America the violent,gun junkie nation about not letting a "good tragedy" go to waste by politicizing it in the most obnoxious, vile and disgusting way possible...

Yes, you're very good at that... being obnoxious, vile, and disgusting yourself. You've never met an outspoken student you've liked, in your janitorial career. Like all contards, you prefer the young to be subservient, quiet, respectful, and accepting of the "wisdom" you idiots want to dispense to them.

Good thing that Emma and David aren't listening.
Oct 17, 2017 6:14 PM EDT
Drug overdoses killed more Americans last year than the Vietnam War

The opioid epidemic ravaging the United States is taking a grim and growing toll.

The latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 64,070 people died from drug overdoses in 2016. That's a 21 percent increase over the year before. Approximately three-fourths of all drug overdose deaths are now caused by opioids — a class of drugs that includes prescription painkillers as well as heroin and potent synthetic versions like fentanyl.

A new report from Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), an independent research organization that focuses on "critical issues in policing," puts those numbers into context.

According to the report, more Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016 than the number of American lives lost in the entirety of the Vietnam War, which totaled 58,200.

The report also showed that the year's 64,070 drug fatalities outnumbered:

The 35,092 motor vehicle deaths in 2015.
AIDS-related deaths in the worst year of the AIDS crisis, when 50,628 people died in 1995.
The peak year for homicides in the U.S., when 24,703 people were murdered in 1991.
Suicides, which have been rising in the U.S. for nearly 30 years and totaled 44,193 in 2015.
The data also shows that overdoses of synthetic drugs, such as fentanyl — which is 50 to 100 times stronger than the painkiller morphine — are driving the sharp increases in opioid overdose deaths.

The CDC identified 15,466 deaths from heroin overdoses in 2016, while 20,145 deaths were caused by fentanyl or other synthetic opioids.

Gives you a whole new prospective on "shooting," doesn't it?
America is hopelessly addict to guns!
The usual nonsense. Guns have been a normal part of American society since the beginning. It's only since the Civil War that that's been under attack, and then only to keep the newly-freed slaves from being armed. So your desire for more gun control is deeply rooted in racism. If guns were simply part of normal culture, like they used to be, half the peoblems wouldn't exist. Most of our problem is gangs, not guns. Mass shootings were unknown until the '60s, despite no barriers to buying or owning just about anything short of an actual machine gun.
Violent gun nutters kill kids

its FACT
No, it's what you want to believe. Violent people kill other people, often with guns. Most gun owners never kill anyone. But you're willfully blind to the difference. We need to address the root causes of the violence. Guns are just a thin layer over that. Take away the violence and the guns won't matter. Take away the guns, and you'll still have the violence.
its fact

the gun deaths in this nation have everything to do with any gun discussion

saying they don't means you want to just make these murdered children not exist

did you call and thank Noah's family for their sacrifice to allow you to buy one yet?

You do like to rant.
I guess that is a true statement if you don’t count the people who have died at the hands of illegal immigrants.

But you probably don’t want to talk about that do ya Deshtard?

She also doesn't want to talk about the children who die broken and mangled by drunk drivers; because she apparently drives under the influence.