People who want slavery worldwide tell us we cannot influence china to abandon slavery. Often they attack the very notion of government enforced trade restrictions. Yet we are using these tools worldwide, re: other issues.
The real truth is the illuminati loves slavery.
The real truth is the illuminati loves slavery.
American embargoes
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As of 2006, there are several United States embargoes and sanctions in force by the United States against several countries and activities, the most notable of which is the US sanctions and embargoes against the countries the federal government of the United States considers state sponsors of terrorism.
Some sanctions imposed by the United States government are:
No arms-related exports
Controls over dual-use exports
Restrictions on economic assistance
Financial restrictions
Reasons without proper reasoning (Sudan)[citation needed]
US opposes loans by the World Bank and similar institutions
Diplomatic immunity waived to allow families of terrorist victims to file for civil damages in US courts
Tax credits denied for income earned in listed countries
Duty-free goods exemption suspended for imports from those countries
Authority to prohibit a US citizen from engaging in financial transactions with the government on the list without a license from the US government.
Prohibition of Defense Department contracts above $100,000 with companies controlled by countries on the list.