America Must Be A Diverse Home For All

LBJ's gift

Hello leaningright,

You don’t need that type of gun…

You must take this shot that’s been rapidly pushed through all the safety checks and balances…

If you don’t make this wedding cake for that queer couple we’ll put you out of business…

We’re going to teach your kids that perversion is perfectly acceptable and we’re going to use your tax dollars to do it …

Who wants to force whose way on whom?

There is no doubt that there are white supremacists who support Trump. No doubt. Not all Trump supporters are white supremacists though. I’d go as far as to say that by far most are not. I do hope to see someone other than him as the conservative choice.

But I had to point out that people on the other side can and have said the same thing you said.

It's a valid argument. All those issues are debatable.

Policy can be worked out together. Policy that works for everyone with the understanding that telling others how to live according to your values is too much, it is an over-extension of the idea of personal freedom to dictate lifestyle to others.

But there is no reason to be disrespectful or make judgements about people because they believe in different things.

I saw a bumper sticker that said 'liberals suck.' What a mean-spirited thing to say. And it gets way worse. Pure hatred comes across.

That's a pretty common negative view among Trump supporters. I have to wonder how they envision America can work if they see no place for liberals. They are angry because America includes liberals. They think the country would be better off without liberals. That makes no sense. If all the liberals were suddenly removed from the USA, a depression would follow. So many jobs would not get done the economy would grind to a halt. This wish of a nation without liberals is unrealistic. It can't work.

We need a nation that is inclusive of all cultures, all views. We need to learn, as a nation, how to live and let live.

Right now, the lesson that is most popular is how to demean, hate and control.

The message is clear. Trump supporters want a nation without liberals. Basically, something that is not and can not be real. No wonder they are always so angry.
If you don't want to be gay then don't be gay. It is not your business what other people do. If they want to be gay you gay to let them. If you open a public business you have to serve the whole public. You can't discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. You can't say you are only going to serve straight people.

If you want to teach your kids that being gay is wrong that's fine, but you cannot expect public schools to do that for you.

Weapons of war do not belong in public.

If a State government wants to force people to take a shot, which has never happened, it actually has that right because it is in the interest of public safety. That is the standing of the Supreme Court.
If you don't want to be gay then don't be gay. It is not your business what other people do. If they want to be gay you gay to let them. If you open a public business you have to serve the whole public. You can't discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. You can't say you are only going to serve straight people.

If you want to teach your kids that being gay is wrong that's fine, but you cannot expect public schools to do that for you.

Weapons of war do not belong in public.

If a State government wants to force people to take a shot, which has never happened, it actually has that right because it is in the interest of public safety. That is the standing of the Supreme Court.

we have no reason to address sexuality in schools especially when we are failing to teach math, science, literacy etc.

weapons in public are VERY common in MANY cultures in this world.

a state can deny services for failure to get a shot (school immunizations for example) but the family still has a choice. they can homeschool or private school.
We are a diverse nation.

We cannot expect everyone to be the same.

We have to accept what we are.

There are going to be liberals and there are going to be conservatives.

Our country includes both.

We all have to understand that.

There are good people and bad people on both sides.

It is stupid to hate the other side or assume they are all the same.

Each side depends on the other side to serve as a reality check if needed.

It's a good system.

See it for what it is. You can't change it. You have to accept what is.

There is no point in hatred. That is illogical.
There is no possibility that a realistic vision for America only includes white conservatives.

We have lots of diversity in America, lots of different cultures and viewpoints.

Logically, any vision for how the country should be must include all these different people and belief systems.

Our challenge is to figure out how to live in harmony with respect for all.

The Pledge of Allegiance goes like this:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Liberty for All.

What does that mean?

That means let people believe what they want, and nobody has the right to force their views on others.

It means we have to accept that others will have different views.

Our national challenge then, logically, is that we have to figure out how to all live together in one nation.

I don't see that in Trump supporters.

They want to force their way on others.

Hello signalmankenneth,

That's awesome.

Anybody who has been duped by this really insecure 'white replacement' theory needs to have a serious wake-up call.

Liberty and Justice For All.

That doesn't mean you can pretend there are no gay people or that public schools should conform to your lily-white straight church beliefs.

America is a diverse nation where we are supposed to Live and let live.
What are you talking about? The Republican party doesn't discriminate they accept all people, conservatives, liberals.

Look at Trump he is a New York liberal

It's the democrats who discriminate they are the ones who are trying to get rid of the last pro life candidates in the party
Pollyanna still thinks that a united America remains viable.
He/she/it is completely insane.

We either partition, or the whole thing continues to be a dumpster fire.

I have no patience for deluded optimists.
Hello and welcome Bear513,

I am glad you have found us. I hope you enjoy the discussions. I am liberal, you are not. There is a lot of hatred for liberals. I don't want to hear it and I refuse to read it if it is directed at me. That is a waste of my time.

Please understand that I enjoy talking politics but insist on mutual respect. I refuse to get into online abuse or enabling. Please know that everyone who attacks me personally will be placed on permanent Ignore without exception and no second chances are given. First time it happens, that is when they go on Ignore. If that is acceptable, I hope we have lots of great discussions. Anybody who comes in here with any designs to tell me off or unload their hatred or frustrations on liberals and targets me as a part of that gets placed on Ignore.

I want to be pleasant to everybody, and have them be pleasant to me in return. Please note my 'signature' found at the bottom of every post. I mean every word I say, and I do stand behind what I say with action.

I am going to be nice to you. If you are not nice to me we will not be talking. OK, rant over. Onward to your point.

What are you talking about? The Republican party doesn't discriminate they accept all people, conservatives, liberals.

Look at Trump he is a New York liberal

It's the democrats who discriminate they are the ones who are trying to get rid of the last pro life candidates in the party

The Republican party accepts all who join. They are happy to have any vote they can get. Unfortunately the greatest motivator for joining the Republican party these days is hatred of liberals. The Republican party is full of racists, xenophobes and government haters. The Republican party has been stolen by power junkie DT who does not respect his followers or care about them. All he wants is their vote. He has infected the party with terrible morals. The Republican party is in the process of dismantling our voting system to produce more Republican winners regardless of how the people vote.

Many Republicans are resentful hateful people, others simply look the other way at this and vote with them out of greed or the two main wedge issues, gun safety and abortion.

DT is no liberal. He is a con man. He has no embrace of the ideals of either party. He is his only concern.
It is extremely rare to encounter an ardent Trump supporter at JPP who can conduct a mutually respectful conversation. I know of none currently posting.

Everyone is allowed to support any politician they like. I disagree with the reasons for supporting DT, but I am not going to be judgemental of anyone who has made that choice. I will calmly talk to you if you are that rare Trump supporter who can avoid venting on me.

Actually, there used to be (only) one Trump supporter in here who was polite. But he vanished during the pandemic and we never learned why. He was rather outspoken against any measures to prevent the spread of COVID, so we are all wondering if the virus got him.

It is understandable why I believe hatred is such a large motivator for DT voters. That is just about all I have gotten out of them.

I maintain that if all the hate-motivated votes of both parties were not counted? Democrats would win nearly every election.
Hello cawacko,

America must be a diverse home for all

Joe Biden: If you vote for Trump you ain’t black

Joe has a history of gaffes. I imagine he regrets that comment.

It is not sensible why anyone who is not independently wealthy would vote for DT. A vote for him or the Republican party is a vote against one's own better interests. DT only cares about himself. He is only going to favor the super-wealthy because he is in that group. Everything else he does is simply pandering to the mob.

America needs to rise above the hatred encouraged and co-opted by DT. That is our best way forward.

Our diversity is our strength. We bring many views, talents and experiences to the table, all of us put together. That is an advantage. Our challenge is to drop all of this animosity and learn to work together. That will be how we can make America as great as she can be.

Not through hatred and exclusion of immigrants. We can use immigrants to build our nation stronger. All we have to do is let them in, put them to work, and let them start contributing to our economy, building things, providing services, creating jobs, working jobs, building and being part of communities, and paying taxes.

That's how we build a better America.