Americans Blame GOP For Most of World’s Problems


Will work for Scooby snacks
Americans Blame GOP For World’s Problems

When it comes to which political party is to blame for the world’s problems, including the biggies like war, poverty, corruption, global warming and prejudice, well, it isn’t even close, at least according to the massive Zogby Poll released today which tested an astounding 10,387 American adults (margin of error +/- 1 percent!):

–War: 62% blamed Republicans vs. 14% Democrats
–Global Warming: 56% blamed Republicans vs. 10% Democrats
–Prejudice: 52% blamed Republicans vs. 22% for Democrats
–Poverty: 49% held Republicans accountable; 29% Democrats
–Corruption: 47% blamed Republicans vs. 31% Democrats

Society apparently blames Democrats more for crime.

Crime: On this issue, respondents reversed the trend, with 42% blaming Democrats vs. 23% Republicans

Meanwhile, President Bush’s approval rating heads into no-man’s land with an unimaginable 25% approval (and 71% disapproval) in today’s American Research Group poll. Even worse, only 23% give him a passing grade on handling the economy.
Americans Blame GOP For World’s Problems

When it comes to which political party is to blame for the world’s problems, including the biggies like war, poverty, corruption, global warming and prejudice, well, it isn’t even close, at least according to the massive Zogby Poll released today which tested an astounding 10,387 American adults (margin of error +/- 1 percent!):

–War: 62% blamed Republicans vs. 14% Democrats
–Global Warming: 56% blamed Republicans vs. 10% Democrats
–Prejudice: 52% blamed Republicans vs. 22% for Democrats
–Poverty: 49% held Republicans accountable; 29% Democrats
–Corruption: 47% blamed Republicans vs. 31% Democrats

Society apparently blames Democrats more for crime.

Crime: On this issue, respondents reversed the trend, with 42% blaming Democrats vs. 23% Republicans

Meanwhile, President Bush’s approval rating heads into no-man’s land with an unimaginable 25% approval (and 71% disapproval) in today’s American Research Group poll. Even worse, only 23% give him a passing grade on handling the economy.

Oh this is fabulous. Finally. I love this poll. I'm going to print this out and sleep with it under my pillow tonight.
Oh this is fabulous. Finally. I love this poll. I'm going to print this out and sleep with it under my pillow tonight.

I simply can't imagine why the GOP gets the overwhelming lion's share of the blame for the nation's prejudice and racist problems.

Man... Losing that last election was the best thing to happen to Democrats in a loooong time.

True. I remember thinking that was going to be the upside. Republicans clearly can't handle anything and the last 6.5 years have demonstrated this. The only problem is the democrats have to emerge as leaders.......even so-so leaders. I'm with edwards, none of this kumbaya stuff, they need to take stands against the republicans and take action, not rhetorical threats and displays.
True. I remember thinking that was going to be the upside. Republicans clearly can't handle anything and the last 6.5 years have demonstrated this. The only problem is the democrats have to emerge as leaders.......even so-so leaders. I'm with edwards, none of this kumbaya stuff, they need to take stands against the republicans and take action, not rhetorical threats and displays.
Honestly, it is the Neo-Con crap. They have got to excise this, and keep from lockstepping any time one has any power or they are doomed. Well, we....

As I said last election, I will never, ever vote again for somebody that is solely "religious conservative" for anything. This guy, who is a far cry from conservative in any other manner, has hurt the party.
Honestly, it is the Neo-Con crap. They have got to excise this, and keep from lockstepping any time one has any power or they are doomed. Well, we....

As I said last election, I will never, ever vote again for somebody that is solely "religious conservative" for anything. This guy, who is a far cry from conservative in any other manner, has hurt the party.

Honestly, it is the Neo-Con crap. They have got to excise this

And the theocon crap. You need to marginalize Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Ted Haggard.
Honestly, it is the Neo-Con crap. They have got to excise this

And the theocon crap. You need to marginalize Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Ted Haggard.
I believe that they are one and the same. It is the only possible way to call Bush "conservative".
Americans Blame GOP For World’s Problems

When it comes to which political party is to blame for the world’s problems, including the biggies like war, poverty, corruption, global warming and prejudice, well, it isn’t even close, at least according to the massive Zogby Poll released today which tested an astounding 10,387 American adults (margin of error +/- 1 percent!):

–War: 62% blamed Republicans vs. 14% Democrats
–Global Warming: 56% blamed Republicans vs. 10% Democrats
–Prejudice: 52% blamed Republicans vs. 22% for Democrats
–Poverty: 49% held Republicans accountable; 29% Democrats
–Corruption: 47% blamed Republicans vs. 31% Democrats

Society apparently blames Democrats more for crime.

Crime: On this issue, respondents reversed the trend, with 42% blaming Democrats vs. 23% Republicans

Meanwhile, President Bush’s approval rating heads into no-man’s land with an unimaginable 25% approval (and 71% disapproval) in today’s American Research Group poll. Even worse, only 23% give him a passing grade on handling the economy.

This is one of the funniest polls I have ever seen. So the options to answer for poverty in Africa is one of America's two parties? The option to answer for anti-semitism in Europe and the Middle East is one of America's two parties?

How dumb (and partisan) are the people who answered this question thinking that America literally has that much power that they effect all those things around the world.

No wonder tin pot dictators can stay in power and blame America when stupid Americans do it themselves.
This is one of the funniest polls I have ever seen. So the options to answer for poverty in Africa is one of America's two parties? The option to answer for anti-semitism in Europe and the Middle East is one of America's two parties?

How dumb (and partisan) are the people who answered this question thinking that America literally has that much power that they effect all those things around the world.

No wonder tin pot dictators can stay in power and blame America when stupid Americans do it themselves.

Hmm...someone seems a bit tetchy.
This is one of the funniest polls I have ever seen. So the options to answer for poverty in Africa is one of America's two parties? The option to answer for anti-semitism in Europe and the Middle East is one of America's two parties?

How dumb (and partisan) are the people who answered this question thinking that America literally has that much power that they effect all those things around the world.

No wonder tin pot dictators can stay in power and blame America when stupid Americans do it themselves.
It does take a special arrogance to believe that the answer to anti-semitism in Europe is found in the US political system.
It does take a special arrogance to believe that the answer to anti-semitism in Europe is found in the US political system.

For all this talk here that America needs to mind its own business and leave the rest of the world alone its pretty amazing we are responsible for so many problems in other countries.
This is one of the funniest polls I have ever seen. So the options to answer for poverty in Africa is one of America's two parties? The option to answer for anti-semitism in Europe and the Middle East is one of America's two parties?

How dumb (and partisan) are the people who answered this question thinking that America literally has that much power that they effect all those things around the world.

No wonder tin pot dictators can stay in power and blame America when stupid Americans do it themselves.

It IS funny! I'm with you: I think the GOP grassroots and politicians should continue to demonize american muslims, hispanics, and african american organizations (e.g., NAACP), and should continue to tell poor people to pull themselves up by their own boot straps.

I mean those jokes about the black welfare queens, were solid gold I tell you! Solid gold!
Hmm...someone seems a bit tetchy.

yeah, (please pardon my French) some b*tch cut me off on the way to the treadmill this morning when I had been waiting for it so I did no cardio. Now I have all this pent-up energy and I'm still pissed. Plus waking up at 5:00am sucks.
yeah, (please pardon my French) some b*tch cut me off on the way to the treadmill this morning when I had been waiting for it so I did no cardio. Now I have all this pent-up energy and I'm still pissed. Plus waking up at 5:00am sucks.

You should have shoved her from behind. Totally justified. i would have.
Man... Losing that last election was the best thing to happen to Democrats in a loooong time.

That was what I said at the time if anyone remembers.
I was sorely tempted to vote for Bush for that reason, but just could not bring myself to do it. Would have lost respect for myself.
It IS funny! I'm with you: I think the GOP grassroots and politicians should continue to demonize american muslims, hispanics, and african american organizations (e.g., NAACP), and should continue to tell poor people to pull themselves up by their own boot straps.

I mean those jokes about the black welfare queens, were solid gold I tell you! Solid gold!

What does that have to do with poverty in Africa and Asia? What does that have to do with anti-semitism in Europe and the Middle East? But hey, it is the GOP's fault that the French economy cannot revive itself.

As far as demonizing look at how you demonize christian conservatives. You (the collective and individual) demonize just the same except you demonize different people so you have zero moral high ground.
What does that have to do with poverty in Africa and Asia? What does that have to do with anti-semitism in Europe and the Middle East? But hey, it is the GOP's fault that the French economy cannot revive itself.

As far as demonizing look at how you demonize christian conservatives. You (the collective and individual) demonize just the same except you demonize different people so you have zero moral high ground.

You can't demonize demons. Being actual demons, they self-demonize, we just point it out.

That is very different from racism.