In that case may I ask your professional opinion? Do you think Donald Trump would have made a good officer if he hadn’t had bone spurs?
I think he'd have been an average nobody as an officer. He doesn't strike me as the sort that are
Instead, he strikes me as the sort that'd do the job, not get called on the carpet, and resign the minute he could because he'd think the whole exercise was beneath him, that he had bigger and better things to do. I think he'd leave most of the work up to the NCO's and as long as things went smoothly there'd be no problems. But anything making him look bad and WHAM! you are so gone in an instant. On the other hand, don't expect him to be looking out for you either. I've been around that type more than once. You personally dislike them, often intensely, but they aren't world class screw ups that will wreck your world.
The bad ones in my experience come in several types:
Those promoted or selected on the basis of political correctness. They're usually incompetent and willing to use their 'special' status as a weapon against you. In my experience it was usually a woman. They knew they were untouchable so when things went south they'd blame everything on the innocent and go all dictator on you making things worse. You spent your time doing CYA a lot.
Those more concerned about paperwork and looking good on paper than getting things done. This type is probably the worst. I had the displeasure of working under a Commander (equivalent of Army Lt. Colonel), who made you carry around a thick notebook full of useless paperwork. He'd issue memos about a memo, attached to a memo, with a memo on the routing sheet (he designed it and it took up a full 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper). I swear the if you ran into his office and told him the building was on fire he'd die in the fire. But if you sent him a memo, properly routed he'd survive. He eventually got fired by an admiral who showed up in person to do the deed because he was making the whole command look so bad.
Then there were the power hungry. They liked you if you could make them look good, otherwise you were completely expendable and of no value to them. This type is dangerous. John Kerry strikes me as this sort of officer.
A variant of the political climber is the boot licker. This guy sucks up to his superiors and treats the enlisted like they are something awful he stepped in. The enlisted absolutely hate the guy and will do anything they can to make him look bad. But since he's always sucking up to the higher ranked officers he gets a pass. This sort destroys units and undermines morale.
The last type is the incompetent, energetic officer. These guys are train wrecks looking for a place to happen. They usually don't last much past LTjg. It becomes clear they just weren't meant to be officers.