Into the Night
Verified User
Agreed. Notice how there's not been a peep out of the militias in a month. LOL
They're paper tigers.
What militias?
Agreed. Notice how there's not been a peep out of the militias in a month. LOL
They're paper tigers.
As I posted yesterday, there are 35 states that require or allow mail in voting, you pathetic idiot. One more example that you know nothing!
Look these states are destitute and rely on money from NY and CALIF to keep them afloat.
But we are not performing well, the quality of the work being done trumps potential.
Some answers are more right than others, there is a hierarchy of quality of the answers.
You are attempting a false dichotomy and a semantics fallacy. My statement stands.
We ARE performing well. Products made in America are shipped worldwide.
Quite the reverse, actually.
It's already splitting. What rock have YOU been under?
Don't worry about it. Go back to playing with yourselves on your fake forum.What militias?
He is scared shitless this is going to turn against Dominion or that State legislatures are going to actually do something about preventing future election fraud (some are already acting).
No. You go read their constitutions. Do your own footwork.
No. That article does NOT give Congress power to usurp elections from State legislatures.
Read this again...and again...and again...until it is chiseled into that thick skull of yours.
Only certain very limited powers.
It is NOT the authority or the purpose of government to issue welfare money.
It is NOT the authority or the purpose of government to keep businesses open.
It is NOT the authority or the purpose of the federal government to issue welfare money.
It IS within the authority of the federal government to regulate immigration. Article I, $8.
The federal government is authorized to implement immigration laws. See Article I, $8.
The federal government is NOT authorized to regulate air or water 'pollution'. Define 'pollution'. The word does not appear in the Constitution.
The President is authorized to conduct military action WITHOUT congressional approval. See Article II. Congress has authorized certain other powers for military action by the President. See Article I,$8. Vet health and educational benefits are authorized by the Constitution. See Article I, $8. It's part of raising armies and a navy. You know, they get weapons and bullets to do their job, and also get benefits just like any other organization might offer, as a reward for service to their countrymen. A compensation for their services.
DO you have anything to prove he is scared shitless??No, pure projection, wishful thinking & well rotted steer manure........
You have never read shit, my dear. Just a lying bitch, as usual.
No, it does not. Go read it again.Yes, it says Congress may make or alter election regulations made by states.
Citizenship is already required for federal elections. Citizenship is already required in the States for State elections as well.If Congress passes a law requiring citizenship for federal elections does that usurp state legislatures if the legislatures oppose that provision?
No, I disagree with your point.You illustrate my point perfectly.
Irrelevant.You don't like government performing certain functions
Yes there is.but there is nothing in Article I, Section 8 giving government power to regulate immigration.
They are part of the same thing. Immigration is part of naturalization.Naturalization and immigration are not the same thing and you can't show where they are.
The Supreme Court does not have authority to change or interpret the Constitution. See Article III.Even the SC case allowing immigration control did not use the naturalization clause as its unconstitutional decision because we know the SC cannot interpret the Constitution (in Into the Night's constitutional misinterpretation).
Yes you are, liar. You've made that argument in the past.I am not against government regulating immigration,
It does.but there Constitution does not give government that power- point being that it is ok to broadly interpret government's power if it is for something we want.
No, it does not. Go read it again.
Citizenship is already required for federal elections. Citizenship is already required in the States for State elections as well.
Better President than even Reagan.More like you've been played for a fool by this guy: