means we have to accept that others will have different views.

Our national challenge then, logically, is that we have to figure out how to all live together in one nation.

I don't see that in Trump supporters.

They want to force their way on others.

Rather ironic coming from a leftist hack that does nothing but spread lies on this forum. The reality is, Democrats don't want diversity of thoughts, views or opinions. They demand everyone march lockstep with their moronic, lie filled narratives with the help of their complicit media propagandist and will censure and weaponize the DOJ to accomplish it.

Democrats are the existential threat they claim Trump is. On November 8th, most of that threat will be removed. The rest will be extricated in 2024 with a Republican President.

With adults back in charge, we will turn this mess around and start reducing the deficit and attempts to destroy the Constitution.
America was greatest when it presented a new choice for people.

It was not for this group or that group to operate in isolation but rather a place where you could melt your culture and background in with that of others to offer the best of all worlds in an atmosphere of opportunity and freedom.

we lost our way when we decided to stop being a melting pot.

fix that and you fix so much more.
America was greatest when it presented a new choice for people.

It was not for this group or that group to operate in isolation but rather a place where you could melt your culture and background in with that of others to offer the best of all worlds in an atmosphere of opportunity and freedom.

we lost our way when we decided to stop being a melting pot.

fix that and you fix so much more.

How do you fix it?
The 'My way or the highway' view of Trump supporters is antithetical to having a great nation that includes diversity.
Diversity for the sake of diversity is meaningless. In fact, if it is pushed and celebrated, it will become divisive, not unifying. A nation that stands for nothing and accepts anything isn't a nation for long.
They want to force their way on others.

You don’t need that type of gun…

You must take this shot that’s been rapidly pushed through all the safety checks and balances…

If you don’t make this wedding cake for that queer couple we’ll put you out of business…

We’re going to teach your kids that perversion is perfectly acceptable and we’re going to use your tax dollars to do it …

Who wants to force whose way on whom?

There is no doubt that there are white supremacists who support Trump. No doubt. Not all Trump supporters are white supremacists though. I’d go as far as to say that by far most are not. I do hope to see someone other than him as the conservative choice.

But I had to point out that people on the other side can and have said the same thing you said.
You don’t need that type of gun…

You must take this shot that’s been rapidly pushed through all the safety checks and balances…

If you don’t make this wedding cake for that queer couple we’ll put you out of business…

We’re going to teach your kids that perversion is perfectly acceptable and we’re going to use your tax dollars to do it …

Who wants to force whose way on whom?

There is no doubt that there are white supremacists who support Trump. No doubt. Not all Trump supporters are white supremacists though. I’d go as far as to say that by far most are not. I do hope to see someone other than him as the conservative choice.

But I had to point out that people on the other side can and have said the same thing you said.

For every White supremacist that supports Trump, I'd bet there are 10 radical Leftists that hate Whites, support racism in law, and want segregation returned to America, supporting Democrats.
You don't bother pretending to be rational anymore.

Do try to keep up with reality...

Why White Liberals Are So Unwilling to Recognize Their Own Racism

SLATE magazine, for Christ's sake!

White Progressives are Hypocrites on Gentrification

A big part of angry white activism is conducted on behalf of a minority population that is more moderate and more religious than their woke white champions.

Three Groups That Progressives Hate Most
(Christians, Masculine men, and Whites)

The Progressive Left Is Becoming Blatantly Racist

As but a sampling of articles, even books, on the subject of Progressive Leftist racism. The Left are some of the most racists assholes in American today.