America Must Be A Diverse Home For All

Hello cawacko,

Joe has a history of gaffes. I imagine he regrets that comment.

It is not sensible why anyone who is not independently wealthy would vote for DT. A vote for him or the Republican party is a vote against one's own better interests. DT only cares about himself. He is only going to favor the super-wealthy because he is in that group. Everything else he does is simply pandering to the mob.

America needs to rise above the hatred encouraged and co-opted by DT. That is our best way forward.

Our diversity is our strength. We bring many views, talents and experiences to the table, all of us put together. That is an advantage. Our challenge is to drop all of this animosity and learn to work together. That will be how we can make America as great as she can be.

Not through hatred and exclusion of immigrants. We can use immigrants to build our nation stronger. All we have to do is let them in, put them to work, and let them start contributing to our economy, building things, providing services, creating jobs, working jobs, building and being part of communities, and paying taxes.

That's how we build a better America.

In a diverse country people can vote for whomever they like. If you're complaining about white supremacy the basic definition of white supremacy is a white person telling a black person that they aren't really black unless they think/act a certain way. Have you ever heard of a white person being told they aren't white because they vote Green, Democratic, Republican or Libertarian? I haven't. So why shouldn't the same apply for black (or any other group of) people?
Hello cawacko,

Joe has a history of gaffes. I imagine he regrets that comment.

It is not sensible why anyone who is not independently wealthy would vote for DT. A vote for him or the Republican party is a vote against one's own better interests. DT only cares about himself. He is only going to favor the super-wealthy because he is in that group. Everything else he does is simply pandering to the mob.

America needs to rise above the hatred encouraged and co-opted by DT. That is our best way forward.

Our diversity is our strength. We bring many views, talents and experiences to the table, all of us put together. That is an advantage. Our challenge is to drop all of this animosity and learn to work together. That will be how we can make America as great as she can be.

Not through hatred and exclusion of immigrants. We can use immigrants to build our nation stronger. All we have to do is let them in, put them to work, and let them start contributing to our economy, building things, providing services, creating jobs, working jobs, building and being part of communities, and paying taxes.

That's how we build a better America.

Gaffs are you say something stupid one time and learn from it. Joke isn't a gaff machine, he's a stupid racist. He's said racist shit repeatedly over the years. He hasn't learned from his mistakes either.

I'd say--And while Trump is clearly a bloviating, narcissistic, braggard, blowhard, and exaggerator--most of the hatred directed at him comes from the exact same people that support Biden the most.

Also, while America can use and needs immigrants, it doesn't need masses of illegal ones, particularly those that are criminals, mentally ill, sickly, and / or imbeciles. That sort are nothing but a drain on our economy and society, yet with next to zero border controls--like Biden is doing--that sort is flooding into the country right now. We do NOT need illegal immigrants for a goddamned thing.
I'd say--And while Trump is clearly a bloviating, narcissistic, braggard, blowhard, and exaggerator--most of the hatred directed at him comes from the exact same people that support Biden the most.

Interesting you cannot understand criticism of Trump without asserting it is all about emotion.
Hello cawacko,

In a diverse country people can vote for whomever they like. If you're complaining about white supremacy the basic definition of white supremacy is a white person telling a black person that they aren't really black unless they think/act a certain way. Have you ever heard of a white person being told they aren't white because they vote Green, Democratic, Republican or Libertarian? I haven't. So why shouldn't the same apply for black (or any other group of) people?

I agree the comment was in poor taste.

Is that your only thought on the topic of creating a welcoming home for all of America's diversity?

One regretful comment?

It all comes down to that for you?

What about all those conservatives who think America should only be for them? The way they see it, America should have no place for anyone who disagrees with them. If you don't agree with them, as far as they are concerned you should leave the country. Or simply cease to exist.

But that's not what the country was founded on. Liberty and justice for all seems to run antithetical to the vision of a lot of Republicans and believers of The Big Lie.
Rather ironic coming from a leftist hack that does nothing but spread lies on this forum. The reality is, Democrats don't want diversity of thoughts, views or opinions. They demand everyone march lockstep with their moronic, lie filled narratives with the help of their complicit media propagandist and will censure and weaponize the DOJ to accomplish it.

Democrats are the existential threat they claim Trump is. On November 8th, most of that threat will be removed. The rest will be extricated in 2024 with a Republican President.

With adults back in charge, we will turn this mess around and start reducing the deficit and attempts to destroy the Constitution.

Perhaps I should post PoliSquaker’s post celebrating the fall of the stock-market...dive, dive, dive.
Hello Flash,

Far more than that, unfortunately.

Another of Donald's lies.

Yes, I think it was $7.8 trillion. But much of that was in stimulus funds that Democrats also supported. Both parties contributed to the unavoidable inflation all that spending caused.
Yes, I think it was $7.8 trillion. But much of that was in stimulus funds that Democrats also supported. Both parties contributed to the unavoidable inflation all that spending caused.

Knowing that you work in academia the subject of this thread would be appropriate if it was titled "Universities must be a diverse home for all"
There is no possibility that a realistic vision for America only includes white conservatives.

We have lots of diversity in America, lots of different cultures and viewpoints.

Logically, any vision for how the country should be must include all these different people and belief systems.

Our challenge is to figure out how to live in harmony with respect for all.

The Pledge of Allegiance goes like this:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Liberty for All.

What does that mean?

That means let people believe what they want, and nobody has the right to force their views on others.

It means we have to accept that others will have different views.

Our national challenge then, logically, is that we have to figure out how to all live together in one nation.

I don't see that in Trump supporters.

They want to force their way on others.

it already is dum dum.

guess what, americans of all different backgrounds want enforced borders and freedom.
There is no possibility that a realistic vision for America only includes white conservatives.

We have lots of diversity in America, lots of different cultures and viewpoints.

Logically, any vision for how the country should be must include all these different people and belief systems.

Our challenge is to figure out how to live in harmony with respect for all.

The Pledge of Allegiance goes like this:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Liberty for All.

What does that mean?

That means let people believe what they want, and nobody has the right to force their views on others.

It means we have to accept that others will have different views.

Our national challenge then, logically, is that we have to figure out how to all live together in one nation.

I don't see that in Trump supporters.

They want to force their way on others.

Straw man OP. Dismissed.
The 'My way or the highway' view of Trump supporters is antithetical to having a great nation that includes diversity.

The belief that unity is possible is in and of itself a serious psychosis.

I don't give a fuck about ethnic diversity one way or another.
Ideological diversity, however, is why the republic is collapsing.
Some of us just can't fucking be together without violence being inevitable.
There is no possibility that a realistic vision for America only includes white conservatives.

We have lots of diversity in America, lots of different cultures and viewpoints.

Logically, any vision for how the country should be must include all these different people and belief systems.

Our challenge is to figure out how to live in harmony with respect for all.

The Pledge of Allegiance goes like this:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Liberty for All.

What does that mean?

That means let people believe what they want, and nobody has the right to force their views on others.

It means we have to accept that others will have different views.

Our national challenge then, logically, is that we have to figure out how to all live together in one nation.

I don't see that in Trump supporters.

They want to force their way on others.

Embrace the way of America or fuck off, commie shitbag.

Millions of immigrants have, and yet here you are..

I wonder what you'll be thinking when they're riding your commie fucktarded ass out on a rail.

You're absolutely right, Americans cannot put up with commie pieces of shit like you much longer, 1st amendment only protects you so far as speech, not unAmerican actions.
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Pollyanna still thinks that a united America remains viable.
He/she/it is completely insane.

We either partition, or the whole thing continues to be a dumpster fire.

I have no patience for deluded optimists.

Don't worry, fucktards like you will be put out of their misery and not tortured.
Good point. I am retired.

Congrats on retirement (if it is recent). I’ve been reading a lot about what’s happening in college campuses and man it’s frightening. We created an environment where critical thinking is basically no longer able to be taught and there’s an element of dumbing down going on as a result. Yet we hear so little about it…