American exceptionalism

All praise to the mighty creator of the ignore feature. lol

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American exceptionalism is a lie sold to the weak and illiterate
It's just low-information, 6th grade reading level propaganda no different from any other country's media or propaganda - such a tool might be useful toward a fascist aim, relying on the low literacy and emotional appeal of the average voter, but beyond that it's nothing else.

Patriotism and sentiments of loyalty are but a tool employed by the strong to subvert the weak to their aim and cause, and are just as well thrown out when they fail to serve such a purpose. Fascism is the only true aim and end by which said propaganda has any use.
It's just low-information, 6th grade reading level propaganda.........

So says the just low-information, 6th grade reading level punkass bitch.

America is the only country in the world that derives its legitimacy from natural rights and natural law. This is what makes America exceptional.
Some Americans are very exceptional ...

Few people in other countries believe that their freedom and safety depend on everybody being armed like the Wild West; or that good governance requires a lying ignoramus as leader; or that basic healthcare for all is tantamount to communism; or that anyone who questions these self-evident truths is a Marxist liberal fascist.

“… our ideas and principles as a nation give us a unique place of moral leadership”
- GOP, shortly before nominating Trump, 2016.

...or so good at twisting facts like pretzels. :thup:
It was last Saturday, by Claude Cockburn, and entitled 'Trump's nauseating convention turn reminded me of Saddam'. I am not up to copying and posting it. The address given for the i is - doesn't seem to be on the web normally. Paper used to be the 'Independent'. Sorry - best I can do.



It was last Saturday, by Claude Cockburn, and entitled 'Trump's nauseating convention turn reminded me of Saddam'. I am not up to copying and posting it. The address given for the i is - doesn't seem to be on the web normally. Paper used to be the 'Independent'. Sorry - best I can do.

No problem. Looks like it was taken down very recently, but I think this might be it copied on another site?
I don't know - there was quite a good article in today's i (Independent) pointing to the very close resemblance to be found between Trumpf and his morons and Sadam Husain and the Baath Party in Iraq.
Do you have a link to it?
No problem. Looks like it was taken down very recently, but I think this might be it copied on another site?
If Donald Trump had relations with Saddam then it was to blow him for a hotel contract. Trump is a hotel and resorts schmuck, not an international superspy.
But Trump’s latest remarks were far from the first time he’s expressed admiration for the brutal strongman who ruled Iraq as president for decades before being overthrown after the U.S. invasion in 2003 — or for a host of other strongmen, for that matter. He’s praised North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, sanctioned for human rights abuses by the U.S. government for the first time on Wednesday; Russian President Vladimir Putin, who the U.S. is pushing to help negotiate a political resolution to the Syrian civil war; and Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi, killed in the wake of an international coalition’s intervention there.

Yet Trump, too, was one of many initially rattling sabers against Hussein. Since the United States had decided to go in, “you have to take down Saddam Hussein,” he said in 2003 after the dictator’s capture, calling it a “huge day for this country.”

Still, he’s since said that while he was “a bad guy,” he should never have been overthrown. The real estate magnate claims he predicted the instability that would follow in his wake and later give rise to the Islamic State.
If Donald Trump had relations with Saddam then it was to blow him for a hotel contract. Trump is a hotel and resorts schmuck, not an international superspy.

That wasn't the point of Pen's original post, or the article. It was to compare Donald Trump with Saddam Hussein.
That wasn't the point of Pen's original post, or the article. It was to compare Donald Trump with Saddam Hussein.

Same thing, Trump is a wannabe, never an actuality.

FWIW, I'm going through a lot of popcorn watching national events unfold as we approach the Election and the almost 3 months to follow. :D
Same thing, Trump is a wannabe, never an actuality.

FWIW, I'm going through a lot of popcorn watching national events unfold as we approach the Election and the almost 3 months to follow. :D

Yeah, but damn. I feel like I'm watching the land and people that I love descend into an abyss of awful. Once we were admired and respected around the world. We're barely clinging on to that #1 thing these days. Our enemies are massed against us and our IMPOTUS is gleefully aiding them because all that POS cares about is himself and his shaky financial empire. Oh, and his spawn as long as they remain loyal. Your 20+ years of service to this country don't mean shit to him if you aren't joining in the praise.