Americans Blame GOP For Most of World’s Problems

LOL, that was absolutely hilarious! That was one of those threads that I laughed so hard at I teared up. What made it so bad was I think her name was in the URL or on the picture itself. :clink:

I crack me up.......

LOL. I'm cracking up again now thinking about it. That's so like me, not paying attention to details. That was a funny one though.
whatever I said many times before...yes I did do that...however it was in response to anothers challenge...a joke!...Over your head go back to the art gallery and check the backsides of the frames...maybe ya will see a boob or two..who knows!
BS about it being a joke or a tongue-in-cheek response. we all read it, and the post yoiu responded to, Didn't you also tell someone to bend over and take it liker a man???